Global Service Center European
HVAC Supermarket
Wechat Public Account
Sunfly is a trademark of Sunfly,
a s m a r t h e a t i n g c o m p a n y
headquartered in Europe and one
of the leading European valve and
building control system service
providers, offering solutions for
residential and industrial heating,
cooling, cold and hot water supply
and advanced control components.
T h e c o m pa n y i s o n e of t h e
representatives of the first-class
level \"Made in Europe\".
S u n f l y h a s a n u m b e r of
manufacturing plants around the world
and subsidiaries in many countries
around the world, as well as sales and
service organizations in more than a
dozen countries and regions, and its
products have successfully passed the
EU CE certification, the ISO14001
international environmental protection
system. OHSAS18001 health and safety
management certification and
professional certification, ISO9001
i n t e r n a tion a l qu a l it y s y s t em
certification, RoHS certification, has a
large number of highly skilled, skilled
and motivated employees, Education
and training are essential prerequisites
for leading enterprises to success. great
importance for the development of
talents. Has several industry experts
and many senior engineers.
Sunfly has good and stable
business relationships with many
retailers, consulting companies and
contractors, and has formed a one-stop
purchasing platform for heating,
ventilation and air conditioning
products - Sunfly (Europe) HVAC
Supermarket, which provides users with
a fast, professional and safe service.
Sunfly (Europe) HVAC supermarket
agents in more than 80 regions in
Europe and America, and their products
are used in municipal projects and
hotels in many countries, such as:
Santorini Hotel, Gem Hotel, Lausanne
Polytechnic and others.
SUNFLY master of smart technology
Leading a healthy lifestyle
Focus on 10
Sunfly views technology, ecology,
health, energy conservation and
environmental protection as its corporate
social responsibility and considers it the
highest development goal of the company.