This report cannot be reproduced
falsification of the content
sample(s) tested.
bottles should be in the same direction, should not cross. A safety helmet must be fitted for cylinder
transport. Transport vehicles should be equipped
and emergency equipment leakage during transport.
whether container integrity, sealing. The transport unit must be placarded and marked in accordance with
relevant transporting
15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations / laws for pure substances or
Catalogue of hazardous chemicals (2015 Edition)
Catalog number of hazardous chemicals:
CAS No.: 74-98-6
English name: propane
15.2 Safety assessment of chemical substances
Not evaluated
SECTION 15. Regulatory information
The above information is based on the
the date hereof. Since this information may be
may be unfamiliar and since data made available
of the information, we do not assume any responsibility for the result of its use, this information is furnished
upon condition that the person receiving it shall
for his particular purpose.
SECTION 16. Other information
Report No. NB2022076007EN Date:
report cannot be reproduced partly, without prior written permission of Laboratory.Any unautho
content of this document is unlawful. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test
ShengfengRoad,Venture IndustrialPark,XinheCommunity,WanjiangDistrict,Dongguan C
should be in the same direction, should not cross. A safety helmet must be fitted for cylinder
equipped with the appropriate variety and quantity of fire
and emergency equipment leakage during transport. Before transport, should be preceded by checking
whether container integrity, sealing. The transport unit must be placarded and marked in accordance with
Safety, health and environmental regulations / laws for pure substances or mixtures
Catalogue of hazardous chemicals (2015 Edition)
chemicals: 139
the data of which we are aware and is believed to be
may be applied under conditions beyond our control and
available subsequent to the date hereof may suggest
of the information, we do not assume any responsibility for the result of its use, this information is furnished
shall make his own determination of the suitability of
Date: July 14, 2022
*************** END ***************
rized alteration,forgery or
test report refer only to the
should be in the same direction, should not cross. A safety helmet must be fitted for cylinder
fire equipment
Before transport, should be preceded by checking
whether container integrity, sealing. The transport unit must be placarded and marked in accordance with
be correct as of
and with which
of the information, we do not assume any responsibility for the result of its use, this information is furnished
of the material
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