
发布时间:2023-10-20 | 杂志分类:其他


My deepest congratulations to you all. It has been an amazing four years and you have all worked very hard. Take time to enjoy the moment. Some thoughts for you to consider: first, keep in touch, your network is essential to your career, and friends are essential to your happiness. Focus on your career, but do not let it take over. Take time for family, friends, community and yourself. Your career needs to be just one part of your life.It is my privilege to extend congratulations to the graduati... [收起]
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My deepest congratulations to you all. It has been an amazing four years and you have all worked very

hard. Take time to enjoy the moment. Some thoughts for you to consider: first, keep in touch, your

network is essential to your career, and friends are essential to your happiness. Focus on your career, but

do not let it take over. Take time for family, friends, community and yourself. Your career needs to be just

one part of your life.

It is my privilege to extend congratulations to the graduating class of 2022. You have accomplished so

much during the past two challenging years negatively impacted by COVID-19. It is indeed a pity that

most of you had the opportunities to enjoy your normal college life only in the one and half years at

CUHK-Shenzhen. However, you did not let COVID-19 ruin your life. Instead, you had adjusted your

learning experience and managed to thrive! Well done! I wish you success in your future endeavors.

Congratulations for achieving an important milestone in your life. This is indeed a joyous occasion to

celebrate your success. This year’s graduates face particular challenges. Let’s embrace hope, unity and

caring. Let’s turn away from gloom, divisiveness, and selfishness. Dear Graduates, there is a wonderful

future ahead. You can make a difference. Live every day with gratitude and do not forget, help those who

are less fortunate.

Senior Associate Dean School of Management and Economics

Associate Professor School of Science and Engineering

X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor School of Science and Engineering

Congratulations on your graduation! On this important day, I would like to extend my sincere

congratulations to you. Over the past four years, you have worked incredibly hard to get to this point.

Graduation is not only a milestone, but also a starting point for you to enter a world full of challenges and


I hope that in your future journey, whether in further education or employment, you can continue to

maintain your original aspirations, keep your passion for learning, explore with curiosity, carry forward

the spirit of \"Through learning and temperance to virtue\" and make great contributions to society. I also

hope that you can strive for excellence and spread your wings to soar in the new era.

Congratulations on this momentous achievement, and best of luck in all your future endeavors!

舒涛 Prof. Tao Shu

Associate Vice President (Administration)


DILIGENTIA COLLEGE Wishes from the Warden and Resident Tutors of Block A





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Name Email WeChat Page

C 陈潇楷 CHEN, Xiaokai chen4374@purdue.edu Laoma_12138 55

崔竞匀 CUI, Jingyun 33429055@qq.com cui33429055 23

D 丁晓雯 DING, Xiaowen T-RexN 47

杜尚轩 DU, Shangxuan 118010052@link.cuhk.edu.cn 13331386393 58

F 方珺 FANG, Jun www.15060821818@outlook.com 15060821818 47

冯丹桦 FENG, Danhua 118030014@link.cuhk.edu.cn Christy-xxyx 44

冯鹤翔 FENG, Hexiang fenghxqd@gmail.com 15588645275 55

冯一粟 FENG, Yisu fengyisu@163.com thefengyisu 28

G 郭诗妤 GUO, Shiyu shiyuguo@link.cuhk.edu.cn seeyouthkwok11 25 H 何师锐 HE, Shirui heshiruihorace@gmail.com horaceshirui 41

何欣怡 HE, Xinyi 118020023@link.cuhk.edu.cn gn541346555 24

J 贾宁涛 JIA, Ningtao 1273320743@qq.com 18003578594 42

金乐洋 JIN, Leyang 118010125@link.cuhk.edu.cn 13680279869 20

K 柯俊宇 KE, Junyu kejunyu1@huawei.com 15270550831 40 L 李侃真 LI, Kanzhen 55

李舒敏 LI, Shumin 18377276273 31

李忻舟 LI, Xinzhou 23

李昕航 LI, Xinhang xli318@jh.edu 13849162511 41

李滋睿 LI, Zirui 118020254@link.cuhk.edu.cn 15686116960 25

梁雪茹 LIANG, Xueru 118030031@link.cuhk.edu.cn 17722823770 27

刘今 LIU, Jin bawangniujin1027@qq.com 13590201790 59

刘康旭 LIU, Kangxu 42

刘晓蕾 LIU, Xiaolei 24

刘奕 LIU, Yi 40

刘子敏 LIU, Zimin liuzimin2022@163.com breezy596 29

龙天娇 LONG, Tianjiao 118020293@link.cuhk.edu.cn 30

O 欧俊延 OU, Junyan owenojy0728@outlook.com OwenOJY 46 P 潘科尧 PAN, Keyao 386273335@qq.com 15604256889 26 Q 乔高洁 QIAO, Gaojie 118010244@link.cuhk.edu.cn wxid_665785qrdlp622 44

乔子元 QIAO, Ziyuan ziyuanqiao2000@126.com q13936306186 28

仇冠融 QIU, Guanrong 118020344@link.cuhk.edu.cn 59

S 石雪琰 SHI, Xueyan 24

Name Email WeChat Page

T 田竹仝 TIAN, Zhutong 28 W 万景婷 WAN, Jingting 118010284@link.cuhk.edu.cn _WanJT_ 23

汪逸凡 WANG, Yifan 945984746@qq.com Wangyf010103 39

王泓力 WANG, Hongli 1342766277@qq.com AMY1342766277 25

王璟璇 WANG, Jingxuan 118020060@link.cuhk.edu.cn 15002259701 43

王劭涵 WANG, Shaohan shaohanwang@link.cuhk.edu.cn Henry-W- 57

魏笑天 WEI, Xiaotian 118010321@link.cuhk.edu.cn bayern454154 58

吴寒翰 WU, Hanhan 412620759@qq.com whh200118 57

吴可歆 WU, Kexin real-k-xin 44

吴桐 WU, Tong 45

X 肖昱奇 XIAO, Yuqi yx2957@nyu.edu 41

谢玮 XIE, Wei 18058277722@163.com wx:18058277722 27

谢子欢 XIE, Zihuan 118030058@link.cuhk.edu.cn 13786169997 30

徐施缘 XU, Shiyuan 13611991443@163.com xsy13611991443 45

Y 杨捷 YANG, Jie 118020476@link.cuhk.edu.cn 43

杨磊 YANG, Lei ly782197@gmail.com 15187217182 42

杨在睿 YANG, Zairui 118020490@link.cuhk.edu.cn 18984852516 26

叶泽晨 YE, Zechen 56

余禧 YU, Xi 13310243995 31

俞馨怡 YU, Xinyi 40

Z 张浩中 ZHANG, Haozhong hzhang060@e.ntu.edu.sg zhanghaozhong260826 46

张雨萌 ZHANG, Yumeng 27

张泽坤 ZHANG, Zekun thomas_1119@163.com 15263646566 39

章程 ZHANG, Cheng 709343152@qq.com DiligentMe_ 29

甄谷冰 ZHEN, Gubing 29

郑炜颖 ZHENG, Weiying 43

钟翘楚 ZHONG, Qiaochu 790899653@qq.com Popboi_qc 46

周泽越 ZHOU, Zeyue benyouyou2000@hotmail.com benyouyou2000 56

朱信行 ZHU, Xinxing 1738766011@qq.com 56

朱紫 ZHU, Zi dora_zizhu@163.com ZiZHU_Dora 45

庄博涵 ZHUANG, Bohan Trick_sky 39



