外国人在佛山服务指南Service Guide for Foreigners in Foshan

发布时间:2023-9-01 | 杂志分类:其他

外国人在佛山服务指南Service Guide for Foreigners in Foshan

Foshan, known as Jihua Town in ancient times, “was built in Jin Dynasty and got its name from Tang Dynasty” . It is a famous national historical and cultural city with profound foundation, an advanced manufacturing base in China and also an important manufacturing center in Guangdong. Foshan enjoys such reputations as National Civilized City, City of Gastronomy, Most Romantic City and so on.In recent years, more and more foreigners have chosen to travel, study, work, live and even settle in Fosh... [收起]
外国人在佛山服务指南Service Guide for Foreigners in Foshan
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compile and print by Office of Foshan Administration

Service Leading Group for Foreigners






Welcome to Foshan





























Foshan, known as Jihua Town in ancient times, “was built in Jin Dynasty and

got its name from Tang Dynasty” . It is a famous national historical and cultural

city with profound foundation, an advanced manufacturing base in China and

also an important manufacturing center in Guangdong. Foshan enjoys such

reputations as National Civilized City, City of Gastronomy, Most Romantic City

and so on.

In recent years, more and more foreigners have chosen to travel, study, work,

live and even settle in Foshan.

In order to help our foreign friends to know Foshan more quickly, more

comprehensively and more conveniently, the editorial board , together with

relevant units, has compiled and printed this Service Guide for Foreigners in

Foshan. This guide is practical and strives to cover the latest information on

government affairs service related to foreigners’ travel, visit, business affairs,

work, residence, etc.

We sincerely hope that this manual could provide more help and convenience

to foreign friends in Foshan, and we would also like to express our sincere

thanks to foreign friends who have been caring about Foshan's economic

construction and supporting social development. We sincerely hope that more

foreign friends could come to and know about Foshan, so as to better integrate

themselves into the life of this city.

Welcome to Foshan!

Editorial Board

September 2023


第一节 商务、访问交流 14

第二节 就业 17

第三节 学习 22

第四节 演出 27

第五节 其他事项 33

第六节 申请材料 37

第三章 法律法规节选 40

第四章 相关机构信息 54

第一章 城市概况 5

第二章 涉外综合政务服务办理流程 13


Foshan is located in the hinterland of the Pearl River Delta, with Guangzhou to

the east. Hong Kong, Macao, and Shenzhen are its neighbors. It is famous for

its history and culture in the country. It is also a key manufacturing center in

China, an important node city in the Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater

Bay Area (GBA), an economic and trade center, and also a transportation hub

in the west Pearl River Delta.Together with Guangzhou, Foshan forms the

Guangzhou-Foshan Metropolitan Circle and the circle constitutes one of the

three economic pillars of GBA. It has been honored as National Civilized City,

China’ s Top 10 Happiest City, Favorable Living and Working City, and New

First-tier City.

Foshan is a prefecture-level city in Guangdong Province, covering a total area

of 3800 km2. There are five districts in Foshan, including Chancheng, Nanhai,

Shunde, Gaoming, and Sanshui district. Foshan is home to 8,1586 million

people, including 4,54 million registered popuplation. In 2022, there were

6,021 permanent resident foreigners in Foshan and 20,801 temporary

residence registrations for foreigners.



心和综合交通枢纽 , 与广州共同构成“广佛都市圈”和粤港澳大湾区三大极点之一,


佛山是广东省地级市,行政区划面积 3797.72 平方公里,辖禅城、南海、顺德、

高明、三水五个区,常住人口 815.86 万人,其中户籍人口 454 万人。2022 年在佛

山常住外国人 6021 人,办理外国人临住登记 20801 人次。


Foshan is the 17th city in the country and the 3rd in Guangdong to achieve a

total economic output of over 1 trillion yuan, reaching a regional GDP of

1.215654 trillion yuan in 2021. Foshan also surpassed 2.6 trillion yuan in the

total output of industrial enterprises above designated size, ranking 6th in

China. According to the Chinese Urban Competitiveness Report released by

the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2021, Foshan ranks 14th among

all Chinese cities in comprehensive economic competitiveness.

佛山是全国第 17 个、广东省第 3 个经济总量超万亿元的城市,2021 年实

现地区生产总值 12156.54 亿元。佛山是工业经济实力排名全国第 6 的城市,

2021 年规模以上工业总产值超过 2.6 万亿元。据 2021 年中国社科院发布的

《中国城市竞争力报告》,佛山城市综合经济竞争力排名全国第 14 位。




City of Martial Arts. Foshan is a hometown to martial arts and where most

southern styles originated. It was exclusively awarded the title of “City of Martial Arts” by the General Administration of Sport of China. Kung Fu styles such

as Wing Chun, Cai Li Fo, and Hung Quen are practiced around the world and

they all have intimate connections with the city. The renowned martial artists

Wong Fei Hung, Leung Jan, Ip Man, and Bruce Lee had family roots or studied

Kung Fu in Foshan.

I. A Nationally Famous Historical and Cultural City




名城”。民间素有“食在广州,厨出凤城 (顺德区大良街道别称)”之说,顺德区


City of Gastronomy. As one of the birthplaces of Cantonese cuisine, Foshan

is the “Famous city of Cantonese cuisine” , which is awarded by the China Cuisine Association. There is a popular saying that “the best food is in Guangzhou

and the best chefs are from Fengcheng (the nickname of Daliang subdistrict in

Shunde, Foshan).” Shunde District is also the City of Gastronomy listed by


南国陶都。佛山自古有“石湾瓦,甲天下”的美誉,制陶工艺有 700 多年历史。建

于明代的南风古灶薪火相传至今 500 多年,是世界现存最古老的活态陶瓷柴烧龙窑。

City of Ceramics. With a history of over 700 years in ceramics making, ceramic wares from Shiwan (a town in Foshan) were hailed as the “Shiwan tile, the

best in the world” since early times. Nanfeng Kiln, the oldest wood-firing kiln

existing in the world, was built during the Ming Dynasty, and has been in continuous use for over 500 years.






Birthplace of Cantonese Opera. Foshan is the birthplace of Cantonese opera,

where its performers are known as “Red Boat Disciples” , and where the earliest Cantonese opera association, the Qionghua Guild, was founded. Nanhai

District is honored with the title “Hometown of Chinese Opera Arts”.

City of Lion Dance and Dragon Boat. Foshan is also the birthplace of the

Southern Lion Dance and the very first “Lion Dance and Dragon Boat City”.



岭南成药之乡。佛山古方正药历史有 400 余年,产品种类齐全,涌现出“黄祥



Chancheng District is recognized as the “Hometown of Chinese Dragon and

Lion Dance” , Shunde District as the “National Hometown of Dragon Boat

Racing” , and the Xiqiao Town in Nanhai District as the only Chinese Dragon

and Lion Dance Town in China.

Hometown of Chinese Patent Medicine in Lingnan. Foshan offers a

complete range of traditional Chinese medicine that is 400 years old, including

the time-honored brands Huang Xianghua (Wong Cheung Wah) U-I oil,

Fengliaoxing medicated liquor, and Yuan Jilin herbal tea. Therefore, the

traditional Chinese medicine sector of China National Pharmaceutical Group’ s

headquarter is located in Foshan. The company has built a 10-billion industrial

base for traditional Chinese medicine.







级综合改革试点。2021 年,佛山先进制造业增加值占规模以上工业比重达

49.4%,规模以上工业企业超 9456 家,是万亿级城市中罕有的工业占比近六成的


“Where there is home, there are products made in Foshan.” Foshan is a

manufacturing-oriented city, shifting from a land of abundance to an important

manufacturing base for China and the globe. Foshan has a large-scale

manufacturing industry with complete categories and supporting facilities. It

has a sound and robust industrial system, boosting strong traditional industries

such as home appliances, furniture, ceramics, building materials, food and

beverages. There are also emerging industries such as robotics, alternative

fuel vehicles, electronic information, and new materials. Foshan is the only pilot

city for the comprehensive reform of manufacturing transformation and

upgrading. In 2021, Foshan’ s advanced manufacturing industry accounted for

49.4% of the added value of industries above designated size, with over 9,456

industrial enterprises above designated size, making it a rare manufacturing

city with industry output accounting for nearly 60% of its GDP among

trillion-level cities.

II. A Key Manufacturing Center for the World



佛山坚持把创新摆在发展全局的核心位置,每年财政科技投入 100 亿元左右,


Foshan always puts innovation as its priority in its overall development and

vigorously pursues an innovation-driven development strategy. The city has

invested over 10 billion yuan annually in science and technology. It was

approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology to build itself into an

innovation-driven city.

III. A Global Innovation City



V. A Modern International City Suitable for Living,

Business and Travel

IV. A Key Node City of Vibrancy in the Guangdong-Hong

Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

The \"Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater

Bay Area \" mentions Foshan nine times, supporting Foshan to build into a key

node city. It requires Foshan and Guangzhou to join together to play a leading

role and to lead the Greater Bay Area to participate in in-depth international

cooperation. In order to push forward the in-depth development of Greater Bay

Area, Foshan tries to prioritize the integration of the “hardware” -infrastructure

with the “software”-institutions and regulations.

《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》 9 次提及佛山,支持佛山建设重要节点城市,要




Aiming for the harmonious co-development of its city, industry and human

spheres, Foshan strives to develop its city pattern of strong city centers and

proper and flourishing regional hubs under a well-structured network (referred

to as the “1+1+7” model). With high-level planning, we try to promote high-end

industrial development by urban modernization.





Section 1 Business, Visits and Exchanges


使馆官网查阅相关政策,如签证材料需要外事部门出具的 《邀请核实单》,邀请单位


国驻外使领馆申请 F 或 M 字签证入境。

入境后,外国人应向旅馆或居住地公安派出所 (在入住后 24 小时内) 办理住

宿登记,持 F 或 M 字签证从事相应的活动。因原入境事由尚未终止或者变更停留事



Foreigners coming to Foshan for exchange, visit, study, training, business and

other activities should first visit the official website of the local Chinese Embassy to check the relevant policies. If the visa documents require a Verification

Letter of Invitation issued by the foreign affairs department, the inviting unit

shall apply for the Verification Letter of Invitation from the foreign affairs section

of the district to which they belong. Foreigners may apply for an F or M visa at

the Chinese embassies or consulates abroad with the Verification Letter of Invitation and relevant documents.


The administrative services and application processes involved in this guide are

for reference only, and the detailed contents shall be subject to the explanation of

the relevant government departments.




After coming to China, foreigners shall register their accommodation with the

hotels or the local police stations and engage in corresponding activities with

their F or M visas. If the original reason for coming to China has not yet been

terminated or the reason for stay has been changed, and it is necessary to

continue to stay after the expiry of the visa's duration of stay, they shall apply

to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Foshan Public Security

Bureau for visa extension and renewal.


(If necessary ) Invitation unit applies for

Verification Letter of Invitation

Accepting institution: Foreign Affairs

Section of the district to which they belong

Accommodation registration by

foreigners (within 24 hours)

Accepting institution: Hotels or local

police stations

Foreigners apply for visa extension or


Accepting institution: Exit and Entry

Administration Department of Foshan

Public Security Bureau

Foreigner applies for F or M visaT

Accepting institution: Chinese

embassies or consulates abroad





According to the provisions of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the

People’ s Republic of China, foreigners working in China shall obtain work permit

and work-type residence permit in accordance with the law.

Foreigners shall apply for employment according to the corresponding




凭 《许可通知》 及相关材料向中国驻外使领馆申请 Z 字签证入境。

入境后,外国人应向旅馆或居住地公安派出所 (在入住后 24 小时内)办理住宿

登记,向佛山国际旅行卫生保健中心申请 《境外人员体格检查记录验证证明》 (以下

简称 《体检证明》)。外国人凭 Z 字签证、《体检证明》及相关材料向佛山市科学技术

局及各区科技局(经济和科技促进局)申请 《中华人民共和国外国人工作许可证》

(以下简称 《工作许可证》),凭《工作许可证》及相关材料向佛山公安出入境管理部


根据 《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》 的规定,外国人在中国境内工作,应依




(I) Foreigners outside of China need to obtain employment in Foshan

Before they come to China, the invitation unit shall apply to Foshan Science

and Technology Bureau and District Science and Technology Bureau

(Economic and Technological Promotion Bureau) for the Notification letter of

foreigner's work permit in the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred

to as Notice on Permit). Foreigners may apply to Chinese embassies or

consulates abroad for Z visa with the Notice on Permit and relevant


After the arrival in China, foreigners shall register their accomodation with the

hotels or the local police stations(within 24 hours) and apply to Foshan

International Travel Health Care Center for the Certificate of Verification for

Physical Examination Record for Foreigners or Overseas Chinese (hereinafter

referred to as the Physical Examination Certificate). Foreigners shall apply to

Foshan Science and Technology Bureau and District Science and Technology

Bureau (Economic and Technological Promotion Bureau) for Work Permit for

Foreigners in the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Work

Permit) with the Z visa, Physical Examination Certificate and relevant

documents, and apply to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of

Foshan Public Security Bureau for work-type residence permit with Work

Permit and relevant documents.




Accepting institution: Foshan Science

and Technology Bureau and District

Science and Technology Bureau

(Economic and Technological Promotion


Accepting institution: Foshan Science

and Technology Bureau and District

Science and Technology Bureau

(Economic and Technological Promotion


Foreigners apply for work-type

residence permit

The invitation unit applies for Notification letter of foreigner's work permit in

the People's Republic of China

Foreigners apply for Certificate of

Verification for Physical Examination Record for Foreigners or

Overseas Chinese

Foreigners apply for Work Permit

for Foreigners in the People’s

Republic of China



济和科技促进局)申请 《工作许可证》,凭 《工作许可证》 及相关材料向佛山公安出


Foreigners who meet the requirements of applying for work permit in China shall

apply to Foshan science and technology authorities for Work Permit, and then

they may apply to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Foshan Public

Security Bureau for work-type residence permit with their Work Permit and

relevant documents.

Foreigners who are already in China and need to obtain employment in Foshan


Foreigners apply for Work Permit for Foreigners in the People’ s Republic of China

Accepting institution: Foshan Science and Technology Bureau and District

Science and Technology Bureau (Economic and Technological Promotion


Foreigners apply for work-type residence permit

Accepting institution: Exit and Entry Administration Department of Foshan

Public Security Burea



(II) Checklist for foreigners to apply for the Certificate

of Verification for Physical Examination Record for

Foreigners or Overseas Chinese



录取通知书及证明函件向广东省口岸签证机关申请 X1 字签证,入境后可以按规定



Foreign students who are enrolled by middle or primary schools and want to

study in Foshan due to an emergency may apply to the port visa authority of

Guangdong Province for X1 visa with their admission letters and certificates of

middle or primary schools in Foshan. After entering China, they may apply for

the study-type residence permit in accordance with relevant regulations. Those

who come to China with other visas may apply to the Exit and Entry

Administration Department of Foshan Public Security Bureau for the study-type

residence permit with their admission letters and certificates.




Foreign students apply for X1 visa or

other visas

Accepting institution: Chinese embassies or

consulates abroad/ port visa authority of

Guangdong Province



(网址 :http://cisis.emis.edu.cn) 进行网上备案,备案通过后向广东省教育厅申

请 《外国留学人员来华签证申请表(JW202 表)》 (以下简称 JW202 表),外国学

生凭学校录取通知书、JW202 表及相关材料向中国驻外使领馆申请 X1 字签证入


入境后,外国学生 (在入住后 24 小时内) 应向旅馆或居住地公安派出所办理

住宿登记,向佛山国际旅行卫生保健中心办理 《境外人员体格检查记录验证证明》

(以下简称 《体检证明》),凭 JW202 表、《体检证明》 及相关材料向佛山公安出入境


Before the foreign students come to China, colleges and universities in Foshan

should log onto the national information management platform for study in

China (website: http://cisis.emis.edu.cn) for online filing. If the filing is

accepted, then colleges and universities should apply to the Education

Department of Guangdong Province for the Visa Application Form for Study in

China (Form JW202) (hereinafter referred to as Form JW202). After that,

foreign students may apply for the X1 visa at Chinese embassies or consulates

abroad with their admission letter, Form JW202 and relevant documents.

After the arrival in China, foreign students shall register their accomodation

with the hotels or the local police stations(within 24 hours) and apply to Foshan

International Travel Health Care Center for the Certificate of Verification for

Physical Examination Record for Foreigners or Overseas Chinese (hereinafter

referred to as the Physical Examination Certificate). After that, foreign students

should apply to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Foshan Public

Security Bureau for study-type residence permit with their Form JW202,

Physical Examination Certificate and relevant documents.




Online application and filing by

colleges and universities

(website: http://cisis.emis.edu.cn)

Foreign students apply for Certificate of

Verification for Physical Examination

Record for Foreigners or Overseas Chinese

Colleges and universities apply for Visa

Application Form for Study in China (Form


Accepting institution: Education Department of

Guangdong Province


(II) Checklist for foreign students to apply for Certificate

of Verification for Physical Examination Record for

Foreigners or Overseas Chinese

(I) Checklist for foreign students to apply for study-type

residence permit




演出举办单位应向演出所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文化主管部门申请 《营





(I) Foreigners outside China need to have performances in Foshan

For a commercial performance with the participation of a foreign theatrical

performance group or individual in Foshan, the performance organizer shall

directly apply to the competent cultural sector of the people’ s government of the

province, autonomous region or municipality that are under the central

government. The government authorities for applicants to apply to should be

located in places where the performance is held for the Decision on Approval

and Permission of Commercial Performances before the foreigners come to


If the performance is held in the business unit of a performance venue, the

performance organizer shall submit an application to the Department of

Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province; if the performance is held in the

business unit of a non-performance venue (such as musical entertainment

venues, bars, restaurants and other non-performance venues), the

performance organizer shall submit an application to Foshan Bureau of

Culture, Radio, Film, Television, Tourism and Sports.



1.Foreigners who come to Foshan for short-term performance (within 30 days)

shall apply for Z visa at Chinese embassies or consulates abroad with the

Decision on Approval and Permission of Commercial Performances and relevant

documents. After entering China, foreigners shall register their accomodation

with the hotels or the local police stations(within 24 hours).


Performance organizers apply for

Decision on Approval and Permission

of Commercial Performances

Foreigners apply for Z visa

Accommodation registration by

foreigners (within 24 hours)

Foreigners shall apply for employment according to the corresponding


1. 外国人来佛山短期演出 (30 天以内 ),凭《营业性演出准予许可决定》及相关材

料向中国驻外使领馆申请 Z 字签证入境。入境后,外国人向旅馆或居住地公安派出所

( 在入住后 24 小时内 ) 办理住宿登记。


2. 外国人来佛山短期演出 (90 天以内 (含)),演出单位应向佛山市文化广电

旅游体育局申请 《营业性演出准予许可决定》 及 《外国人在中国短期工作证明》

(以下简称 《短期工作证明》),外国人凭 《营业性演出准予许可决定》 和《短期工作

证明》及相关材料向中国驻外使领馆申请 Z 字签证入境。入境后,外国人向旅馆或

居住地公安派出所 (在入住后 24 小时内) 办理住宿登记。

2.If foreigners come to Foshan for short-term pperformance [within (including)

90 days], the performance organizer shall submit an application to Foshan

Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Television, Tourism and Sports for the Decision

on Approval and Permission of Commercial Performances and the Approval of

Short-term Employment for Foreigners Working in P.R.China (hereinafter

referred to as Approval of Short-term Employment) and the foreigners may

apply to Chinese embassies or consulates abroad for Z visa with the Decision

on Approval and Permission of Commercial Performances, Approval of

Short-term Employment and relevant documents. After entering China,

foreigners shall register their accomodation with the hotels or the local police

stations(within 24 hours).


Performance organizers apply for

Decision on Approval and Permission of

Commercial Performances and Approval

of Short-term Employment for Foreigners

Foreigners apply for Z visa

Accommodation registration by

foreigners (within 24 hours)


3. 外国人来佛山长期演出 (90 天以上),凭 《营业性演出准予许可决定》 及相

关材料向中国驻外使领馆申请 Z 字签证入境。入境后,外国人应向旅馆或居住地公

安派出所 (在入住后 24 小时内) 办理住宿登记,向佛山国际旅行卫生保健中心办

理《境外人员体格检查记录验证证明》 (以下简称《体检证明》)。外国人凭《营业性演



3. Foreigners who come to Foshan for long-term performance (more than 90

days) may apply to Chinese embassies or consulates abroad for Z visa with

the Decision on Approval and Permission of Commercial Performances and

relevant documents. After entering China, foreigners shall register their

accomodation with the hotels or the local police stations(within 24 hours), and

apply to Foshan International Travel Health Care Center for the Certificate of

Verification for Physical Examination Record for Foreigners or Overseas

Chinese (hereinafter referred to as the Physical Examination Certificate). With

the Decision on Approval and Permission of Commercial Performances,

Physical Examination Certificate and relevant documents, foreigners may

apply to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Foshan Public

Security Bureau for work-type residence permit.




Performance organizers apply for Decision

on Approval and Permission of Commercial


Foreigners apply for Certificate of Verification for Physical Examination Record for

Foreigners or Overseas Chinese

Accommodation registration by foreigners(within 24 hours)

Foreigners apply for work-type residence permit

Foreigners apply for Z visa




(I) Checklist for performance organizers to apply for the Decision on Approval

and Permission of Commercial Performances


(II) Checklist for foreigners to apply for Certificate of Verification for Physical

Examination Record for Foreigners or Overseas Chinese


(Ⅲ) Checklist for foreigners to apply for work-type residence permit

1. 在非歌舞娱乐场所进行的涉外营业性演出

2. 在歌舞娱乐场所进行的涉外营业性演出


在佛山市出生的外国婴儿,其父母或代理人应当在婴儿出生 60 日内,持该婴儿


记手续后 120 日内为其申请停留或者居留证件。

For foreign infants born in Foshan city, their parents or agents should report

to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Foshan Public Security

Bureau with infants' birth certificates to go through the birth registration

formalities within 60 days from the birth of the infants; and apply for the stay

or residence permit for them within 120 days after going through the

formalities of birth registration.





Parents or agents go through the

formalities of birth registration

Parents or agents apply for stay

or residence permit for the

newborn infants




When a foreigner dies in Foshan City, his/her family member, guardian or

agent shall present such foreigner's death certificate to the Exit and Entry

Administration Department of Foshan Public Security Bureau to cancel the

stay or residence permit of such foreigner in accordance with relevant


When a foreigner finds his or her passport lost in Foshan City, he/she

shall report the loss of passport to the Exit and Entry Administration

Detachment of Foshan Public Security Bureau (if passport lost in

Chancheng District, Nanhai District, Sanshui District and Gaoming

District) or the Exit and Entry Administration Section of Shunde District

Public Security Bureau, Foshan City (if lost in Shunde District). Then apply

for the certificate of loss reporting; if a foreigner loses his or her passport

due to theft or robbery, he or she shall report the case to the local police

station where the case was committed or found, and may apply for the

certificate of loss reporting to the Exit and Entry Administration

Detachment of Foshan Public Security Bureau or the Exit and Entry

Administration Section of Shunde District Public Security Bureau, Foshan

City with the Receipt of Case Acceptance.

外国人在佛山市遗失护照的,向佛山市公安局出入境管理支队 ( 遗失地为:禅

城区、南海区、三水区、高明区 ) 或佛山市顺德区公安局出入境管理大队 (遗失地为:


案,凭 《报案回执》向佛山市公安局出入境管理支队或佛山市顺德区公安局出入境







This foreigner applies for the

Receipt of Case Acceptance

This foreigner applies for the

certificate of loss reporting

This foreigner applies for the

certificate of loss reporting

He or she finds it lost Lost due to theft or robbery

A foreigner loses his/her passport in Foshan



Involving in a traffic accident or emergency, foreigners should immediately call

the following telephone numbers for help:

Police: 110

Fire Hazards: 119

Ambulance: 120



1. 外国人签证延期材料清单

2. 外国人签证换发材料清单

3. 外国人签证补发材料清单


(I) Checklist for foreigners to apply for visa extension,renewal or reissuance



I. Checklist for foreigners to apply for visas and certificates

(Accepting institution: Exit and Entry Administration Department of Foshan Public

Security Bureau)


(II) Checklist for foreigners to apply for the application,extension,renewal or

reissuance of residence permit


3. 外国人居留证件补发材料清单

1. 外国人居留证件申请材料清单

2. 外国人居留证件延期、换发材料清单

1. 任职类和特殊类永久居留身份证申请材料清单

1. Checklist for application of permanent residence ID card

(Employment and Specially Needed categories)

2. 团聚类永久居留身份证申请材料清单

3. 外国人永久居留身份证换发、补发材料清单

(Reunion category)




1. 在非歌舞娱乐场所进行的涉外营业性演出

1.Foreign-related commercial performances in nonmusical

entertainment venues

2. 在歌舞娱乐场所进行的涉外营业性演出

2.Foreign-related commercial performances in musical entertainment venues



III. Checklist for performance organizers to apply for the Decision

on Approval and Permission of Commercial Performances

(Accepting institution: provincial and municipal competent authorities of




IV. Checklist for inviting units to apply for Verification Letter

Invitation to China

(Accepting institution: Foshan Foreign Affairs Department)



II. Checklist for foreigners to apply for work permit in China

(Accepting institution: Foshan Science and Technology Bureau and

District Science and Technology Bureau (Economic and Technological

Promotion Bureau))




Excerpts from The Exit and Entry Administration Law of the

People’s Republic of China


Section 1 Entry and Exit of Foreigners











Article 21 Under any of the following circumstances, visas shall not

be issued to foreigners:

(1) Was deported, or was repatriated upon decision, and the

No-Entry-into-China period has not expired;

(2) Is suffering from serious mental disorders, infectious tuberculosis or

other infectious diseases that may severely jeopardize the public health;

(3) May endanger China's national security or interests, or disrupt social

and public order, or engage in other illegal or criminal activities;

(4) Resort to fraudulent acts in visa application or cannot guarantee

The following excerpts of laws and regulations are for reference only. For

detailed and comprehensive information, please consult the full text of the corresponding laws and regulations.





expected expenditures during their stay in China;

(5) Fail to submit relevant information required by the visa-issuing

authorities; or

(6) Other circumstances in which visa authorities consider a visa should

not be issued.  

The visa-issuing authorities are not required to give reasons for refusing

the issuance of a visa.

第二十四条 外国人入境,应当向出入境边防检查机关交验本人的护照或者其



Article 24 Foreigners who enter China shall submit their passports, other

international travel documents, visas or other entry permits to the

exit/entry border inspection authorities for examination, go through the

prescribed formalities, and may enter upon examination and approval.

第二十七条 外国人出境,应当向出入境边防检查机关交验本人的护照或者其


Article 27 Foreigners who exit China shall submit their exit/entry

documents including passports or other international travel documents to

the exit/entry border inspection authorities for examination, go through

prescribed formalities, and may exit upon examination and approval.




Section 2 Stay and Residence of Foreigners

第二十九条 外国人所持签证注明的停留期限不超过一百八十日的,持证人凭







Article 29 Where the duration of stay specified in a visa held by a

foreigner does not exceed 180 days, the holder may stay in China within

the duration specified therein.

Where the duration of stay needs to be extended, the visa holder shall file

an application with the exit/entry administration of public security organ

under the local people's government at or above the county level in the

place of his stay seven days prior to the expiry of the duration specified in

the visa, and shall submit information of specific application matters in

accordance with relevant requirements. If upon examination, the reasons

for extension are appropriate and sufficient, such extension shall be

granted; if an extension is denied, the foreigner shall leave China on the

expiry of the duration. 

The accumulated length of extension shall not exceed the original

duration of stay specified in the visa.

第三十条 外国人所持签证注明入境后需要办理居留证件的,应当自入境之日











Article 30 Where visas held by foreigners specify that foreigners need to

apply for residence permits after entry, such foreigners shall, within 30

days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entry administrations of

public security organs under local people's governments at or above the

county level in the proposed places of residence for foreigners' residence


Applicants for foreigners' residence permits shall submit their passports

or other international travel documents, as well as relevant information of

specific application matters, and provide biometric identification

information such as fingerprints. The exit/entry administrations of public

security organs shall, within 15 days upon the date of receipt, conduct

examination and make decisions thereupon. Based on the purpose of

residence, those administrations shall issue the appropriate types of

foreigners' residence permits with the duration.

The validity period of a foreigner's work-type residence permit shall be 90

days at the minimum and five years at the maximum; and the validity

period of a non-work-type foreigner's residence permit shall be 180 days

at the minimum and five years at the maximum.



第三十二条 在中国境内居留的外国人申请延长居留期限的,应当在居留证


提出申请,按照要求提交申请事由的相关材料。经审查,延期理由合理、充 分


Article 32 Foreigners residing in China who apply for the extension of the

duration of residence shall, within 30 days prior to the expiry of the validity

period on their residence permits, file applications with the exit/entry

administrations of public security organs under local people's

governments at or above the county level, and submit relevant

information of specific application matters in accordance with relevant

requirements. If upon examination, the reasons for extension are

appropriate and sufficient, an extension shall be granted; if an extension

is denied, the foreigner concerned shall leave China on the expiry of the

validity period specified in their residence permits.

第三十七条 外国人在中国境内停留居留,不得从事与停留居留事由不相符的


Article 37 Foreigners who stay or reside in China shall not engage in

activities not corresponding to the purpose of stay or residence, and shall

leave China prior to the expiry of the prescribed duration of stay or


第三十九条 外国人在中国境内旅馆住宿的,旅馆应当按照旅馆业治安管理的




Article 39 Where foreigners stay in hotels in China, the hotels shall

register their accommodation in accordance with the regulations on the

public security administration of the hotel industry, and submit foreigners'

accommodation registration information to the public security organs in

the places where the hotels are located.  

For foreigners who reside or stay in domiciles other than hotels, they



or the persons who accommodate them shall, within 24 hours after the

foreigners' arrival, go through the registration formalities with the public

security organs in the places of residence.

第四十条 在中国境内出生的外国婴儿,其父母或者代理人应当在婴儿出生六






Article 40 For foreign infants born in China, their parents or agents shall,

within 60 days after they are born, on the strength of the birth certificates,

go through the formalities for stay or residence registration for them with

the exit/entry administrations of public security organs under people's

governments at or above the county level in the places of their parents'

stay or residence. 

For foreigners who decease in China, their relatives, guardians or agents

shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, on the strength of the

death certificates, report their death to the exit/entry administrations of the

public security organs under local people's governments at or above the

county level to cancel their stay or residence permits.

第四十一条 外国人在中国境内工作,应当按照规定取得工作许可和工作类居



Article 41 Foreigners who work in China shall obtain work permits and

work-type residence permits in accordance with relevant regulations. No

entities or individuals shall employ foreigners who have no work permits

or work-type residence permits.

The administrative measures for foreigners working in China shall be

stipulated by the State Council.



第四十三条 外国人有下列行为之一的,属于非法就业:

  (一) 未按照规定取得工作许可和工作类居留证件在中国境内工作的;

  (二) 超出工作许可限定范围在中国境内工作的;



Article 43 Any of the following acts of foreigners shall be deemed

unlawful employment:

(1) Work in China without obtaining work permits or work-type residence

permits in accordance with relevant regulations;

(2) Work in China beyond the scope prescribed in the work permits; or

(3) Foreign students work in violation of the regulations on the

administration of foreign students working to support their study in China

and work beyond the prescribed scope of jobs or prescribed time limit.

第四十七条 对中国经济社会发展作出突出贡献或者符合其他在中国境内永久




Article 47 Foreigners who have made remarkable contribution to China's

economic and social development or meet other conditions for permanent

residence in China may obtain permanent residence status upon

application approved by the Ministry of Public Security.

The administrative measures for examination and approval of foreigners'

permanent residence in China shall be stipulated by the Ministry of Public

Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in conjunction with relevant

departments under the State Council.

第四十八条 取得永久居留资格的外国人,凭永久居留证件在中国境内居留和




Article 48 Foreigners who have obtained permanent residence status

may reside or work in China on the strength of permanent residence

permits, and exit or enter China on the strength of their passports and

permanent residence permits.

第四十九条 外国人有下列情形之一的,由公安部决定取消其在中国境内永久


  (一) 对中国国家安全和利益造成危害的;

  (二) 被处驱逐出境的;

  (三) 弄虚作假骗取在中国境内永久居留资格的;

  (四) 在中国境内居留未达到规定时限的;

  (五) 不适宜在中国境内永久居留的其他情形。

Article 49 Where foreigners fall under any of the following circumstances,

the Ministry of Public Security shall decide to cancel their permanent

residence status in China:

(1) Endanger China's national security or interests;

(2) Are deported;

(3) Obtain permanent residence status in China by fraudulent acts;

(4) Fail to reside in China for the prescribed time limit; or

(5) Other circumstances in which foreigners are not eligible to reside in

China permanently.

第六十七条 签证、外国人停留居留证件等出境入境证件发生损毁、遗失、被盗





Article 67 In such cases that the exit/entry documents such as visas or

foreigners' stay or residence permits are damaged, lost or stolen, or that

after the issuance of such documents, the holders are found not eligible for



being issued such documents, the issuing authorities shall declare the

aforesaid documents void.

Exit/entry documents which are forged, altered, obtained by fraudulent

means or are declared void by issuing authorities shall be invalid. 

Public security organs may cancel or confiscate the exit/entry documents

prescribed in the preceding paragraph or used fraudulently by persons

other than the specified holders.

第九十二条 外国人申请办理签证、外国人停留居留证件等出境入境证件或者


Article 92 Foreigners who apply for exit/entry documents such as visas

or foreigner stay or residence permits or apply for document extension or

alteration shall pay visa fees or document fees in accordance with

relevant regulations.
