Green smart and healthy building Decoration Instructions 绿色智慧健康建筑 装修须知
10全服务 10美生活洛卡恩服务·家的守护
防尘保护 02
通风管道保护 .02..
风口防尘保护 02
环境一体机冷媒管、保温套管保护 03
环境一体机冷凝水排水管、保温套管保护 03
冷凝水排水管标高保护 03
严禁拆改注意事项 .06.
房间吊顶 10
设备间吊顶 11
烟机安装 16
厨房补风 16
厨卫排水 17
环境一体机回风口 17
地漏 17
洛卡恩 10 全服务 18联系洛卡恩 20
English 22


Note for demolition and modification






室内各房间门与地板之间应留有 20\mathsf{mm} 以上缝隙作为溢流口,保障整屋的空气循环流通。
Matters needing attention in ceiling construction

为风口预留的吊顶洞口尺寸应略大于风口尺寸,四周架设木龙骨,百叶风口与风管之间应预留 150mm{*}300mm 软连接安装距离,软连接应为帆布材质且必须完全撑开,避免因帆布堵塞风口影响送风、回风效果。

应对吊顶内采取隔声降噪吸音等处理措施,常用方式是在吊顶空间内进行六面满贴厚度 >=50\mathsf{mm} 的蛋壳吸音棉,并确保每一面粘贴吸音棉后与环境一体机仍有一定空间距离。(如果不考虑成本因素,可以选用级别更高的隔音材料或隔音措施)

环境一体机正下方应按照示意图标识尺寸预留检修口(检修口也应进行隔音处理),保证环境一体机门板可以完全打开且侧边的电控箱有足够的检修操作空间,如果环境一体机门板与吊顶之间垂直距离>=slant300mm ,电控箱侧检修操作空间应增加 100\mathsf{mm} 以上。

Precautions for kitchen and sanitary construction



厨房洗菜盆和卫生间洗漱池等排水管道应设置存水弯,水封深度>=slant50\mathsf{mm} ,且排水管道与房屋排水系统连接部位应做好密封处理,防止污浊气体向室内倒灌。


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Precautions for Protection upon Entering the Decoration Site
Dust proof protection 26. Ventductprotection 26 Air outlet for dust proof protection .26. Environment integrated machine refrigerant pipe and thermal insulation pipeprotection 27 Environment integrated machine condensing water drainage pipe and thermal insulation pipe protection. .27 Condensate water drainage pipe elevation protection 27
Note for demolition and modification 30
Note for ceiling construction
Room celling. 34
Ceiling construction in the equipment room. 35
Precautions for kitchen and sanitary construction
Kitchen ventilator installation. 40
Thekitchenwindsupplement 40
Kitchen and bathroom drainage. 41
Thereturn air of the environment all-in-one machine 41
Floor drain 41
Lowcarn10 full service 43
Contact Lowcarn 45
Precautions for Protection upon Entering the Decoration Site
Precautions for Protection upon Entering the Decoration Site

I Dust proof protection
Before decoration, dust proof protection measures should be taken for intelligent controller, intelligent detector and environmental all in-one machine to avoid pollution and damage of precision electronic components. If there is dirt,it will lead to abnormal detection of indoor data indicators,instructions cannot be conveyed or transfer error, then it will effect the normal operation.
I Vent duct protection
Before decoration, the ventilation pipe should be protected, and it is strictly prohibited to dismantle and bump against the air duct. Demolition and bump against the air duct will lead to indoor air flow disorder, uneven cold and heat, uneven air volume, unable to achieve healthy and comfortable living effect, and even lead to theinvalidity of the ultra low energy comsumption.
I Air outlet for dust protection
Before decoration, the air outlet in all parties shall be protected to prevent the decoration dust from entering the indoor pipe from the air outlet; if there is dust in the pipe, it will blow into the room with the fresh air, leading to indoor secondarypollution.

I Environmental integrated machine refrigerant tube and insulation casing protection
It is strictly prohibited to destroy the refrigerant tube of the environmental integrated machine and its insulation casing. If accidentally damaged, the refrigerant tube will condense water, refrigerant leakage, indoor temperature will not rise in winter, indoor temperature does not fall in summer, energy consumption will increase and the ideal living effect cannot be achieved.
I Environment integrated machine condensing water drainage pipe, protection casing protection
It is strictly prohibited to destroy the condensate drainage pipe and its insulation casing of the environmental all-in-one machine. If damaged carelessly, it will lead to condensate water leakage, damage to equipment, polluted ceiling, etc.
I Condensate water drainage, pipe elevation protection
It is strictly prohibited to raise the elevation of the condensed water drainage pipe in the decoration process of brick or ceiling, destroy the drainage slope,and reversethecondensedwater.
Note for demolition and modification
No removal, matters needing attention

It is strictly prohibited to drill, hole, pipe, dig, transform andbuild other facilities on all original structures such as externalwalls, household walls, floors, roofs and terraces, so as not todamage the insulation layer and air tight layer, produce heatbridge effect, and even lead to the failure of Lowcarn green smart and healthy building.
It is strictly forbidden to dismantle, change or close the balcony. The design of the green smart and healthy building needs to be strictly Dense data calculation and operation simulation.lf change arbitrarily will seriously damage the design effect and increase energy Consumption, unable to achieve a healthy and comfortable living effect.

It is strictly prohibited to remove or move the passive door and passive outer window, and it is strictly prohibited to destroy the air tightness measures such as waterproof and waterproof breathable around the doors and Windows. If the system is damaged, it will cause the increased energy consumption and the complete failure of the passive ultra-low energy consumption building, which cannot achieve a healthy and comfortable living effect.

It is strictly prohibited to dismantle or modify sunshades and supporting accessories. Sunshades have properties such as sun protection, sound insulation, and heat preservation. If they are dismantled or damaged, it will not only lead to the loss of use functions, but also destroy the building's airtight system in the process, and may even cause the green smart and healthy building to fail; if the building is equipped with outdoor solar photovoltaic panels or other facilities, it is also strictly prohibited to dismantle or modify them.

It isstrictlyprohibited to dismantle,modify,orrelocateconstruction nodes such as public power distribution facilities, communication facilities, water supply and drainage pipes, indoor strong and weak electrical boxes, and household power lines. All construction nodes of green smart and healthy building have undergone airtightness and thermal bridge treatment. If they are arbitrarily damaged, it will lead to a decrease in building airtightness, heat conduction, and ultimately increase energy consumption, and even the failure of green smart and healthy building building. If it is necessary to make changes, the scope of the changes should be reduced and carried out under the guidance of professional personnel. After the changes are completed, professional airtight sealing and anti thermalbridgetreatmentmustbecarriedout.
It is strictly prohibited to remove or change the position of the tuyere or change the size of the tuyere, so as to avoid the dislocation between the tuyere and the pipeline, insufficient air volume, holding back the wind or unable to supply the air,and fail toachieve the designeffect.
The pipe and the air outlet should be soft connected with canvas,and aluminum foil is strictly prohibited to prevent condensate water at the air outlet.

It is strictly prohibited to replace the double-layer shutter adjustable tuyere with decorative air tuyere, which affects the air guide effect and disrupts the air supplydirection.

Thereshouldbeagapof morethan 20\mathsf{mm} leftbetweenthedoorand thefloor of each room as an overflow port, so that the indoor fresh air and return air balance, and ensure the air circulation of the whole room.
Precautions for Ceiling Construction
1、 Room ceiling

The size of the ceiling opening reserved for the air outlet should be slightly larger than the size of the air outlet.Woodenkeels should be installed around it, and asoftconnectioninstallationdistanceof 150mm{*}300mm shouldbereserved between the louver air outlet and the air duct. The soft connection should be made of canvas material and must be fully stretched to avoid affecting the air supply and return effect due to canvas blocking the air outlet.
The ceiling light trough below the air supply outlet should not be too wide, and the light trough vertical plate should not be too high, so as not to block the air supply channel and affect the air supply effect, resulting in the indoor can to reach ahealthy and comfortable temperature.
2、 Ceiling construcion of the equipment room

It is advisable to choose honeycomb aluminum board or gypsum board and other ceiling materials with good sound insulation effect, it is not recommended to choose small single layer thin metal ceiling material, so as not to produce resonance and amplification sound transmission, while prohibiting the ceiling keel to block the environment integrated machine door board, so as not to affect the daily maintenance and maintenance.
Measures such as sound insulation, noise reduction and sound absorption should be taken in the ceiling. The common way is to make six eggshell cotton withathicknessof 50\mathsf{mm} in the ceiling space, and ensure that there is still a certain space distance with the environmental all-in-onemachine.(if thecost factor is not considered, you can choose a higher grade of sound insulation materialsorsoundinsulationmeasures)

A maintenance port should be reserved directly below the environmental integrated machine according to the size indicated in the diagram (the maintenance port should also be treated with sound insulation), ensuring that the door panel of the environmental integrated machine can be fully opened and there is sufficient maintenance operation space on the side of the electrical control box. If the vertical distance between the door panel of the environmental integrated machine and the ceiling is >=slant300\mathsf{mm} ,themaintenance operation space on the side of the electrical control box should be increased by more than 100\mathsf{mm}

It is strictlyprohibited tolift the card,boom,ceilingkeel and other decoration accessories and environment integrated machine, pipe, Suspension bars and other related parts contact or share,so as to avoid resonance sound transmission or aggravating load.The electric air valve, manual air valve and anti-freezing protection box installed on the pipeline should be marked according to the schematic diagram, and the access port should be reserved for commissioning andmaintenance.
It is strictly prohibited to lift the card, boom, ceiling keel and other decoration accessories and environment integrated machine, pipe, Suspension bars and other related parts contact or share, so as to avoid resonance sound transmission oraggravatingload.
Precautions for kitchen and sanitary construction
Kitchen and bathroom construction precautions

Smoke machine installation
When selecting the smoke machine, the model should be appropriate and the exhaust air volume should not be too large to prevent imbalance between indoor air exhaust and makeup air. When installing a smoke exhaust fan,reserved smoke exhaust holes should be used. It is strictly prohibited to open holes on the flue to avoid damaging the airtightness of the flue. At the same time, a well sealed flue check valve should be installed to avoid kitchen odor.

The make-up air of kitchen
In order to prevent indoor negative pressure and ensure the balance betwee air exhaust and air supply, the kitchen air repair device should be opened simultaneously; the kitchen air repair device should not be blocked, and cabinets should be installed with Leaf cabinet door, to ensure the effect of wind repair

I Kitchen and bathroom drainage
Kitchen washbasin and bathroom washbasin and other drainage pipes should be set up with water storage bend, water seal depth >=50mm , and the drainage pipe and the house drainage system connection parts should be well sealed to prevent foul gas to the indoor backflow.

I The return air of the ventilation system is mostly
The return air of the ventilation system is mostly set in the bathroom, and the return air port should be reserved separately. It is strictly prohibited to share with bathroom infrared heater exhaust system or exhaust fan, and a soft connection shouldbeinstalledbetweenthe airoutlet and the airduct.

Floor drain
It is strictly prohibited to choose mechanical seal floor drain, it is appropriate to choose water seal floor drain, forthe irregularly used water seal floor drain to fill water regularly, to ensure that the water seal can play a full role, to prevent the dirty gas from pouring into the room.
Contact Lowcarn

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