
发布时间:2018-6-19 | 杂志分类:商务科技


密云 6 平谷 北京 三河 大厂 秦皇岛 7 ... [收起]
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密云 6 平谷 北京 三河 大厂 秦皇岛 7 1 香河 宝坻 1 8 2 5 北京新机场 廊坊 4 唐山 Beijing New Airport 2 固安 3 3 3 京唐港 Jingtang Port 4 永清 3 霸州 天津 曹妃甸 曹妃甸港 Caofeidian Port 天津滨海国际机场 Tianjin Coastal International Airport 滨海 八高速 1 京哈高速 5 京津高速 2 密涿高速 6 京承高速 3 京津塘高速 7 北京六环路 4 京沪高速 8 大广高速 两高铁 1 京唐城际香河站(预计 2020 年建成通车) 2 京滨高铁香河站(预计 2020 年竣工) 三空港 1 首都国际机场 : 约 45 公里 2 北京新机场 : 约 55 公里 3 滨海国际机场 : 约 75 公里 三海港 1 天津新港 : 约 110 公里 2 曹妃甸港 : 约 200 公里 3 京唐港 : 约 230 公里


XIANGHE 03 ROBOT INDUSTRY HUB 04 INVESTMENT GUIDE 区位交通 半小时进京入卫 一小时上天下海 TRAFFIC AND LOCATION Half an hour from beijing and tianjin,one hour from airport and seaport. 香河机器人小镇地处北京东南方向,距北京 CBD 仅 40 公里,处于京津冀核心发展区域、京津“一小时经济圈“黄 金节点。四横四纵交通路网畅连八方,具有“半小时进京入卫,一小时上天下海”的区位优势。 随着京津冀协同发展交通一体化的逐步完善,香河机器人小镇将能同时满足通勤交通与快速高效交通。 渤海 Xianghe Robot Town is located in Xianghe Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province, with only 40km southeast of Beijing CBD. It lies at the core development area of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the golden node of Beijing-Tianjin \"one-hour economic circle\".The traffic network which is composed of four horizontal lines and four vertical lines radiates in all directions. Beijing-Harbin Expressway is provided with “the first exit in Hebei” . As a result, the Town is provided with the location advantage of “half an hour’ s distance to Beijing, and one hour’s distance to Tianjin”. With transportation integration in the greater Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Xianghe Robot Town will simultaneously meet the demand for commuting and rapid transit.


资源禀赋 枕运河而抱潮白 逶迤青龙绕西东 RESOURCE ENDOWMENT The Beijing-Hangzhou Canal Chaobai River and Qinglongwan River flow through Xianghe 香河县 土地资源 458 平方公里 人口资源 35 万 +3000 余万(周边京津大都市圈辐射人口) 生态资源 潮白河、北运河、引 入潮河、青龙湾河等水系环抱 特色产业 中国家具之都、会展名城和机器人产业高地 经济实力 GDP 249.6 亿元、廊坊市前三甲、河北省第十二强 Xianghe County Land Resource: 458 square kilometers. Population Resource: 350,000 + over 30,000,000 (of Jing-jin Metropolis) Biological Resources: the Chaobai River, the North Canal, the Yinjuruchao River, and the Qinglongwan River Featured Industries: Famous for Chinese furniture, MICE and robot industry Economic Strength: GDP reached 24.96 billion yuan, ranking the top three in Langfang and the 12th in Hebei Province 香河机器人小镇位于香河经济开发区内,2017 年荣获“河北省特色培育小镇”称号,目前已成为以机器人产业为 主导的香河产业转型升级发展的引领区。 香河地处华北平原北部,隶属河北省廊坊市,四面与京津接壤,素有“京畿明珠”之美誉。全县幅员 458 平方公里 , 人口 35 万,是中国家具之都、会展名城和机器人产业高地。2017 年地区生产总值为 249.6 亿元,综合经济实力 位居廊坊市前三甲、河北省第十二强,是首都经济圈乃至环渤海经济圈中最具活力和发展潜力的黄金板块。 The Xianghe Robot Town is located in Xianghe’ s economic development zone. In 2017, the Town was listed as “towns with unique development approaches” by Hebei provincial government, one of the first towns to be given this title. The Xianghe Robot Town is leading the transformation of Xianghe’s economy. Xianghe is part of Langfang City, Hebei Province. It is located in the northern part of the North China Plain. It is on the border of Beijing and Tianjin and is known as the “The Pearl of Beijing’ s Suburb.” The county covers an area of 458 square kilometers and has a population of 350,000. It is famous for its Chinese furniture, MICE and robot industry. In 2017, Xianghe County’ s regional GDP reached 24.96 billion yuan, and its comprehensive economic strength ranks the top three in Langfang and the 12th in Hebei Province. It is one of the regions with the most vitality and development potential in the Beijing economic circle and even in the Bohai city cluster.


XIANGHE 05 ROBOT INDUSTRY HUB 06 INVESTMENT GUIDE 小镇历史 根植沃土迎机遇 蓬勃发展正当时 TOWN HISTORY Building on a solid foundation, we are seizing opportunities 香河机器人小镇依托北京副中心同城一体化发展区优势,就近承接北京高端生产要素外溢。北京市雄厚的机器人 研发力量、丰富的人才资源优势,以及京津冀在内的华北地区汽车、电子、轨交、造船等装备业智能制造升级所带来 的巨大机器人市场需求,为香河机器人产业发展提供丰厚沃土和蓬勃发展的历史机遇期。 The Xianghe Robot Town takes opportunities offered by the development of Beijing’ s sub-center. We welcome high-end producers relocating from Beijing. Xianghe has a solid foundation to develop its robot industry and now it is the right time to do so because Beijing has strong R\&D strength and abundant human resources that Xianghe can leverage. In addition, adjacent cities including Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei are upgrading the manufacturing industries including automobile, electronics, rail transit and shipbuilding. The upgrading significantly boosts the demand for robots.


小镇大事记 2017.6 MILESTONES OF THE TOWN 中国产业园区创新力百强 China Industrial Park Innovation 100 最佳投资环境产业园区 The Town was awarded as the Industrial Park with Best Investment Environment 2015.4 2016.2 2017.6 机器人产业港外立面竣工 机器人产业港二期开工建设 美国 ATI 成功签约 The façade of the Robot The construction of June 2017 Signed contract with ATI Industry Port was completed Phase II of the Robot Industry Port started 机器人电商产业园交付 June 2017 Delivered the Robot E-commerce Industrial Park 2014.7 2015.6 2016.5 2016.8 机器人产业港开工 廊坊市科技企业孵化器授牌 机器人产业港 以机器人产业集群为核心 企业集中入驻投产 启动香河机器人小镇规划 The construction of the Awarded as the Science and Robot Industry Port began Technology Business Enterprises settled in the The plan for Incubator of Langfang City Robot Industry Port and Xianghe Robot Town formally put into operation initiated with robotics in a concentrated manner industry cluster as the core 2015.8 2016.6 2016.11 廊坊市机器人产业 国家科技部科技领军人才 中国产学研合作 技术研究院授牌 创新驱动中心(香河)授牌 创新示范基地授牌 Awarded as the Robot Industry Awarded as the China Industry-University-Research Technology Research Inno-Driven Development Institute Collaboration and Institute of Langfang City Center (Xianghe) of the Innovation Demonstration Base Ministry of Science was awarded and Technology 2015.12 河北省重大项目加速器授牌 Awarded as the Major Project Accelerator of Hebei Province 机器人产业港首家入园 企业正式投产 The first enterprise in the Robot Industry Port formally put into operation


XIANGHE 07 ROBOT INDUSTRY HUB 08 INVESTMENT GUIDE 2017.3 2018.4 香河机器人小镇荣列 获得机器人领域内最重要 河北首批特色小镇名单 的奖项“恰佩克奖” Xianghe robot town listed the first April 2018 Won one of the most batch of featured small towns important prizes of the robot in Hebei province. industry—The Capek Prize 2017.5 2018.5 2018.5 智能技术与机器人协同 安川都林香河工厂 机器人系统集成产业园 创新平台落户香河 正式开工投产 机器人大厦开工 Intelligent Technology and Robot May 2018 Xianghe factory of May 2018 Robot System Integration Collaborative Innovation Platform” Doolim-Yaskawa Park and Robot Tower was set up in Xianghe started production started construction 2017.9 2018.6 世界著名机器人企业 机器人产业园三期交付 安川都林成功签约 June 2018 launched phase-iii of the September 2017 Signed contract Industrial park with world-renowned robot company Doolim-Yaskawa 2017.9 北航智能技术与机器人 (香河)研究中心落户香河 September 2017 “Beihang University Intelligent Technology and Robotics (Xianghe) Research Center was established


产业现状 机器人产 业研发 国际龙头齐汇聚 产业全链初形成 INDUSTRY STATUS The industrial chain is taking shape with more leading international companies participating 聚焦机器人核心产业 建立完整产业生态圈 We now focus our efforts on developing the core industry of robot manufacturing. 机器人 系统集成 以人工智能及研发为特色,以机器人核心零部件为支撑,以机器人本 体为核心,以系统集成为市场引领,打造中国一流机器人产业集群。 We aim at building a top industrial cluster in China featuring research and development in artificial intelligence, core robot components, robot body and system integration. 效果图


XIANGHE 09 ROBOT INDUSTRY HUB 10 INVESTMENT GUIDE 机器人零 机器人产业研发 部件生产 人工智能 (机器视觉、语音 / 语义识别、机器学习、核心技术研发等) 核心技术研发 (整体系统设计、运动规划与控制、软件核心算法等) 机器人零部件生产 关键零部件 (传感器 / 导航芯片、PLC/ 电路板、精加工件夹具等) 核心零部件 (伺服电机、减速器、控制系统等) 机器人本体制造 工业机器人本体 (协作机器人、六关节机器人、DELTA 机器人、SCARA 机器人、并联机器 人、桁架机器人等) 服务及特种机器人 (专业服务机器人、个人服务机器人、特种作业、无人机 / 车、平衡车等) 机器人系统集成 核心环节 (焊接机器人、喷涂机器人、打磨机器人、切割机器人、装配机器人等) 外衍环节 (高端数控机床 、自动化设备 / 生产线、自动主体仓库等) 本体制造 Research and development in artificial intelligence 机器人 Artificial intelligence: machine visionspeech recognition/semantic analysis machine learning and core technology research and development Core technology research and development: design of integrated system motion planning and control and core software algorithms Components and parts Major parts: sensor/navigation chip PLC/circuit board and fixture for fine machining Core parts: servo motor, decelerator and control system Main body of robots Main body of robots: collaborative robot,six-joint robot,DELTA robot, SCARA robot, parallel robot and truss robot Service robot and robot for special purposes: service robot, personal service robot, robot for special purposes, drone/driverless car and segway Robot system integration Core steps: welding robot, painting robot, polishing robot, cutting robot and assembling robot Extensive steps: high-end CNC machine tool, automated equipment/production line and automated warehouse




XIANGHE 11 ROBOT INDUSTRY HUB 12 INVESTMENT GUIDE 产业集群现状 INDUSTRIAL CLUSTER STATUS 世界知名的美国 ATI 工业自动化、日韩合资安川都林、德国尼玛克等国内外百余家机器相关优秀企业相继落户香 河机器人小镇,已初步形成包括核心零部件、机器人本体、系统集成等在内的机器人产业全链条集聚,香河机器人 小镇产业园已成为华北地区极具影响力的机器人产业集群。 More than 100 robot-related companies including ATI, Doolim-Yaskawa, and NIMAK choose to invest in the Xianghe Robot Town, forming a complete industry chain of core components, robot bodies and system integration. The Town has become an influential robot industry cluster in northern China. 美国 ATI 工业自动化 ATI INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION 美国 ATI 工业自动化有限公司是机器人末端执行工具的全球领导者,是北美工业机器人协会、北美汽车协会的会 员,国际一线品牌汽车(通用、福特、戴姆勒、宝马、日产、丰田、本田、雷诺、一汽轿车、长城汽车、长安汽车、吉利汽车 等)主机厂的换枪盘的供应商。ATI 落户香河,是其工业自动化全系列机器人末端执行器首个工厂项目。 ATI Industrial Automation is a global leading manufacturer of robotic tooling and end effectors. It is a member of the Robotic Industries Association and Automobile Association in North America. ATI supplies tool changers for auto brands including GM, Ford, Daimler AG, BMW, Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Renault, FAW, GWM, Chang’ an and Geely. ATI’ s project in Xianghe is its first factory project of all its end effectors for industrial automation.


安川都林 DOOLIM-YASKAWA 安川都林是世界机器人行业领先者,是机器人产业领域“四大家族”之一的日本安川电机与韩国排名第一的喷涂、 涂胶机器人企业韩国都林自动化的合资公司,其产品——喷涂、涂胶机器人在汽车整车产业、汽车零部件产业、家 电产业及一般工业领域应用十分广泛。安川都林香河工厂包含预组装生产线、研发实验室、培训设施、科技展厅等, 致力打造“中国涂装中心”,提升中国涂装行业的整体水平。 Doolim-Yaskawa is a world leading robot company. It is a joint venture of Yaskawa Electric Corporation, one of the four most prominent companies in Japanese robot industry and Doolim Robotics, Korea’ s No.1 painting and gluing robot manufacturer. Doolim-Yaskawa’ s products including painting and gluing robots are widely used in the manufacturing of complete vehicle, auto parts, household appliances and other industries. Doolim-Yaskawa’ s projects in Xianghe include pre-assembly production line, R\&D lab, training facility and technology exhibition hall. They are committed to building the center of robotic coating and sealing in China. And we believe that their presence can promote the development of the robotic coating and sealing industry in China. 德国尼玛克 NIMAK 德国尼玛克是国际著名的汽车行业电阻焊机供应商,是机器人焊钳的发明者,拥有多项世界先进技术。中国高端汽 车行业市场占有率达 90% 以上。客户遍及北京奔驰、一汽奥迪、一汽大众、北京汽车,广州本田等。目前,尼玛克在 香河机器人产业园已完成三期建设。 NIMAK is the inventor of robotic welders and a world-renowned supplier of resistance welding equipment. NIMAK masters many cutting-edge technologies and 90% of vehicles sold in China’ s high-end auto market are produced with NIMAK equipment. NIMAK’ s clients include Beijing Benz Automotive, FAW-Volkswagen Audi, FAW-VW, BAIC and Guangqi Honda. Currently, NIMAK has finished phase III of its project in Xianghe. 实景图


XIANGHE 13 ROBOT INDUSTRY HUB 14 INVESTMENT GUIDE 明星企业 STAR COMPANIES 美国 ATI 德国尼玛克 安川都林 伊贝格 汇天威 星和众工 影能 宏远皓轩 太库


载体产品 标准化载体产品 让企业拎包入住 INFRASTRUCTURE Standardized infrastructure saves time and energy for enterprises moving in 华夏幸福专业的载体设计与建设团队,可为企业提供标准化、专业化、定制化的载体设计及载体建设服务,帮助企 业实现“拎包入驻”。 CFLD’ s professional infrastructure design and construction team can provide enterprises with standardized, professional, customized design and construction services, enabling enterprises to move in as soon as possible. 香河机器人产业港一期 PHASE I OF XIANGHE ROBOT INDUSTRIAL PORT 香河机器人产业港一期总建筑面积 6.4 万平方米。载体类型包括单层厂房、多层厂房、研发中试楼宇及综合配套楼 宇,共计 25 栋。现已有德国尼玛克、美国 ATI、汇天威、大呈机器人、宏远皓轩等 58 家机器人相关企业入驻投产。 Phase I covers a total floor area of 64,000 .There are 25 buildings including single and multi-story factories, buildings for pilot scale production in R\&D and others for support services. Currently, 58 robot companies, including NIMAK, ATI, HORI, Dacheng Robot and Hongyuan Hao Xuan have launched their project in the industrial port.


XIANGHE 15 ROBOT INDUSTRY HUB 16 INVESTMENT GUIDE 香河机器人产业港三期 PHASE III OF XIANGHE ROBOT INDUSTRIAL PORT 香河机器人产业港三期总建筑面积 2.91 万平方米。载体类型包括单层厂房、多层厂房,共计 8 栋。现已有安川都 ! 林、伊贝格、西维尔、弗莱达等 9 家机器人相关企业入驻投产。 Phase III covers an area of 29,100 . There are eight buildings including single and multi-story factories. Nine robot companies, including Doolim-Yaskawa, Mepro Mechanical, Schwerll and Welitec have started production. 机器人核心零部件产业港 CORE ROBOT COMPONENTS PORT 机器人核心零部件产业港总建筑面积 8.5 万平方米。载体类型包括单层厂房、多层厂房、研发中试楼宇及综合配套 ! 楼宇。核心零部件产业港一期已于 2017 年 5 月投入使用,现已有飞马无人机、捷诺鸿达等 8 家机器人相关企业 入驻投产,二期预计于 2019 年 9 月交付并投入使用。 The port covers an area of 85,000 . It has single and multi-story factories, buildings for pilot scale production in R\&D and others for support services. Phase I has been put into use in May, 2017. Currently, eight robot companies, including FEIMA ROBOTICS and PRO-ACHIEVE have started production. Phase II is expected to be delivered and put into use in September, 2019.


机器人系统集成产业港 ROBOT SYSTEM INTEGRATION PORT 机器人系统集成产业港总建筑面积 4.6 万平方米。载体类型包括定制单层厂房、定制多层厂房、标准厂房,共计 11 ! 栋。现已与德国尼玛克(三期)、北京创思等 8 家机器人相关企业签约,预计 2019 年 6 月交付并投入使用。 The port covers an area of 46,000 . It has customized single, multi-story and standard factories. Currently, we have signed contracts with eight robot companies, including NIMAK (Phase III) and BTMT. The port is expected to be delivered and put into use in June, 2019. 香河机器人应用产业园 XIANGHE ROBOT APPLICATION INDUSTRIAL PARK 机器人应用产业园总建筑面积 4.7 万平方米。载体类型包括多层厂房、多层双拼厂房、综合配套楼宇,共计 10 栋。 ! 项目预计与 2019 年 9 月交付并投入使用。 ! The port covers an area of 47,000 . There are a total number of ten buildings, including multi-story, multi-story (semi-detached) factories and buildings for support services. It is expected to be delivered and put into use in September, 2019.


XIANGHE 17 ROBOT INDUSTRY HUB 18 INVESTMENT GUIDE 产业服务 专员保姆式服务 解企业后顾之忧 INDUSTRIAL SERVICES Exclusive services suit the convenience of enterprises 围绕企业入驻后的生产发展诉求,华夏幸福专业的产业服务团队为企业提供政务手续、资金、人才、供应链、市场推 广、技术创新、生活配套、市政配套、物业管理等基础服务及增值服务,让企业专注生产与经营。 To meet enterprises’ needs after moving in, our professional industrial service team provides basic and value-added services in areas including administrative procedures, funds, human resources, supply chain, marketing, technical innovation, amenities, municipal facilities and property management. With these services, companies can focus on production and management. 政务服务 专业人员免费为企业提供工商注册、税务环评等前期手续办理;协助企业进行高新技术企业认定、争取政策扶持 奖励等,进行园区挂牌、园区资质申报等整体提升服务 融资服务 为企业提供机器人产业专项基金、第三方金融服务合作、华夏幸福投资等金融融资服务 人才服务 通过国家科技部科技领军人才驱动中心等平台,为企业引进高端人才;通过定向招聘、校企对接、专题招聘等方式 为企业招聘普通技工;通过企业实训基地、机器人职教中心,进行机器人专业人才培训;通过多种形式的企业交 流活动、文体活动丰富入区企业家及职工的文化生活 供应链服务 为企业提供硬件采购平台、代加工平台等外部供应链服务,通过园区交流平台为企业提供内部上下游配套合作、技 术设备合作等内部生态链 市场推广服务 组织企业参加行业会展论坛、经贸洽谈、贸易对接等市场推广活动,通过小镇展厅、外界政商参观、媒体报道、大型 活动等形式为企业进行多种形式宣传推广 技术创新服务 借助园区“太库孵化器“,为企业提供专业培训、风投对接、技术对接等技术创新服务


生活配套服务 班车:直通北京地铁站 商业:1200 平米超市、餐厅 公寓:1.5 万平米机器人大厦 酒店:6100 平米机器人酒店 文化:文化艺术中心(电影院、剧场、图书馆、运动馆、文化展陈等) 购物:中艺美宜 Outlets 购物广场 休闲:机器人运动公园(足球场、篮球场、网球场、慢跑道等) e 生活:智慧城市运营中心、小镇展厅 市政配套服务 园区自建污水处理厂、供水厂、供热站、变电站等市政场站,实现供水、雨水、污水、电力、热力、通信、交通等七通一平 物业管理服务 幸福基业物业营造景区化园区环境,为企业提供装修对接服务、安全管理服务、工程维护服务等标准化、品质化物业管 理服务


XIANGHE 19 ROBOT INDUSTRY HUB 20 INVESTMENT GUIDE Administrative Services Our professional staff can help you with formalities such as industrial and commercial registration, taxation, and environmental assessment. We may also assist your company in applying for the accreditation as high-tech enterprise for policy support. We can help with registration at the industrial park including submitting qualification documents. Financing Services We provide financing services through a special fund for robot industry, third-party financial service cooperation and CFLD investment. Talent Services We can help you hire senior professionals through platforms such as the Science and Technology Leading Talent Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology. We can help you recruit technicians through targeted recruiting, campus recruiting and job-specific recruiting. We train robot professionals at training bases in enterprises and vocational schools. We organize communication among enterprises and all kinds of cultural and sports activities for employees in the industrial park. Supply Chain Services We provide external supply chain services such as hardware procurement platform and OEM companies. We also facilitate cooperation among enterprises in the industrial park including coordination between upstream and downstream companies and cooperation in technology and equipment. Marketing Services We organize enterprises to participate in industry exhibition forums, economic and trade negotiations, trade docking and other marketing activities. We contribute to enterprises’ marketing and branding through events at our display hall, field visits by government representatives and other business owners, media coverage and large-scale activities. Technical Innovation Services With the “Techcode Incubator” of the park, we provide companies with technical innovation services such as professional training, venture capital docking, and technology benchmarking. Amenities Shuttle bus to a Beijing subway station Commercial area: 1200 commercial areas including supermarket and restaurant Apartment: Robot Tower, with a total area of 15,000 Hotel: 6100 Robot Hotel Culture: Center for culture and arts (cinema, theater, library, gym and exhibition facility) Shopping: Outlets shopping mall Leisure: Robot sports park (football field, basketball court, tennis court and jogging track e-life: smart city, operation center and the display hall Municipal Support Services The park has its own sewage plants, water supply plants, heating stations, substations and other municipal facilities for water supply, rainwater, sewage, electricity, heat, communications, and transportation services. Property Management Services Our property management team provides you with an environment as good as that of a scenic spot and offers standardized and quality property management services such as fitting and docking services, security management services and project maintenance services.


优惠政策 五维八方面政策 降企业发展成本 PREFERENTIAL POLICIES multi-pronged strategies to help enterprises control cost 为企业提供国家、省、市、县、华夏幸福五大维度、八大方面政策,从税收优惠、产业投资基金、金融扶持、人才扶持、 土地厂房、重大项目、科技创新、经营扶持等方面给予企业政策扶持,助力企业以更低的成本、更丰富的要素投入获 得更好地发展。 We help enterprises benefit from national, provincial, municipal and county level policies through the unique CFLD model. Enterprises can enjoy preferential policies in terms of taxation, industrial investment funds, financial support, talent support, land, factory, major projects, technological innovation and business support. These policies help companies achieve better development at lower costs for all factors of production. 税收优惠 落实国家省市企业税收优惠政策及个人所得税优惠政策;并根据企业纳税规模给予一定税收返还优惠 产业投资基金政策 设立机器人产业创业投资基金,专项用于以股权投资形式支持机器人龙头企业、高新技术企业规模化发展 金融扶持政策 为企业争取国家及河北省贷款贴息政策、贷款风险补偿、首台(套)保险补偿、企业上市奖励等金融扶持政策 人才扶持 为企业争取和提供高层次人才团队引进、技能人才引进、技能人才培养等人才扶持政策 土地厂房 给予企业专业的厂房定制设计和建设服务,提供有竞争力的租金和售价,并根据企业纳税规模等情况给予一定的 租金优惠 重大项目 一事一议,给予龙头项目固定资产投资奖励、关键零部件关键配套企业研发费用补贴、国内外知名系统集成企业 销售奖励、公共研发创新平台奖补支持、科技服务平台及机构奖补支持等重大项目扶持政策 科技创新 对入区企业进行科技成果转移转化、企业建立研发机构、科技小微企业创新发展、企业新产品推广应用、企业争取科创 资质挂牌等科技创新行为进行政策争取 经营扶持 为初创期企业、科技型中小企业争取河北省政策,并且提供物业费减免优惠、开办奖励、装修补贴等经营扶持 效果图


XIANGHE 21 ROBOT INDUSTRY HUB 22 INVESTMENT GUIDE Tax incentives Implement tax incentives for corporates and personal income tax policies at the national and provincial level Industrial Investment Fund Policy Set up a robotics venture capital fund, which is used exclusively for supporting the leading enterprises of robots and high-tech enterprises through equity investment Financial Support Policy Help enterprises access financial support including subsidized loan, loan risk compensation, new equipment insurance and corporate listing incentives Talent support Help enterprises attract and train high-end talent and skilled workers Land and factory Offer relief or exemption of factory rent (1-3 years of rent relief or exemption in light of the amount of investment and tax) and subsidies for temporary/transitional factories Major projects Reward such as fixed assets for leading projects; R\&D subsidies for key component manufacturers; Sales bonus for famous system integration companies from homeand abroad; Subsidies for innovation on the shared R\&D platform; and Subsidies for technological service platforms and institutions Technological innovation Help enterprises access policy support for: Commercializing technological progress; Setting up R\&D institution; SMEs to achieve innovative development; Promoting new products; and Applying to be accredited as an innovative company. Business support Help start-ups and science and technology SMEs access policy support from the provincial government; offer relief and exemption of property management fee, monetary incentive for startups and remodeling subsidy


空间规划 一带两轴搭骨架 一心多核增魅力 SPACE PLANNING The Park is well-planned, including one belt, two axes, one center and multiple cores 一带:运河生态景观带。结合运河自然景观,打造运河生态景观带 两轴:机器人风情主题景观轴、产业升级服务轴 一心:小镇综合服务中心。位于小镇几何中心,主要布局展示中心、游客接待中心和孵化中心等核心功能 多核:包含服务类核心和生态类核心两类,以 500 米服务半径辐射整个基地范围。以基本配套服务设施为主的生 活社区服务中心、工业社区服务中心和产业研发中心构成服务类核心;以公园、广场、绿化景观为主的生态类核心 The belt refers to ecological landscape belt. We created it by leveraging the beautiful scenery along the canal. The two axes are “axis” with robot-themed decoration and “axis” featuring services for industrial upgrading. The comprehensive service center of the town is located in the geometric center of the town. It serves as an exhibition center, tourist reception center and incubation center. The service cores and ecological cores have a radius of 500 meters and they can serve the whole industrial park. A service core is mainly composed of community service center, industrial service center and R\&D center with the basic supporting facilities; an ecological core mainly includes parks, plazas and afforestation.


XIANGHE 23 ROBOT INDUSTRY HUB 24 INVESTMENT GUIDE 生态核心 产业研发中心 机器人风情主题景观轴 小镇综合服务中心 Ecological core Industrial R \& D center Robot-style theme Comprehensive landscape axis service center 服务核心 of the town Core Services 产业升级服务轴 Industrial upgrading service axis 运河生态景观带 The ecological landscape belt along the canal Industrial upgrading service axis 产业研发中心 The ecological landscape belt along the canal 产 Industrial R \& D center 运 生态核心 业 河 升 生 Ecological core 级 态 服 景 服务核心 务 观 Core Services 轴 服务核心 带 Core Services 生态核心 生态核心 Ecological core Ecological core 机器人风情主题景观轴 Robot-style theme landscape axis 小镇综合服务中心 Comprehensive service center of the town 服务核心 生态核心 服务核心 Core Services Ecological core Core Services 生态核心 Ecological core


发展愿景 北方机器人航母 国家智造示范区 DEVELOPMENT VISION Becoming the leader of robot industry in northern China and an example of intelligent manufacturing 香河机器人小镇正继往开来,以昂扬的姿态迈向更高的发展平台,我们诚挚地邀请机器人产业领先的龙头企业、高 新技术企业、科技中小微创新企业加入,携手共筑机器人产业发展高地,共缔机器人产业腾飞传奇,向着“北方机器 人航母,国家智造示范区”的愿景迈进。 The Xianghe Robot Town is building on our past success and seizing opportunities of upgrading and we have every reason to be confident. We sincerely invite leading robot companies, high-tech enterprises and small and medium-sized innovation companies to join us in building a highland of robot industry in China and write a new chapter of the industry. We look forward to inviting you to join our effort in becoming the leader of robot industry in northern China and an example of intelligent manufacturing.


XIANGHE 25 ROBOT INDUSTRY HUB 26 INVESTMENT GUIDE 关于华夏幸福 打造产业新城 建设幸福城市 ABOUT CFLD Creating a New Industrial City, Building a City of Happiness 中国领先的产业新城运营商 打造产业新城 建设幸福城市 使所开发的区域经济发展、社会和谐、人民幸福 CFLD is China’ s leading company in providing solutions for new industrial cities. We aim at building new industrial cities where people lead a happy life. We contribute to local economic development, social harmony and people’s wellbeing.


华夏幸福 香河机器人小镇的运营商 CFLD OPERATOR OF NEW INDUSTRIAL CITIES 华夏幸福基业股份有限公司(股票代码:600340)创立于 1998 年 是中国领先的产业新城运营商 China Fortune Land Development Co., Ltd (CFLD) (Stock Code: 600340) was founded in 1998 and is one of the leading industry city operators in China. 承载区域可持续发展、产业转型升级的伟大梦想,华夏幸福以“产业高度聚集、城市功能完善、生态环境优美”的产 业新城和“产业鲜明、绿色生态、美丽宜居”的产业小镇为核心产品,通过创新升级 PPP 市场化运作模式,接受合 作区域政府委托,打造先进产业集群,以产业导入带动经济发展,以城市功能完善增进人民幸福,实现产业、城市与 民生的融合发展。目前,产业新城事业版图已遍布北京、河北、江苏、浙江、安徽、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、四川、等国 内 16 个省,以及印度尼西亚、印度、越南、菲律宾等国家在内的全球 70 多个区域。截至 2017 年底,拥有员工超 28000 名。 CFLD is committed to achieving regional sustainable development and industrial transformation and upgrading. We focus on new industrial cities with “high concentration of industries, well-developed urban functions and beautiful ecological environment” and new industry towns with a “distinct industry, well-protected ecology, beautiful and livable environment” . Through innovation and upgrading of the market-oriented PPP operation mode and accepting mandate from local government, CFLD will create advanced industrial clusters, promote economic development through nurturing new industries, and improve people's wellbeing through the improvement of urban functions. Thus, the industry, its host city and local residents can pursue development in a coordinated way.


XIANGHE 27 ROBOT INDUSTRY HUB 28 INVESTMENT GUIDE 联系方式 CONTACT INFORMATION 机器人微信公众号 Wechat Official Account 招商电话及微信 刘学 李少平 张晓芬 18059255066 18811559033 17331627591 地址:河北省廊坊市香河县安晟街机器人产业园一期 E2 楼二层 ,065401 邮箱:liuxue1@cfldcn.com Investment Hotline:+86 010-58412333 +86 18059255066 Address: Floor 2, Building E2, Robot Industry Park, Ansheng Street, Xianghe County, Langfang City, Hebei Province, 065401, P.R.China. E-mail: liuxue1@cfldcn.com


本宣传册涉及的招商政策会适时调整 香河机器人产业港保留对本册的商业信息及政策内容的最终解释权 The promotion policy of this brochure will be adjusted in real time, and the Hong Kong robot industry port reserves the right to the final interpretation of the commercial information and policy contents of this brochure.
