
发布时间:2023-10-22 | 杂志分类:其他


ContentDATABASE INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 21、 DATABASE PLATFORM .................................................................................................................... 22、 APA(AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION)......................................................................... 23、 APA PSYCARTICLES .................................................................................... [收起]
粉丝: {{bookData.followerCount}}


DATABASE INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 2

1、 DATABASE PLATFORM .................................................................................................................... 2

2、 APA(AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION)......................................................................... 2

3、 APA PSYCARTICLES ...................................................................................................................... 3

4、 SCHOLARLY JOURNALS PUBLISHED BY APA................................................................................... 3

ACCESSING......................................................................................................................................... 4

ACCESSING LINK ENTRY ............................................................................................................................... 4

SETTING UP A PERSONAL ACCOUNT .............................................................................................................. 6

OFF-CAMPUS ACCESS ................................................................................................................................. 7

Web Login..........................................................................................................................7

Client login ........................................................................................................................9

Mobile phone login .........................................................................................................10

SEARCHING ...................................................................................................................................... 10

TO CREATE A BASIC SEARCH:...................................................................................................................... 11

TO CREATE AN ADVANCED SEARCH:............................................................................................................. 11

RESULT LIST: ..................................................................................................................................... 12

TO RANK RESULT LIST:.............................................................................................................................. 13

TO FILTER RESULT LIST:............................................................................................................................. 14

FOR SECONDARY RETRIEVAL:...................................................................................................................... 15

READING AND SAVING..................................................................................................................... 15

TO READ AN ARTICLE:............................................................................................................................... 15

TO SAVE AN ARTICLE AS AN HTML OR TEXT FILE: ........................................................................................... 17

TO SAVE PDF FULL TEXT:.......................................................................................................................... 17

TO SAVE ARTICLES IN BULK:........................................................................................................................ 18

FEATURED RESOURCES..................................................................................................................... 19

GLOSSARY.............................................................................................................................................. 19

STOP WORDS ......................................................................................................................................... 24

CITATION STYLES ..................................................................................................................................... 25

CUSTOM FUNCTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 25

SETTING PREFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 25

MANAGING CUSTOM FOLDERS ........................................................................................................ 28

CUSTOM FIELDS ............................................................................................................................... 31

TREASURE FUNCTIONS..................................................................................................................... 32

TRANSLATING AN ARTICLE ......................................................................................................................... 32

PDF FULL TEXT VIEWER ........................................................................................................................... 33


CITING ARTICLES ..................................................................................................................................... 36

Database Introduction

1、Database platform


EBSCO includes two sub-databases: PsycINFo and PsycARTICLES, of which PsycINFo is an

abstract-type database and PsycARTICLES is a full-text-type database

2、APA(American Psychological Association)

The American Psychological Association, founded in 1892, is a professional organization in the

field of psychology in the United States, and now has 54 chapters and 150,000 members, making it

the largest society of psychologists in the world. The purpose of the APA is to encourage the study

of psychology in the broadest possible way on the basis of psychology, to disseminate knowledge of

⚫ EBSCO was founded by

Elton B. Stephens in 1944

⚫ 70 years serving the information needs of


⚫ EBSCO Industries is among Forbes Top 200

Privately Held Companies

⚫ 5,700 employees

⚫ 1,100+ employees outside the U.S


psychology through a variety of channels such as conferences, presentations, papers, and

publications, and to promote the development and application of research results in various fields.

3、APA PsycArticles

PsycARTICLES (PA), an authoritative and scientifically peer-reviewed full-text journal in the field

of psychology from the American Psychological Association, includes over 110 American

Psychological Association (APA) and related academic organizations, such as the Canadian

Psychological Association, Hogrefe Publishing Group, and other core psychological journals.

It dates back to 1894, and almost all journals can be traced back to the first volume and first issue.

More than 200000 full-text resources, including all journal articles, book reviews, editorial letters,

and errata for each journal.

Notable journals included are : 《Journal of Applied Psychology》、《Journal of Personality and

Social Psychology》、《Journal of Educational Psychology》、《Developmental Psychology》、

《Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology》、《Pological Assessment》、《Psychological

Methods》, etc.

Topics covered include educational psychology, applied psychology, history of psychology,

comparative psychology, experimental psychology, family psychology, personality psychology,

psychopharmacology, rehabilitation psychology, psychotherapy, adult growth, aging, and

interpersonal relationship management.

Weekly updates.

4、Scholarly journals published by APA



Accessing link entry

1. Enter the official website of Southeast University library

2. Select the Resources.

3. Click the Databases link under the Ariticles menu.

4. Click the Foreign Language Databases link and select the APA PsycARTICLES link

on the eighth line.


5. The Search Screen displays.


Setting up a Personal Account

1. Click the Sign In in the top toolbar of the EBSCOhost screen.

2. The Sign In Screen appears. If you have a an account, just fill in the fields on the

Sign In Screen. If you do not have a an account, click the Sign up link.


3. The Create Account Screen appears. Fill in the fields on the Create Account Screen.

Off-campus access

If you are off campus, you need to use VPN to connect to the database. The VPN connection

method is as follows.

Web Login

1. Enter https://vpn.seu.edu.cn in your browser.

2. Enter the VPN login interface.


Click \"Download Now\" to download and install the client for the first time.

Open the installer when the download is complete and it will automatically complete

the installation.

Note: During the installation of SSL VPN components, please disable the firewall and

antivirus software of this machine first, otherwise the installation may not be

successful.The client icon will be displayed on the desktop after the installation is



3. Enter your username and password (Unified Authentication username and

password) to enter the VPN home page:

4. The \"EasyConnect\" client icon will be displayed in the taskbar after the login is

completed, please do not close it:

5. Enter from \"Library (Entrance)\" if you want to access the library's electronic

resources, and it is invalid to enter the library's website address directly.

After the use, please use the upper right corner of the \"logout\" button to exit.

Client login

If you have already installed the client and the download interface is still displayed,

please use the EasyConnect client.

1. Double click the desktop client icon

2.The server address is https://vpn.seu.edu.cn , and the user name and password are

unified identity authentication accounts.


Mobile phone login

1. Enter https://vpn.seu.edu.cn in your cell phone browser to download the client.

2. Log in to the client after the installation is complete (the server address is

vpn.seu.edu.cn, and the user name and password are those of the unified identity



The database provides two searching methods: Basic Search and Advanced Search.


To create a Basic Search:

1. Enter your search terms in the Find field on the Basic Search screen.

2. To make the search results more accurate, click the Search Options link blew.

3. The Search Options includes two parts: Search Modes and Limiters. Mark a

specific search mode or apply limiters according to your needs.

4. Click the Search button. The Result List displays.

To create an Advanced Search:

1. Click the Advanced Search link below the Find field.

2. On the Advanced Search Screen, enter your search terms in the Find field.


3. Select from the available Search Options.

⚫ Search modes: Use specific search modes, such as \"Find all my search terms,\" or

\"SmartText Searching,\" or use search options that expand your search such as

\"Apply related words.\"

⚫ Limit your results: such as Full Text or Publication type.

⚫ Special Limiters: Apply limiters specific to a database. If you select a special

limiter, it is applied only to the database under which it appears.

4. Click the Search button. The Result List displays.

Result List:

1. The Result List Screen includes Title, Authors, Publisher, DOI, Abstract(partial) and



2. Place your mouse over the Preview icon to see the information more clearly or

view the Abstract completely.

To rank Result List:

Click Result List Sort link to select one of the following result list sorting options:

Date Newest, Date Oldest, Author, Source, or Relevance.


To filter Result List:

1. Select a term by clicking the checkbox in a cluster. You can narrow by source type,

subject, journal, and more.

2. Click the Show More link to select multiple terms at once, or to view all available



3. Mark the checkboxes for the terms you would like to apply and click Update.

For secondary retrieval:

The Advanced Search Screen allow users to complete a secondary search.

1. Enter your search terms for the second set of Find fields.

2. Choose the search field from the optional Select a Field drop-down list, such as

“All Text” or “Title”.

3. Select a Boolean operator (AND, OR, NOT) to identify the relationships between

the terms.

4. If you need additional rows, click the Plus button. To delete a row, click the Minus


Reading and Saving

To read an article:

1. Click the title of the article.

2. To view a different format, click on the Detailed Record, HTML full text or PDF



To save an article as an HTML or text file:

1. From the article, click Save. The Save panel is displayed.

2. To save the results, click Save. Otherwise, click Cancel.

3. Different browsers take different saving methods. Be sure to save .

⚫ Internet Explorer: Select \"File\" and then \"Save As\" from the browser toolbar


⚫ FireFox: Select \"File\" and save the file as \"Save As\".

⚫ Chrome: Use your mouse to right click on the page and select “Select from the

browser toolbar” above.

4. To return to the article, click Back.

To save PDF Full Text:

1. Return to the PDF Full Text screen. Click the Diskette icon to save the PDF to your


2. Enter the path where the file should be saved (for example, C:ProjectResearchInfo).

To save to disk, enter the path to the drive (for example, A:ResearchInfo).


To save articles in bulk:

1. Click the Share Menu and select Add to folder link.

2. Click the Transfer link.

3. Mark the article you would like to save or mark Select / deselect all to save all the

artiles in the folder.


4. Click the Save link on the right colume.

Examples of featured resources, custom functions and

treasure functions

Featured resources



Administrator - See EBSCOhost Administrator.

Alpha-positioning - A way to move the cursor to a specific entry in a list. When the list is

displayed, type a word in the space provided and press Enter. The cursor moves to the first

occurrence of the word in the list. In the Result List, enter numbers to go to a numbered citation.

Also search for related words - A powerful option that enables a thesaurus to be used when

searching. When checked (turned on), a thesaurus is used to get synonyms for each search term


and include them in the query. This effectively expands the query. The thesaurus also includes

plural forms of the terms, and translates abbreviations such as USA into United States.

And search operator - The Boolean search operator and combines search terms in a query so that

each result contains all the terms specified. Example: History and Russia.

Arrow keys - The up, down, left and right arrow keys on the keyboard used for moving the cursor

around a screen.

Authority File - Provides the capability to search the database first by browsing a broad range of

subjects, or an extensive journal/magazine titles list. Terms from this list can be searched

separately or searched as a supplement to terms already entered in the Search Screen. See also:

Subject Authority, Publication Authority, and Hierarchical Authority.

Automatic translation software - systems that use sophisticated translation technology with

comprehensive dictionaries and a collection of linguistic rules that translate one language into

another without relying on human translators.


Benchmark - Educational measure consistent with nationally accepted and defined standards in

the core discipline areas. In many school products, articles processed by EP are selected, analyzed

for benchmark application and then assigned a benchmark(s).

Bibliography - A number of citations selected from the Result List and saved to a file. You can

e-mail or save bibliographies in different formats.

Boolean search operators - Defines logical relationships between terms in a search. The Boolean

operators are and, or, not. Example: Space and (Shuttle or Station) not Skylab.

Browse - To use cursor keys to scroll up and down a screen or to use alpha-positioning to go to

specific positions in displayed lists.


Citation - A bibliographic reference to an article or document that matches the search criteria

entered in the Search Screen. Citations are listed in date order in the Result List.

Collection (Local Titles) - A collection of local titles available in the database that your library or

institution subscribes to. Local titles are identified in the Result List and in the Full Record.

Command key - A key that lets the user apply special actions for the current screen. For example,


Copy - A function for duplicating and storing information in a file on hard or disk. Copied files do

not contain printing codes and can be easily edited with a word processor or text editor.

Core Concept - A heading that expresses the main point of the article.

Cross References (hypertext links) - Contained within some Authority Files to help guide you

through the list. The cross references point to narrower terms, broader terms, related terms,

headings or subheadings. These appear in a different color, display attribute or have a unique


Cursor - The flashing underscore or solid bar that indicates the current position on the screen.

Cursor keys - The up, down, left and right arrow keys, and the page up, page down, home and

end keys used for moving the cursor around the screen.

CustomLinks - EBSCO CustomLinks are set up by an institution's administrator and can link users

to a library catalog, to interlibrary loan request pages, and to other electronic information

services. CustomLinks, when enabled, appear in the result list after a keyword search is executed.



Database Description - The screen that displays database-specific information on such topics as

searching fields, limiters, searching examples, copyright and restrictions of use.

Data Entry Space - A space provided within a screen, into which the user can enter information.

An example would be the area of the Search Screen where a query is entered.

Defaults - A preselected list of options.

Default Search Screen - A term that describes the Search Screen with its default options. The

default options are preselected by your administrator to be applicable for searches performed by

most patrons.

Downloading - Transferring information from a remote location and storing it locally on a disk.


eBook (electronic book) - Published materials such as reference books, text books and consumer

books converted into digital format for electronic distribution.

EBSCOhost Administrator - The librarian responsible for \"fine-tuning\" EBSCOhost by choosing the

appropriate default preferences for a location (or locations) within a library system.

EBSCOhost Content Viewer - The EBSCOhost Content Viewer is a tool created to view and search

the full text content of the Historical Digital Archives products.

Expander - A search option that when selected, lets the searcher expand the number of results in

a specific manner. For example, select the option \"also search for related words\" to expand

search results to include synonyms and plurals.


Field Code - A field code is used in a query to limit a search term to information contained in the

specified field of a database reference (or record). For example, the field code AU can be used to

limit retrieval to the data contained in the Author field of a reference.

For a list of field codes, see the More Information link for the database you are searching, or

select the Field Codes link on the Advanced Search Screen. Field codes are also referred to as

search tags.

Field - A named space in a screen for entering data.

Full Record - A screen containing complete or detailed citation information which may include a

summary or abstract.

Full Text - A term to describe articles that can be displayed in their entirety, as opposed to

Abstract and References only.


Global (Default) Limiter - Visible on the main Search Screen, an optional limiter selected by the

user that can be automatically applied to all searches. For example, <also search full text<.


Hierarchical Authority File - A file composed of standardized vocabulary terms or classifications

used to index information in the database. For example, MEDLINE's Medical Subject Headings

(MeSH) and CINAHL's Subject Heading List are hierarchical authority file lists. Each citation in the

database is indexed by one or more database specific headings. Each term within the database

has a number assigned that identifies its relationship to other headings. This hierarchical

relationship is called a tree structure.

HTML Full Text - EBSCOhost full text available in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and

viewable in your web browser.

Hypertext Link - A text link designated in contrasting color which lets you move between web


browser (HTML) windows.


Internet - The Internet is made up of thousands of academic, commercial, government and

military networks whose computers support the TCP/IP communications protocol.


Journal Authority File - See Publication Authority File.

Journal Search - A list of publication titles in the database. A database may or may not have a

Publication (Journal) Authority File.


Keyword - The term or search terms entered in the Search Screen. Keywords appear highlighted

in the Result List, Full Record, and Full Text (if available).


Lexile Reading Levels - Lexile Reading Levels give an educator an estimate of the reading

difficulty of the article result, and the approximate grade level reading ability required for

comprehension. The grade level does not necessarily reflect the student's actual grade.

Library Administrator - See EBSCOhost Administrator.

Library Holdings Authority File - An index of the titles available to you locally from a collection

created by your library administrator. If available, there can be files for each of the libraries in

your library system.

Limiter - A search option that lets the searcher narrow the number of results in a specific manner.

For example, you can limit the result list to full text articles.

Limiter Default - A limiter that is automatically applied to all searches unless otherwise selected

by the user.

Local Holdings - Local Holdings (Local Titles) are a list of titles available in the database that your

library currently subscribes to. Local titles are identified on the Full Display. Often Local Titles is

available as a Limiter to help the searcher find references to available publications.

Local Notes - A list of messages that give your users information on specific titles. These

messages appear on the Full Record.

Local/Not Local - A message that gives users information on specific titles of books, magazines or

journals owned by or accessible through their library.


Magazine Search - An Authority File that lists all the magazine (journal) titles abstracted in the

selected database. See Also: Journal Search.


Natural Language Searching - Lets you search a database using words or phrases. The results of a

search are presented in ranked order with the most relevant article presented first. A result can

be found even if the record does not contain all of the words from the search. The more words

that appear, the more relevant the record is and the closer to the top of the result list it appears.

Not search operator - The Boolean search operator not excludes terms from a search so that

results do not contain one or more specified terms. The not operator is more correctly stated as

and not, but the and is not required to be entered. For example: Space Shuttle not Challenger.


Online Help - Help screens that explain available Search Screen options, functions, fields and



Or search operator - The Boolean search operator or combines search terms in the same query so

that each result contains at least one of the terms. For example: Space or Planet.


PDF Full Text - EBSCOhost full text available in Adobe's Portable Document Format file type,

which is viewed using Adobe Reader.

Proximity Search - A method of searching for words that appear within a specified distance of

one another in the database.

Publication Authority File - An index that lists the information contained in a database by

publication name.


Query - See Search.


Relevance - Relates to the results of a natural language search. EBSCOhost compares the words in

a document to the words in the user's query. The more words that match, the more relevant the

document is. The more times a word appears in the document the more relevant it is, but the

more times a word appears in a database the less relevant it is.

Each word is scored based on its frequency of occurrence in the document versus its frequency in

the database. The scores of all matching words are added up to obtain a score for the record.

Records with the highest score are considered the most relevant. Relevance is represented as a

percentage—records with all matching words and the highest score are given a value of 100%. As

the scores and number of matching words decrease, so does the percentage.

Result List - A screen that contains the information retrieved from the databases you search.

Search results can be citations, document summaries or abstracts, and can include full text.


Search - The word, word combination, or phrase the user enters in the data entry field. In the

simplest case, it is one that best describes the information desired. A simple query would be

\"money.\" This query retrieves all information or references in the database that contain the word

\"money.\" A more complex query might contain multiple terms connected by Boolean operators

and/or field codes. For example: \"money and finance not (currency or investing).\"

Search History List - A list of all searches (or queries) executed during the current search session.

Search Results - The information EBSCOhost retrieves from the databases that are searched.

Search results can be citations, document summaries or abstracts (Full Record), or Full Text (when


Search Tag - See Field Code.

SmartLinks - EBSCO SmartLinks provides linking among databases in EBSCOhost. SmartLinking

seamlessly allows a user to follow an article citation in one database where the full text is not

available, to the full text of the same article in another database where it is available. EBSCO

SmartLinks also enables the linking between EBSCOhost and EBSCOhost EJS (Electronic Journals


Stop Words - Commonly used words such as articles, pronouns and prepositions. Stop words are

not indexed for searching a database.

Subject Search - A list of subject headings used to index the publications in the database. A

database may or may not have a Subject Authority File. See also: Journal Authority, Library

Holdings Authority File.


Subject Authority File - An index that lists the information contained in a database according to

topics. The file is indexed according to the following categories: all, people, products and books,

companies and subjects.


Truncation - A way to search for words beginning with the word stem followed by an asterisk (*).

For example, type: walk* to find the words walk, walks, or walker.


Web Links - Web sites related to your current search terms.

Wildcard - A way to find words with unknown characters or different spellings. Replace each

unknown letter with an (?). For example, type: ne?t.

Stop Words

Stop words vary by database. A sample list of common stop words appears below.











































Citation Styles

Important note: There are many styles and forms used to cite the sources supporting

your research. Data used to cite electronic sources is not yet standardized therefore researchers

should review citations carefully. For more detailed information, see the links below to view

citation formatting and examples for the various citation styles listed.

In addition, consult your institution's reference librarian (if available) for more clarification on the

citation style and formatting you should use. Students are encouraged to check with their

instructors as most academic institutions have standardized requirements.

Some of the most widely used styles of citation are:

• AMA Style

• APA Style

• Chicago: Author-Date Style

• Chicago: Humanities Style

• Harvard: Author-Date Style

• MLA Style

• Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Whatever style you choose, accuracy, clarity, and consistency are the most important factors

when citing information sources.

Custom functions

Setting Preferences

Setting Preferences allows you to control the look and feel of the Result List. The selections you

make on the Preferences Screen can be saved to your personal account (MyEBSCO) and retrieved

for use at any time. Once you sign in to MyEBSCO, your personal preferences are applied. And, if

you make changes to your preferences, those changes are saved for future use.

To set your preferences:


1. From the search screen or the Result List, click the Preferences link in the top toolbar.

(The Preferences feature is also available from the Folder Screen.)

2. General Settings – Choose language and keyword suggestion settings.

• Language – Select the language in which you want to display the interface:

Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Korean, Japanese,

Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Greek, Polish, Arabic, Thai,

Croatian, Czech, Bahasa Indonesian, and Hebrew. (Your library administrator

decides whether this feature will be available.)

• Autocomplete search suggestions – As you begin to enter a search term in

the Find field, keyword suggestions are automatically displayed. (Set to On or


• Run SmartText Search when query returns no results – If enabled by your


administrator, set to automatically run your search using the SmartText

Searching search mode when your initial query returns no results.

• Suggest Subject Terms Default – Select the Suggest Subject Terms default

setting: Use Profile Settings, On By Default, or Off By Default. (Your library

administrator decides whether this feature will be available.)

3. Result List Display – Choose the look and feel of your Result List.

• Format – Select the level of detail for each result: Standard, Title Only, Brief or


• Image Quick View – Turn on or off the display of image thumbnails on the

Result List, Citation, and Folder. (Availability varies by database.)

• Results per page – Specify how many results (or records) are displayed per page

(for example: 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50). (Will be applied to both the Result List and

the Folder.)

• Sort by – You can set how you would like your results sorted. All sort options for

the database you are using are available. (For example, date, author, source, etc.)

If you select “Database Default,\" the results are sorted using the database

defaults. (Will be applied to only the Result List.)

• Page layout – Control which columns display on the Result List.

4. Print, E-mail, Save, Export – Set your defaults for Print, E-mail, Save and Exporting of

your results. You can still change these settings when you print, e-mail, save or export

your results.

• Default Format – Decide how much information you want to include with your


• Standard Field Format – Defaults to \"Detailed Citation and Abstract.\" You can

also select from the drop-down list:

▪ Brief Citation – Indicates that only a brief citation should be printed.

▪ Brief Citation and Abstract – Indicates that a brief citation and an

abstract should be printed.

▪ Detailed Citation and Abstract – Indicates that a detailed citation and

an abstract should be printed.

• Citation Format – If you would like to default your citations to a specific format,

select one from the drop-down list:

▪ AMA - American Medical Association

▪ APA - American Psychological Association

▪ Chicago/Turabian Author - Date

▪ Chicago/Turabian Humanities

▪ MLA - Modern Language Association

▪ Vancouver/ICMJE

• Customized Field Format – Indicates that the Print/E-mail/Save Managers

should default to this selection.

• E-mail From – The “From” address on the e-mail you send defaults to

ephost@epnet.com. If you would like to change that address, enter the

information in this field. (For example, you could enter your own e-mail address,

or a library e-mail address.) This will automatically fill in the “From” field on the


e-mail that is sent.

• E-mail To – The “To “address on the E-mail Manager defaults to a blank field. If

you would like to automatically fill in the E-mail Address field with a specific

e-mail address, enter the information in this field. (For example, you could enter

your own e-mail address, or list of e-mail addresses for the students in class or a

group of colleagues.)

• E-mail Format – Select whether you want to default your e-mails to Rich Text or

Plain Text format

• Export Settings – You may be able to export your results into a format

compatible with your bibliographic management software. (For example,

RefWorks, EndNote, ProCite, etc.) Your library administrator decides whether

the Export feature is available.

▪ Save citations to a file formatted for – Select the default bibliographic

management format to save a file.

▪ E-mail a file with citations in – Select the default bibliographic

management format to e-mail a file.

5. Click the Save button. If you were previously at the Result List, it is updated according to

your selections. If you were previously at the Search Screen, you must first perform a

search before viewing the customized Result List.

Managing Custom Folders

The custom folder feature provides the ability to create numerous folders, each on a particular

topic, for example, in which various results can be sorted and stored. You can customize the

name of each folder and determine which folders nest within other folders, to maximize

efficiency when managing saved items.

You can create as many levels of folders and sub-folders as you like. However, only four levels of

folders and sub-folders are displayed. Any folders below that will display at level four.

You must be signed in as a personalized user (MyEBSCO) to use the custom folders feature.

To create a new custom folder:

1. Click the Folder icon. My Folder is displayed.


2. Click the New link to the right of the My Custom link. The Create New Folder Screen


3. In the Folder Name field, enter a name for the folder; up to 40 characters.

4. Move Folder To – You can select a “level” for the folder. (For example, you could create

an \"Environmental Science Project\" folder, and then place a \"Going Green\" sub-folder

within it.)

5. In the Notes field, you can enter information regarding the folder; up to 200 characters.

6. Click Save. You are returned to the Folder area, with your named folder displayed in the

left-hand column.


To rename a folder:

1. Click the Folder icon then click on the folder that you want to rename.

2. In the Folder Name field, enter the new name for the folder; up to 40 characters.

3. Click Save. You are returned to the Folder area, with your renamed folder displayed in

the left-hand column.

To delete a folder:

1. Click the Folder icon then click the plus sign next to the folder that you want to delete.

2. Click the Edit link below the folder name.

3. Click the Delete Folder button. A confirmation message displays.

4. Select Yes. The folder and its contents are permanently deleted.

Note: the top-level folder (My Folder) can never be deleted.

To move a folder and its contents to different folder:

1. From within the Folder, click the Edit link below the folder that you want to move.

2. From the Move Folder to drop-down list, select the folder to which you want to move

the items (the “target” folder).

3. Click Save. The folder and its contents are moved to the target folder.

To move items to a different folder:

1. From within the Folder, mark the check box to the left of the items that you want to

move. (For example, articles, images, videos, etc. To select all, mark the Select All check

box to the left of the Delete Items button.)

2. Click the Move To button. Select the folder to which you want to move the items (the

“target” folder). The items will be moved to the target folder.

To copy items to a different folder:

1. From within the Folder, mark the check box to the left of the items that you want to copy.

(For example, articles, images, videos, etc. To select all, mark the Select All check box to

the left of the Delete Items button.)

2. Click the Copy To button. Select the folder to which you want to copy the items (the


“target” folder). The items will be copied to the target folder.

To delete items from a folder:

1. From within any folder, mark the check box to the left of the items that you want to

delete. (For example, articles, images, videos, etc. To select all, mark the Select All check

box to the left of the Delete Items button.)

2. Click the Delete Items button. The items are automatically deleted.

Custom Fields

Most users will want to include the Standard Fields for the database being searched when

printing, e-mailing or saving search results. If you would like to select the fields to be included

within your print, e-mail or save output, you can make these selections in the Customized Field

Format area of the Print/E-Mail/Save Managers.

To customize which fields are included with print/e-mail/save:

1. From the Print, E-mail or Save Manager, select Customized Field Format. The Select

Fields for Output area displays.

2. Mark the check boxes to the left of the fields you want to include. The fields shared by all

the databases you are searching appear in the Fields in Common area at the top of the

screen. The individual databases are displayed in alphabetical order, with a maximum of

five databases per page. You can use the page numbers or navigation arrows to view

additional lists of database fields.

3. Click the Print, Send, or Save button. Your selections will be retained throughout the

session for all print, e-mail, or save activity.

4. Continue printing, e-mailing or saving your search results.


• The Customized Field selections do not apply to output using the Export Manager.


Treasure functions

Translating an Article

EBSCOhost screens are presented in English, by default. If provided by your library administrator,

you may be able to translate a full text article from English into one of the following languages:

Arabic Hindi Russian

Bulgarian Hungarian Serbian

Simplified Chinese Indonesian Slovakian

Traditional Chinese Italian Slovenian

Czech Japanese Spanish

Danish Korean Swedish

Dutch Norwegian Thai

French Pashto Turkish

German Persian (Farsi) Ukrainian

Greek Polish Urdu

Hausa Portuguese Vietnamese

Hebrew Romanian

To translate the full text of an article:

1. From the article detail, select a language from the Choose Language drop-down list.

2. Click Translate. The full text of the article is presented in the language you selected.


3. To return to English, click Return.

Note: If you print, e-mail or save the full text, it will be delivered in the language of the database.

However, you can print the translated text using your browser's Print function.

PDF Full Text Viewer

The PDF Full Text Viewer allows you to view PDF full text content using a variety of features.

• Left Column Options

• E-mail/Save/Print PDF Functions


Left Column Options

Under the column on the left-hand side, you can:

• Detailed Record – Display title, author and subject information for the current article.

• Full Text Contents – Display article or chapter titles for the entire issue or individual

monograph. Titles are hyperlinked for easy access to each article.

• Illustrations – Display links to illustrations found in the issue.

• Choose Another Issue – Choose another issue of the publication you are viewing

by selecting a publication year and then selecting an issue you would like to view.

• HTML Full Text - Click the HTML Full Text link to view the article in HTML format.

Note: The HTML Full Text version may not be available for the article you are viewing.

Note: You can collapse the left and right columns and top header to expand the viewport to fit

the entire browser window by clicking the control arrows found at the top of the columns.

back to top

E-mail/Save/Print PDF Functions


You can also:

• Return to the Result List - Click the Back link to return to the result list.

• Refine Your Search Results - Click the Refine Search link to apply additional limiters and

expanders to your search terms.

• Download PDF - Click the Download PDF link to open the PDF in Adobe Reader.

• Save to Google Drive - Click the Google Drive icon to save the article to an EBSCO folder

in your personal Google Drive account.

• Add to Folder - Click the Folder icon to add the article to the session folder. You can

permanently save the article by signing into your personal MyEBSCO folder.

• E-mail Article - Click the E-mail icon to e-mail the PDF to yourself.

• Cite Article - Click the Cite icon to copy a citation for your article in one of several

available formats.

• Export Article - Click the Export icon to export the article to your bibliographic

management software.

From the Adobe Reader toolbar, you can:

• Print the Article - Click the Printer icon to print the article.

• Save the Article - Click the Diskette icon to save the PDF to your computer.



• Windows 8/8.1 users should use the desktop version of Internet Explorer to view PDFs in

the Viewer. The Metro version of Internet Explorer does not support Adobe Reader

plug-ins that allow viewing of PDFs.

• When opening a PDF full text article on a tablet device, the article is opened in the Full

Text viewer which is now available for tablets.

Citing Articles

On EBSCO interfaces, when you are viewing an article detail, you can see how the citation for that

article should be formatted in a variety of popular citation formats, including MLA, APA, etc.

There are many styles and forms used to cite the sources supporting your research. When using

the EBSCO citation tool, please make any necessary corrections before using the citations. Data

used to cite electronic sources is not yet standardized; therefore, researchers should review

citations carefully. Pay special attention to personal names, capitalization, and dates. Double

check your library resources for the exact formatting and punctuation guidelines.

To view citation formats for an article:

1. Run a search on EBSCO and view a search result.

2. From the Detailed Record, click the Cite icon.

3. When you have decided which citation format you want for the article, copy and paste

the citation directly into the Works Cited or References page of a document created in a

word processing program such as Word.
