
发布时间:2019-8-22 | 杂志分类:其他


“一带一路”和长江经济带重要节点城市 成渝经济区东向开放门户枢纽 方 圆200公里 唯一 超 过1 0 0万 人 口 的 区 域 性 中 心 城 市 中国优秀旅游城市 三峡库区最大的移民城市 长江上游“产业生态化 生态产业化”先行示范区 “中国烤鱼之乡”“中国古红桔之乡” …… “the belt and road initiative\" and Important Node Cities in Yangtze River Economic Belt Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone East-bound Open Portal Hub The only regional central city with a population of more than 1 million within 200 kilometers. China Excellent Tourism City The Largest Immigrant City in Three Gorges Reservoir Area \"In... [收起]
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“一带一路”和长江经济带重要节点城市 成渝经济区东向开放门户枢纽 方 圆200公里 唯一 超 过1 0 0万 人 口 的 区 域 性 中 心 城 市 中国优秀旅游城市 三峡库区最大的移民城市 长江上游“产业生态化 生态产业化”先行示范区 “中国烤鱼之乡”“中国古红桔之乡” …… “the belt and road initiative\" and Important Node Cities in Yangtze River Economic Belt Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone East-bound Open Portal Hub The only regional central city with a population of more than 1 million within 200 kilometers. China Excellent Tourism City The Largest Immigrant City in Three Gorges Reservoir Area \"Industrial Ecology and Ecological Industrialization\" Pilot Demonstration Area in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River “Hometown of Roast Fish in China\" and \"Hometown of Ancient Red Orange in China” ……




WANZHOU 概况 BASICS 地理 GEOGRAPHY 地处重庆东北部、三峡库区腹心, 享“万川毕汇、万商云集”之美誉。 Located in the northeast of Chongqing and the hinterland of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, Enjoy the reputation of “surrounded by thousands of mountains, frequented by thousands of merchants”. 面积 AREA 3 4 5 7平 方 公 里 , 城 市 建 成 区 面 积1 0 0平 方 公 里(含 水 域 ) , 辖5 2个 镇 乡 、 街 道 。 3457 square kilometers, The urban built-up area is nearly 100 square kilometers (including waters) with 52 subordinate towns, township and sub-districts. 01/02 万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


投资万州 overview of wanzhou 人口 POPULATION 总 人 口1 7 6万 , 城 区 常 住 人 口1 0 0万 。 The total population is 1.76 million, and the urban population is 1 million. 万州 WANZHOU 行政区划 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 是重庆市人口最多、管理单元最多、城市体量最大、移民任务最重的区县。 在举世瞩目的三峡移民中, 万 州 搬 迁 安 置 移 民2 6 . 3万 , 占 三 峡 库 区 百 万 移 民 的 五 分 之 一 。 Wanzhou, as a district of Chongqing, has the largest population, the most management units, the largest urban volume and the most heavy migration tasks. Among the Three Gorges immigrants who attracted worldwide attention, the relocated and resettled immigrants in Wanzhou was 263 thousand, accounting for one fifth of immigrants in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.


HISTORY AND HUMANITIES 万州,原名万县,因“万川毕汇”而 得名,“万商云集”而闻名。自东汉建安 二 十 一 年 (2 1 6年 ) 始 设 羊 渠 县 至 今 , 已 有 1 8 0 0年建 城 历史。 唐 宋以来, 万 州成为 三 峡文明大通道的重要节点,是三峡文化的 荟萃之地。 Wanzhou, formerly known as Wanxian County, is famous for its \"Wanchuan Bihui\" and \"Wanshang Gathering\". Yangqu County has a history of 1800 years since it was founded in the 21st year of Jian'an in the Eastern Han Dynasty (216 years). Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, Wanzhou has become an important node of the Three Gorges Civilization Avenue and a gathering place of the Three Gorges culture. 03/04 万 州 投 资 指 南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


李白、杜甫、苏轼、黄庭坚等文人墨客在此驻足抒怀,吟诗留迹。近现代,何其 芳、刘孟伉等知名作家和诗人,创作出脍炙人口的作品。万州是下川东革命的策源地, 是一座英雄之城。巴渝文化、三峡文化、移民文化、抗战文化、红色文化在这里绵延相 传。三峡移民爱国、奉献、协作、拼搏的精神,已成为这座城市精神的重要内涵,成为 万州人奋进的力量源泉。 Li Bai, Du Fu, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian and other literati and poets stop here to express their feelings and recite poems. In modern times, famous writers and poets such as He Qifang and Liu Mengling have created popular works. Wanzhou is the birthplace of the Eastern Xiachuan Revolution and a city of heroes. Bayu Culture, Three Gorges Culture, Immigration Culture, Anti-Japanese War Culture and Red Culture are passed down here. The spirit of patriotism, dedication, cooperation and struggle of the Three Gorges immigrants has become an important connotation of the spirit of the city and a source of strength for the people of Wanzhou. 053/064万州投资指万南州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESWTMANEZNHTOGUUIIDNEVESTMENT GUIDE


历史厚重 人才荟萃 overview of wanzhou


HISTORY AND HUMANITIES 万州,历为三峡水陆要津,“舟车之会 ”。历史上一条万梁古道西连成都,一条黄 金水道东出三峡。万川毕汇、万商云集,成 就了“成渝万”之美誉,成就了西部地区通 江达海的重要开放门户和物资集散中心。 Wanzhou has always been the capital of the Three Gorges, the \"boat-car meeting\". Historically, a Wanliang ancient road links Chengdu to the West and a golden waterway goes east to the Three Gorges. Wanchuan Bihui and Wanshang are gathered together, which has achieved the reputation of \"Chengdu, Chongqing and Wanzhou\" and the important open portal and material distribution center of the western region. 07/08 万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


今天的万州,水、陆、空立体交通网络迅速形成,成为中国西部的交通枢 纽,财通八方,连接世界。 依托长江黄金水道,发挥铁公水联运优势,万州港成为辐射全国的物流大通 道 , 常 年 可 通 航5 0 0 0吨 级 船 舶 。 沿 长 江 往 上 游 与 中 欧 班 列 无 缝 衔 接 , 往 下 游 实 现 江海直达。 Today, in Wanzhou, the three-dimensional transportation network of water, land and air has rapidly formed, becoming a transportation hub in Western China, with eight financial links connecting the world. Relying on the Yangtze River Gold Waterway and giving full play to the advantages of rail-water intermodal transport, Wanzhou Port has become a major logistics channel radiating the whole country and can navigate 5,000 tons of ships all year round. The upper reaches of the Yangtze River are seamlessly connected with the Central European Banquet and the lower reaches are directly connected by the river and the sea. 万州 09/10 万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


区域中心 西部枢纽 overview of wanzhou 新亚欧大陆桥 哈尔滨 霍尔果斯 北京 天津 乌鲁木齐 渝津海铁联通通道 兰州 西安 环渤海经济圈 西三角经济圈 拉萨 南京 长三角经济圈 上海 珠三角经济圈 杭州 长江经济带 昭通 贵州 昆明 中缅油气管道 台湾 瑞丽 广州 深圳 南宁 澳门 香港 北部湾港 印度洋出海通道 海口 六 条 高 铁 将 交 汇 于 万 州 , 每 天1 0 0多 对 动 车 , 让 南 来 北 往 的 客 商 实 现1小 时 重 庆 主 城 、 成都 、 宜昌 ,2小时武汉 、西安 ,3小时郑 州 、贵 阳 ,6小时北 京、上 海 、广州的快捷到达。 沪蓉高 速、银 百高速 、 包茂 高 速等8条高 速密织 起畅达 全国的 公 路网。 这里有重 庆 第二大机 场 , 规划建成4 E级干线 机 场 。已开通 万 州 至泰国、 越 南 国际航 线, 至 北京 、 上海、 广州、 深圳等2 0多条国内 航 线。 Six high-speed trains will intersect in Wanzhou, with more than 100 pairs of trains per day. Businessmen from south to North will be able to reach the main city of Chongqing, Chengdu and Yichang in one hour, Wuhan and Xi'an in two hours, Zhengzhou and Guiyang in three hours, and Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in six hours. Eight highways, such as Hurong Expressway, Yinbai Expressway and Baomao Expressway, are closely woven into a nationwide highway network. There is the second largest airport in Chongqing. It is planned to build a 4E trunk airport. Wanzhou to Thailand, Vietnam and more than 20 domestic routes to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have been opened.


BUSINESSMEN CONFLUENCE IN AN OPEN TOWN 万 州 , 积 淀 了1 0 0余 年 的 开 放 历 史 。1 9 0 2年 ,万 州 被辟 为通商 口岸,1 9 1 7年 设立 海 关。 领 开放风气之先,成就了万货集散、万客来游之 地,成就了渝东北商贸物流中心,带动辐射周 边20 00多万人口。 Wanzhou has accumulated more than 100 years of open history. In 1902, Wanzhou was established as a trading port, and the Customs was established in 1917. First of all, it has achieved the place where ten thousand goods are distributed and ten thousand visitors come and visit, the business and logistics center in northeastern Chongqing, and the population around it is more than 20 million people. 0151//1026 万 州 投 资 指 南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


投资万州 overview of wanzhou


今天的万州,主动融入“一带一路”和长江经济 带发展,加快融入陆海新通道。正在形成综合保税 区、保税物流中心、国家进境粮食指定口岸、航空口 岸、水运口岸多个对外开放平台,打造全新开放升级 版。万州港纳入启运港退税口岸范围。配套完善的海 关、商检,让落地这里的企业体验到家门口报关、通 关的高效便捷。 借助全国对口支援三峡工程经贸洽谈会这张闪亮 名片,万州与各对口支援省市深化经济合作,互惠共 赢。 传承开放包容、海纳百川的气质,这里,正在成 为物流商流信息流的聚集地。 Today, Wanzhou is actively integrating into the \"one belt\" and the Yangtze River economic belt to accelerate the integration into new land and sea channels. A number of open platforms, such as comprehensive bonded areas, bonded logistics centers, designated national ports for grain imports, air ports and water ports, are being formed to create a brand-new and upgraded version. Wanzhou Port shall be included in the scope of the tax refund port of the port of departure. Complete Customs and Commodity Inspection, so that enterprises landing here experience the efficient and convenient customs clearance at home.With the shining business card of the National Counterpart Support Economic and Trade Fair for the Three Gorges Project, Wanzhou and other counterparts support provinces and municipalities to deepen economic cooperation and win-win situation.Inheritance of open and inclusive, Hainabaichuan temperament, here, is becoming the gathering place of logistics business flow information flow. 13/14 万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


万 州-东 南 亚 国 际 班 列


\"ONE HEART, SIX TYPES\" LEADS DEVELOPMENT 今天的万州,践行“一心六型”两 化路径:以提升全域水质为中心,推进 循环智能型工业、山地高效型农业、集 散服务型旅游业、绿色智慧型物流业、 特色融合型文创产业和休闲养生型康养 业发展,打造长江上游“产业生态化、 生态产业化”先行示范区。 Today, Wanzhou practices the \"one-mind-six-type\" two-way approach: focusing on improving the water quality of the whole region, promoting the development of circular intelligent industry, high-efficiency agriculture in mountainous areas, distributed service-oriented tourism, green intelligent logistics industry, feature-integrated creative industry and leisure health-care industry, and creating the \"industrial ecology\" in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. The first demonstration area of ecological industrialization. 15/16 万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


DEVELOP CIRCULATING INTELLIGENT INDUSTRY AND BUILD GREEN MANUFACTURING BASE IN UPPER REACHES OF YANGTZE RIVER 精准落实以大数据智能化为引领的创新驱动发展战略行动计划、军民融合发展战略行 动计划,充分发挥国家级万州经济技术开发区主战场作用,大力发展绿色照明、智能装 备、食品医药、汽车、新材料五大产业,建成长江上游绿色制造基地。 万 州 经 开 区 于2 0 1 0年6月 经 国 务 院 批 准 升 级 为 国 家 级 经 开 区 , 是 渝 东 北 地 区 唯 一 的 国 家 级 开 发 区 。 园 区 按 “ 一 区 五 园 ” 布 局 , 规 划 面 积7 3平 方 公 里 , 现 已 开 发 面 积2 3平 方 公 里 , 入 驻 国 内 外 知 名 企 业3 0 0余 家 。 园 区 以 产 兴 城 产 城 融 合 。 建 成 和 在 建 生 产 生 活 及 配 套 用 房2 8 0万 平 方 米 , 自 来 水 厂 、 污 水处理厂、热岛中心、港口码头、天然气配气站、消防应急处理中心等一应俱全。 The national Wanzhou Economic Development Zone is the main position for the development of circular intelligent industry. Wanzhou Jingkai District is based on the layout of \"one district, five gardens\", one garden and one characteristic. The planned area is nearly 73 square kilometers, and 23 square kilometers have been developed.There are more than 300 enterprises in the park, a number of top 500 enterprises in the world and top 500 enterprises in China have been stationed one after another. It has formed five leading industries: green lighting, intelligent equipment, food and medicine, automobile and new materials. 17/18 万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


\"一心六型\" 引领发展 overview of wanzhou 万 州经 开区现 有近50家国 家级 高新 技术 企业 、市 级创 新 示范 企业 ;近20个国 家企 业技 术中心、工程技术研究中心、院士专家工作站、博士后科研工作站和产学研协同创新平 台 ; 投 资2亿 元 建 成 科 技 创 新 中 心 , 智 慧 和 创 意 源 源 不 断 , 让 企 业 发 展 永 续 活 力 。 Wanzhou Jingkai District has nearly 50 state-level high-tech enterprises and municipal innovation demonstration enterprises; nearly 20 national enterprise technology centers, engineering technology research centers, academician expert workstations, post-doctoral research workstations and industry-university-research collaborative innovation platforms; it has invested 200 million yuan to build scientific and technological innovation centers, with a steady flow of wisdom and creativity. Let the enterprise develop continuously and vigorously.


GREEN LIGHTING INDUSTRY 依 托 世 界5 0 0强 法 国 施 耐 德 电 气 和 雷 士 照 明 、 三 雄极光这两家位居中国照明行业前五强的龙头企业 ,深化与广东照明电器协会和“走出去”照明产业 联盟合作,打造西南地区最大的照明电气产业基地 。重点引进商业照明、工业照明、植物照明、车用 照明等 应 用 项目, 培 育发展LED外延片 、 芯片、 封 装 等项目,延伸绿色照明产业链。 The national Wanzhou Economic Development Zone is the main position for the development of circular intelligent industry. Wanzhou Jingkai District is based on the layout of \"one district, five gardens\", one garden and one characteristic. The planned area is nearly 73 square kilometers, and 23 square kilometers have been developed.There are more than 300 enterprises in the park, a number of top 500 enterprises in the world and top 500 enterprises in China have been stationed one after another. It has formed five leading industries: green lighting, intelligent equipment, food and medicine, automobile and new materials. INTELLIGENT EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY 依 托 世 界50 0强 中 船 重 工 集 团 , 打 造 万 州 智 能装备产业园、新能源装备产业园。依托中国液 压成形装备行业一流企业江东机械,打造万州装 备制造产业园。加快行业智能型升级改造,重点 引进船舶配套及特种船艇、锻压设备及成形技术 、智能仪器仪表等产业项目。 Relying on the world's top 500 China Shipping Heavy Industry Group, Wanzhou Intelligent Equipment Industrial Park and New Energy Equipment Industrial Park are built. Relying on Jiangdong Machinery, the first-class enterprise in China's Hydroforming Equipment industry, Wanzhou Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park is built. Accelerate the upgrading and transformation of the industry's intelligent type, focusing on the introduction of supporting ships and special boats, forging equipment and forming technology, intelligent instrumentation and other industrial projects. 19/20 万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


\"一心六型\" 引领发展 overview of wanzhou INTELLIGENT EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY 依托享誉世界三大盐渍食品之一的鱼泉榨 菜,和国内花椒油专业生产骨干企业树上鲜集 团,食品产业突出发展万州特色食品、休闲食 品、调味品等产业,做大盘强万州烤鱼、万州 面、万州果蔬及茶叶;发挥国家进境粮食指定口 岸优势,发展粮食加工;依托冷链物流,发展冷 冻食品加工。 Relying on Yuquan pickle, one of the world's three most famous saline foods, and Shushu Fresh Group, the backbone enterprise specializing in pepper oil production in China, the food industry has highlighted the development of Wanzhou specialty food, leisure food, condiments and other industries, making Wanzhou roast fish, Wanzhou noodles, Wanzhou fruits and vegetables and tea a bigger and stronger market; Coastal advantage, development of food processing; relying on cold chain logistics, development of frozen food processing. 医药产业依托迪康长江制药、龙翼生物科技等 企业,重点引进原料药、医疗器械、医药中间体、生 物制药等产业,打造现代医药产业集群。 The pharmaceutical industry relies on Dikang Changjiang Pharmaceutical Company and Longyi Biotechnology Company, focusing on the introduction of raw materials, medical devices, pharmaceutical intermediates, biopharmaceuticals and other industries to build a modern pharmaceutical industry cluster.


AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY 依托全国轻型车行业前三甲的长安跨越,重点 引进特种车、专用车、新能源车等整车及关键零部件 配 套 项 目 , 形 成 “ 龙 头 企 业+骨 干 企 业+配 套 企 业 ” 的 产业格局。 Relying on the Chang'an leapfrogging of the top three light vehicle industries in China, we will focus on introducing complete vehicles and key parts supporting projects such as special vehicles, special vehicles, new energy vehicles, and so on to form the industrial pattern of \"leading enterprises + backbone enterprises + supporting enterprises\". 21/22 万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


\"一心六型\" 引领发展 overview of wanzhou NEW MATERIAL INDUSTRY 依 托 中 国5 0 0强 、 全 球 规 模 最 大 、 技 术 最 先 进 的 精 密 铜 管 生 产 企 业 — 金 龙 集 团 , 和 稀 有 材料行业的世界领导者—广东先导稀材,重点发展铜基新材料、半导体芯片材料、纤维复 合材料、新型建材等产业。 Relying on Jinlong Group, China's top 500, the world's largest and most technologically advanced precise copper pipe manufacturer, and Guangdong Pioneer Rare Materials Industry, we will focus on the development of new copper- based materials, semiconductor chip materials, fiber composite materials, new building materials and other industries.


DEVELOPING HIGH-EFFICIENCY AGRICULTURE IN MOUNTAINOUS AREAS AND BUILDING ORGANIC AGRICULTURAL AGGREGATION AREAS IN THE UPPER REACHES OF THE YANGTZE RIVER 万州大山大川,独特的高山立体气候适宜发展柑橘、柠檬、 茶叶、中药材、伏淡季水果等特色效益农业。立足国家农业公 园、现代农业示范区、农村一二三产业融合发展示范区建设,围 绕山地高效优势产业、农产品精深加工、农村一二三产业融合、 国家农业公园、田园综合体、有机农业、典型流域农业面源污染 综合治理、古红桔保护性提质改良、渝鲁农业合作等项目,培育 发展山地高效型农业集群。 Wanzhou Dashan and Dachuan, with its unique Alpine three-dimensional climate, is suitable for the development of characteristic and beneficial agriculture, such as citrus, lemon, tea, traditional Chinese medicine and off-season fruit. Based on the construction of National Agricultural Park, Modern Agricultural Demonstration Zone and Rural One, Two and Three Industries Fusion Development Demonstration Zone, we will focus on high-efficient superior industries in mountainous areas, intensive processing of agricultural products, rural One, Two and Three Industries Fusion, National Agricultural Park, pastoral complex, organic agriculture, comprehensive control of agricultural non-point source pollution in Typical River basins, ancient red orange. Projects such as conservation, quality improvement and agricultural cooperation between Chongqing and Shandong will cultivate and develop high- efficiency agricultural clusters in mountainous areas. 23/24万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


\"一心六型\" 引领发展 overview of wanzhou 中药材


DEVELOPING DISTRIBUTED SERVICE-ORIENTED TOURISMBUILD THE THREE GORGES TOURISM DISTRIBUTION CENTER 万州自古就是山清水秀美丽之地。如今,便捷的水陆空交通网络,把三峡库区 连成一片。打好“三峡”牌、“山城”牌、“人文”牌、“温泉”牌、“乡村” 牌,将加快旅游景区景点建设,重点实施滨江环湖开发、万州大瀑布升级改造、潭 獐峡开发等一批项目;推动旅游融合发展,办好世界大河歌会、乡村旅游文化节等 节会活动,建设太白岩公园、天生城大遗址公园、农业公园等文旅、农旅融合项 目;提升旅游集散能力,把三峡水上巴士游,打造为三峡特色文化旅游精品线路, 形成“畅游三峡·万州出发”旅游新格局。 Wanzhou has been a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers since ancient times. Nowadays, the convenient water, land and air transportation network links the Three Gorges Reservoir area together. Playing well the \"Three Gorges\", \"Mountain City\", \"Humanities\", \"Hot Spring\" and \"Village\" brand will speed up the construction of scenic spots, focusing on a number of projects such as the development of rivers and lakes, the upgrading and transformation of Wanzhou Great Falls, and the development of Tanzhangxia; promoting the integration and development of tourism, and running well the World River Song Festival and rural tourism literature. Huafestival and other festival activities, the construction of Taibaiyan Park, Tianshengcheng Grand Site Park, Agricultural Park and other cultural tourism, agricultural tourism integration projects; enhance tourism distribution capacity, the Three Gorges Water Bus Tour, to create a unique cultural tourism line for the Three Gorges, the formation of a \"Changyou Three Gorges Wanzhou Start\" tourism new pattern. 25/26万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


\"一心六型\" 引领发展 overview of wanzhou


DEVELOPING CHARACTERISTIC FUSION-ORIENTED LITERARY CREATION INDUSTRY AND BUILDING UPLAND OF LITERARY CREATION INDUSTRY IN NORTHEAST CHONGQING 万州有五大专业剧团,多个剧目荣获国家级奖项,被誉为中国戏剧的“万州现象 ”;川东竹琴、三峡绣等被纳入国家级、市级非物质文化遗产目录。立足充分发挥地 域文化特色,加强地方历史文化保护、传承和利用,推进非物质文化遗产、文化艺术 精品力作市场化;积极培育新兴文化产业,拓展创意设计、网络直播、电子竞技、商 业 演 出 、 印 刷 包 装 、 影 视 动 漫 产 品 等 领 域 ; 推 动 “ 文 化+” 融 合 发 展 , 拓 展 文 旅 特 色 小 镇、电商信息平台、重大节会赛事、游乐运动场所等领域,把文化产业培育成为万州 支柱产业。 There are five professional theatre troupes in Wanzhou, many of which have won national awards and are known as \"Wanzhou Phenomenon\" of Chinese theatre. Zhuqin and Three Gorges embroidery in eastern Sichuan have been included in the catalogue of intangible cultural heritage at the national and municipal levels. Based on giving full play to the characteristics of regional culture, strengthening the protection, inheritance and utilization of local history and culture, promoting the marketization of intangible cultural heritage and fine cultural and artistic products, actively cultivating new cultural industries, expanding creative design, online live broadcasting, e- sports, commercial performances, printing and packaging, film and television animation products and other fields. Promote the integration and development of \"culture plus\" and expand the cultural tourism towns, e-commerce information platform, major festivals and sports venues and other fields, so as to cultivate the cultural industry into a pillar industry in Wanzhou. 27/28 万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


\"一心六型\" 引领发展 overview of wanzhou


DEVELOP GREEN INTELLIGENT LOGISTICS INDUSTRY AND BUILD EAST-TO-EAST PORTAL HUB OF CHENGDU-CHONGQING ECONOMIC ZONE 万州历为西部地区的物资集散中心,依托长江黄金水道,发挥万州新田港作为 全市枢纽港的作用,大力发展水、公、铁、空多式联运,深化达(州)万(州)合 作,构建成渝东向物流新通道。以集聚物流资源、提高物流效率、降低物流成本为 目标,以拓展物流通道、升级开放平台、建设绿色物流园区为重点,完善物流配送 体系,建立智慧物流公共信息平台,统筹发展生产性和生活性物流业,培育形成区 域物流新中心。 Wanzhou Lili is the material distribution center in the western region, relying on the Yangtze River Gold Waterway, giving full play to the role of Wanzhou Xintian Port as the city's hub port, vigorously developing water, public, rail and air multimodal transport, deepening cooperation between Wanzhou and Wanzhou, and building a new logistics channel to the east of Chongqing. With the goal of gathering logistics resources, improving logistics efficiency and reducing logistics costs, focusing on expanding logistics channels, upgrading open platforms and building green logistics parks, we should improve the logistics distribution system, establish a public information platform for intelligent logistics, coordinate the development of productive and active logistics industry, and cultivate and form a new regional logistics center. Heart. 29/30万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


\"一心六型\" 引领发展 overview of wanzhou 大广高速至北京 包茂高速至西安 银百高速至兰州 成达万高铁 渝西高铁 沪蓉高速至上海 达万铁路 万州 郑万高铁 渝万高铁 沿江铁路 沿江高速至武汉 宜万高铁 渝西高铁 沿江高铁 沪蓉高速至成都 万黔高铁 渝昆高速至昆明 包茂高速至广州


DEVELOP RECREATIONAL AND HEALTH-PRESERVING INDUSTRY AND BUILD A CITY OF RECREATIONAL AND HEALTH-PRESERVING IN THE UPPER REACHES OF THE YANGTZE RIVER 仁者乐山、智者乐水。万州,一江两岸,城周九山环抱,广袤农村,田园清 新,山峦叠翠,是康养的好地方。围绕高山避暑康养、消暑度假康养、近郊休闲 康养、医疗康养和生态运动康养,重点建设高梁贝壳山、恒合、燕山大山坪、茨 竹等一批集康复疗养、户外休闲、生态种养为一体的高山避暑基地和康养小镇。 发挥一湖碧水优势,开展水上运动和观江亲水康养项目,培育特色康养品牌。 Benevolent people like mountains and wise people like water. Wanzhou, the two sides of a river, surrounded by nine mountains around the city, vast countryside, fresh pastoral, verdant mountains, is a good place for health. Focusing on mountain summer recuperation, summer vacation recuperation, suburban recreation recuperation, medical recuperation and ecological sports recuperation, we will focus on building a number of mountain summer resort bases and recuperation towns, including Kaoliang Shell Mountain, Henghe, Yanshan Dashanping and Cizhu, which integrate rehabilitation and recuperation, outdoor recreation and ecological cultivation. Give full play to the advantages of one lake and clear water, develop water sports and River-Watching hydrophilic recreation projects, and cultivate characteristic recreation brand. 31/32 万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


\"一心六型\" 引领发展 overview of wanzhou


INVEST IN WANZHOU FOR YOUR SAKE 今天的万州,发扬“企业动嘴、我们 跑腿”,“马上办”“当天办”的服务精 神,实行“一站式”服务,谁审批、谁代 办,“四个一”工作协调机制,保障项目 快速推进。让每一家企业都能在这里安心 投资、顺心办事、舒心发展。 Today, Wanzhou carries forward the service spirit of \"enterprise moving mouth, we running errands\", \"do it immediately\" and \"do it on the same day\", implements \"one-stop\" service, who examines and approves, who acts as agent, and \"four-one\" work coordination mechanism to ensure the rapid progress of the project. Let every enterprise be able to invest, do things smoothly and develop comfortably here. 3231//2324万万州州投投资资指指南南 WWANANZHZHOOUUININVEVSETSMTMENENT TGGUUIDIDEE


扶持政策 PREFERENTIAL POLICY 在增值税、企业所得税、个人所得税等方面可按一定比例安排奖励。 在不低于国家用地最低标准前提下,以低于土地成本价格,通过出让、租赁、入 股等多种方式取得土地。 对企业购买生产设备、厂房装修、物流运输等进行补贴。 对企业融资贷款贴息,以股权、合资等形式,引导现有投融资平台合作。 落实企业研发费用奖励、城市建设配套费返还、优惠租赁和购买标准厂房、人才 引进补助等扶持政策。 重大项目实行“一企一策”、“一事一议”特惠政策。 pInrotpeormrtisono.f VAT, enterprise income tax and individual income tax, rewards can be arranged in a certain mUnedaenrs tohfetrparnesmfeirs,eleoafsneoatnldessstotchkaonwtnheersnhaitpioantaal pmriicneimlouwmersttahnadnatrhde ocfoslat nodf launsed,. land can be acquired by tSruabnssipdoiertsataioren, pertocv. ided for enterprises to purchase production equipment, plant decoration, logistics and cInootpheeraftoiormn oof fexeiqstuiintgy inavnedstjmoiennt tvaenndtufirnea,ntchinegdpilsactofournmt so. n enterprise financing loans should guide the suWurebbaswnidililecisomnfposlrtertmuaceletninottnss,u. ppproerfetirnegnptioalliclieeasssinugch aansdrepwuarrcdhinagsinegntesrtparnisdeasr'dR\&fDacctoorsyts,brueiltduirnnginsg, aanncdillainrytrofedeuscifnogr dMiascjoursspiroonje\".cts are under the preferential policies of \"one enterprise, one policy\" and \"one matter, one 35/36万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


投资万州 为你着想 overview of wanzhou 要素成本 FACTOR CDST 依托长江黄金水道,实现铁公水联运,物流成本大幅降低。 tRherolyuinggh coonmtbhienegdotldraennspwoartte, rtwheayloogfistthices Ycoasntgstzheavreivdeer,crteoaascehdiesvigeniifriocnanwtlayt.er 工 业 用 水3 . 2 3元/ m 3 ,工 业 用 电0 . 6 2元/ k w · h ,工 业 用 气2 . 1 4元/ m 3 ,入 驻 万 州 经 开 区 的 企 业 还 可 享 受 直 供 电 政 策。 tyIhnurdaounusg/trhMiatlhfawenaodtpeiernnd3ua.2sre3traiyaoul,fastnhee/tt0lee.n6dt2einrypuWraisanen./zkhwoumcfaanndalhs,oeelencjotryicdiirnedcutsstruyp,pglyaspo2l.i1c4y 工 业 企 业 员 工 工 资2 5 0 0元 左 右 , 劳 动 力 成 本 较 重 庆 主 城 低。 cWoasgtsesaroefloewmeprlothyaenesthionsiendinuCsthrioanl geqnitnegr.prises are about 2500 yuan, and labor 万 州 经 开 区 标 准 厂 房 月 租 金4元/ m 2 ,物 管 费2元/ m 2 ,成 本 较低。 /Tmh2e.sTtahnedcaorsdt fisaclotowr.y building in Wanzhou is 4 yuan /m2, and the cost is 2 yuan


协调服务 PREFERENTIAL POLICY 实行“谁审批谁代办”工作机制,由区政务服务管理办公室全权协调代办,项目服务专 员全程联络,无需企业跑腿,限时办结。 wcohoorldeiTnpahroteecdewsaosnrkwdiintaghcotmeudtercbuhynantnhiniesgmdeirsortafrinc\"dtwsghaoonvederxcnaommmeipnnlteesstienargvnitdcheeamwppoarrnokavwgeeistmhaiennnadt toiwfmfhiecoeli.amTcithts.e apsrojaegcetnste\" rvisiceimcpolmemmeisnsteiodn,ewr hcoicnhtaicstsfuthlley 37/38万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


投资万州 为你着想 overview of wanzhou 万州区“一心六型”招商组 WANZHOU DISTRICT \"ONE HEART AND SIX TYPES\" INVESTMENT PROMOTION GROUP 招商组 Merchants Group 牵头部门 Lead Door 联 系 电 话 Tel 山地高效型农业 区农业农村委 023-58569700 023-58226147 High-efficiency agriculture in Mountainous Areas District Agricultural and Rural Committee 023-58815205 023-58107890 循环智能型工业 区经济信息委 023-58815889 023-58815889 High-efficiency agriculture in Mountainous Areas District Agricultural and Rural Committee 休闲养生型康养业 区卫生健康委 High-efficiency agriculture in Mountainous Areas District Agricultural and Rural Committee 绿色智慧型物流业 区物流办 High-efficiency agriculture in Mountainous Areas District Agricultural and Rural Committee 特色融合型文创产业 区文化旅游委 High-efficiency agriculture in Mountainous Areas District Agricultural and Rural Committee 集散服务型旅游业 区文化旅游委 High-efficiency agriculture in Mountainous Areas District Agricultural and Rural Committee


HISTORY AND HUMANITIES 今天的万州,海纳百川、气象万千。 安居,方能乐业,这是一个你来了就不想 离开的地方。生活在这里,你会领略到万 川毕汇的山水之美;万古情长的人文之 美;万千风韵的风物之美;万客来游的魅 力之美。城区空气质量优良天数常年保持 在3 1 0天 左 右 , 全 区 森 林 覆 盖 率 达5 0 %左 右。 Today's Wanzhou, Haina hundred rivers, meteorological thousands. It's a place you don't want to leave when you come. Living here, you will appreciate the beauty of mountains and rivers in Bihui, Wanchuan; the beauty of Humanities in ancient times; the beauty of scenery in thousands of charms; the beauty of charm in thousands of tourists. The fine days of air quality in urban areas are maintained around 310 days all year round, and the forest coverage rate in the whole area is about 50%. 3291//2420万万州州投投资资指指南南 WWANANZHZHOOUUININVEVSETSMTMENENT TGGUUIDIDEE


教育 PREFERENTIAL POLICY 万 州 教 育 事 业 基 础 良 好 。 万 州 有7所 普 通 高 等 学 校 , 高 校 总 量 全 市 第 二 , 每 年 输 送 毕 业 生2 . 5万 人 , 有4万 名 各 类 专 业 技 术 人 才 , 集 聚 周 边2 0 0多 万 产 业 工 人 ,人力资源充足丰沛。 There are 7 ordinary colleges and universities in Wanzhou. The total number of colleges and universities is the second largest in the city. Every year, 25,000 graduates are transported. There are 40,000 professional and technical talents. More than 2 million industrial workers are gathered around Wanzhou. There are abundant human resources. 41/42 万州投资指南 WANZHOU INVESTMENT GUIDE


乐业宜居 平湖之州 overview of wanzhou 金融 FINANCE 荟萃全 国80多 家 金融机构,为实体经 济 发展提供投融资、信贷、保险等服务,携手 合作共赢。 More than 80 financial institutions are gathered to provide investment, financing, credit, insurance and other services for the development of real economy, and work together for win-win situation. 医疗 MEDICAL SERVICES 万 州 医 疗 卫 生 事 业 均 衡 发 展 。 建 成 国 家 级 卫 生 应 急 示 范 区 , 有 全 国 三 甲 医 院1所 , 全 国 重 点 中 西 医 结 合 医 院1所 , 建 立 分 级 诊 疗 制 度 , 构 建 起 完 善 的 区 、 街 道 、 社 区 三 级 公 共 卫 生 服 务 网 络 , 居 民 步 行1 0到1 5分 钟 , 就 能 到 达 最 近 的 医 疗 机 构 诊 疗 。 Balanced development of medical and health undertakings in Wanzhou. Build a state-level health emergency demonstration zone, there are 1 hospitals across the country, 1 key hospitals of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and 2 general hospitals of two. Establish a grading treatment system, build a perfect District, street, community three levels of public health service network, residents walk 10 to 15 minutes, you can arrive at the nearest medical institutions.


重庆市万州区招商投资促进局 Investment Promotion Office of Wanzhou District, Chongqing 地址 :重 庆市 万州 区机 场路588号 Add: No. 558 Airport Road, Wanzhou District, Chongqing 邮编 :404000 P.C.: 404000 电话 :0086-2 3 - 5 813301 7 Tel: 0086-23-58133017 传真 :0086-2 3 - 5 832741 6 Fax: 0086-23-58327416 网址: h t t p ://ww w . w z .gov. c n Web: http://www.wz.gov.cn
