
发布时间:2024-7-07 | 杂志分类:其他


英语悦读广角(九年级)顾 问:劳李萍 女,高级教师 ,钦州市教育发展研究中心,初中英语学科教研员。王春花 女,高级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,副校长,英语教师。郭 莹 女,高级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,科研处副主任,英语教师。主 编:吴诺琪 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教研组副组长。副主编:冯美懿 女,高级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教研组组长。邱桂敏 女,高级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语备课组长。委 员:黄婷婷 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。李丽涓 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。颜丽丽 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。韦亚萍 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。刘立婷 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。陆晓云 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。林东鸿 男,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。刘乙卉 女,二级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。黄美纯 女,二级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。蒋 洁 女,二级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。杨小樱 女,二级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。利 雯... [收起]
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英语悦读广角(九年级)顾 问:

劳李萍 女,高级教师 ,钦州市教育发展研究中心,初中英语学科教研员。王春花 女,高级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,副校长,英语教师。郭 莹 女,高级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,科研处副主任,英语教师。主 编:

吴诺琪 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教研组副组长。副主编:

冯美懿 女,高级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教研组组长。邱桂敏 女,高级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语备课组长。委 员:

黄婷婷 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。李丽涓 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。颜丽丽 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。韦亚萍 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。刘立婷 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。陆晓云 女,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。林东鸿 男,一级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。刘乙卉 女,二级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。黄美纯 女,二级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。蒋 洁 女,二级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。杨小樱 女,二级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。利 雯 女,二级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。邱 议 女,二级教师 ,钦州市外国语学校,英语教师。【编辑】吴诺琪


【校对】陆晓云 杨小樱




英语悦读广角(九年级)A 篇 Passage 1—Passage 2········································································································· 1A 篇 Passage 3—Passage 4········································································································· 2A 篇 Passage 5—Passage 6········································································································· 3A 篇 Passage 7—Passage 8········································································································· 4B 篇 Passage 1—Passage 8········································································································· 5C 篇 Passage 1—Passage 8········································································································· 13D 篇 Passage 1—Passage 8········································································································· 21完型填空 Passage 1—Passage 8································································································· 29选词填空 Passage 1—Passage 2································································································· 37选词填空 Passage 3—Passage 4································································································· 38选词填空 Passage 5—Passage 6································································································· 39选词填空 Passage 7—Passage 8································································································· 40钦州市外国语学校校本教研系列




英语悦读广角(九年级)Hello! I'm Jack. I want to tell you about my trip to Buffalo, USA.I stayed there for a

week. Mum,Dad, my cousin Simon and I arrived in Buffalo at eleven o'clock on Fridaynight. Iwas very tired, but very excited. We took a taxi to the Holiday Hotel. It's in the centreofthe city,so it was easy to find. Our hotel was nice and clean. My dad thought it wasexpensive. So he was unhappy with it. The next day, on Saturday, we took a trip to the Niagara River. It was a forty-five-minutetrip and it was great. Simon doesn't like ferries (渡船), so he didn't have fun at all! Helikesshopping, so after the trip we went to a big shopping centre. I bought a nice T-shirt for myself. It has a picture of Buffalo on it. I also bought some postcards for my best friend, Andy. Simon bought a schoolbag and two dresses. There were visitors everywhere in Buffaloandit was a great day.根据上述内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的为“T”,错误的为“F”。1. Jack arrived in Buffalo on Friday. 2. Jack's dad thought the hotel was expensive. 3. My mother disliked the trip to the Niagara River. 4. Simon bought a schoolbag and a dress. 5. There were visitors everywhere in Buffalo. Hi, I'm Jenny Green. I have three photos. Look at the first one, two girls are in it. Theyaremygood friends Linda and Jane. Who are they in the second(第二) photo? They are my aunt and uncle. My uncle is myfather'sbrother. My uncle has two children. The boy is Jack. The girl is Alice. The last one is my family photo. This is my grandmother. She's 80 years old. These aremyparents. The boy is my brother Mike. Who's the girl? It's me.根据上述内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的为“T”,错误的为“F”。1. The first photo is Jenny’s family. 2. Jane is Jenny’s friend. 3. Jenny’s uncle has three children. 4. Jenny’s grandfather is 80 years old. 5. We can see five people in the last photo.

Passage 1

A 篇



难度:★★建议用时:5minsPassage 2







英语悦读广角(九年级)Peter’s uncle lived in the country. Once Peter went to stay with him for a fewweeks. Whenever they went for a walk and they passed somebody, his uncle waved. Peter was surprised and said, “Uncle George, you know everybody here. Where didyoumeet them all?”

“I don’t know all these people,” said his uncle. “Then why do you wave to them?” asked Peter. “Well, Peter,” answered his uncle, “WhenI wave to someone and he knows me, he is pleased. He continues his journey with a happierheart. But when I wave to someone and he doesn’t know me, he is surprised and says tohimself, ‘Who’s that man? Why did he wave to me?’ So he has something to think about

during the rest of his journey, and that makes his journey seem shorter. So I make everybodyhappy.”根据上述内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的为“T”,错误的为“F”。1.Peter’s uncle lived in the city. 2.Peter’s uncle waved to others when he met them. 3.Peter was surprised at his uncle’s behaviour (行为). 4.Peter’s uncle knew everyone he met on the road. 5.Peter’s uncle waved to make other people happy. There is a little elephant. His name is Gaston. He doesn’t like to work. He onlylikesto play. One morning Gaston’s mother says, “My dear, it’s time for you towork.”Gaston doesn’t want to work. He runs away. He has a very good time: he runs, jumps and plays games with other little animals. Inthe evening he is very hungry. He goes to the lion and says, “Mr. Lion, I amsohungry. Would you like to give me some bananas to eat?” “All right!” says the lion. “But youmust work first. Then you can get your supper.” The little elephant doesn’t want towork. So he runs away. He asks a lot of animals to give him some apples to eat. “OK,” says the tiger, “but

you must work first.” And Gaston runs away. He asks a lot of animals to givehimsomething to eat. But they all ask him to work first. So the hungry elephant runs back home. When he sees his mother, he says, “DearMom, I’m so sorry! Now I know I must work if I want to have something to eat.”根据上述内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的为“T”,错误的为“F”。1.Gaston runs away from home because he doesn’t like his mother. 2.He enjoys playing with little animals. 3.Gaston asks many animals to give him something to eat for lunch. 4.Gaston gets some bananas and apples from the lion and the tiger. 5.We know if Gaston wants to have something to eat, he must work first.

Passage 3



难度:★★建议用时:5minsPassage 4







英语悦读广角(九年级)Sally is a girl. She likes animals very much. Her favorite animal is pandas, andshegoes to the zoo to see them every month. One Sunday afternoon, Sally went to the zoo. When she arrived there, she rantothepandas’ house quickly. But when Sally got to the pandas’ house, she saw lots of people talking in front of thehouse. And it was kind of noisy. “What’s wrong with the pandas?” Sallyaskedanxiously (焦急地). “Oh! Don’t worry ( 担 心 ), little girl. The pandas are healthy,” an oldwomananswered. Then Sally looked into the house. There were two pandas. Lucy and Lily wereinthehouse. They were playing with a ball. And she also found another panda in it. “Who is he?” she asked. “He’s Peter. He comes from another zoo,” a man in uniform (制服) said. “Next year, you may see a small panda here.”

“A small panda! I love that,” Sally said happily.根据上述内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的为“T”,错误的为“F”。1.Sally goes to the zoo to see pandas every week. 2.Sally ran to see the pandas when she arrived at the zoo. 3.There was kind of noisy because pandas were fighting. 4.Peter was a new member which came from another zoo. 5.A baby panda will be born in this zoo next year. My mum said that cooking was full of happiness. I knew it was a basic skill, but Iwas not interested in it at all. One day, I found an app. There were different kindsofvideos in the app. The videos taught people how to cook dishes. They were quiteuseful

for beginners. Then I picked out a video and cooked fish. When I finished it, it wasexactly what I wanted. It was my first time to get such a strong feeling of satisfactionfrom cooking. Now I can cook more dishes. It seems that I do well in cooking. Next

Sunday is my twentieth birthday. I plan to invite my friends to my house next weekend. I will show them my new skill. I hope we will have a good time.根据上述内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的为“T”,错误的为“F”。1.I didn’t like cooking before. 2.My mum showed me some videos about cooking. 3.I cooked fish at first. 4.I’m twelve years old now. 5.Now I can cook some delicious food.

Passage 5



难度:★★建议用时:5minsPassage 6







英语悦读广角(九年级)Lily always wanted to be the top student in her class, whether it’s in examsordifferent competitions. Her parents always praised her achievements. One day, Lily took part in an art competition and put her heart into creatingabeautiful painting. However, she did not win the competition. Lily ran to the school

garden and sat under a big tree. Her art teacher, Annie, noticed her disappointment, thensat next to Lily and said, “art is a way of expressing yourself, not just for winningcompetitions. Happiness comes from your love for art, not just the outcome.” Lily did not understand at the beginning. But later, she knew what Annie meant. Shepaid more attention to the process of creating art. She began expressing her emotions(情感) on the paper, not just to meet her parents’ expectations. As time went by, Lily’sartworks became more colourful and creative. Though she didn’t win competitions, shediscovered more joy in art and creativity. Her parents noticed the change andstartedcaring more about her happiness than just her grades from then on.根据上述内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的为“T”,错误的为“F”。1.Lily always tried her best on her study and different competitions. 2.Lily did well in art and won the art competition at the beginning. 3.Lily’s parents changed the way she learnt art. 4.Lily cared more about the process of creating art later. 5.The story tells us that success is not just about being the first but about findingjoyand satisfaction on what we love. Attention, please. Are you looking for something fun and want to help others inyourfree time? Then join us to be a volunteer! On December 12th, from10 a. m. to4p. m., our school will hold an art festival in the school gym. Many artists will attendit. What

will the volunteers do at the festival? The first is to fix up the gym. It is from11a. m. to4 p. m. on December 10th. The second is to help the performers. The working hoursarefrom 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. on December 12th. The third is to welcome guests. Youhavetobe there from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. on December 12th. The last one is to clean up thegym. It will begin at 4 p. m. and finish by 6 p. m. OK, if you’re interested, please speakwithMs. Lin, the music teacher and if you would like to help at the festival, you must havewritten permission (同意书) from your parents.根据上述内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的为“T”,错误的为“F”。1.The art festival will be held in the school gym. 2.Some parents will attend the festival. 3.The volunteers help the performers on December 10th. 4.The work of welcoming guests will be over at 4 p. m. on December 12th. 5.According to the passage, we know that Ms. Lin is a music teacher.

Passage 7



难度:★★★建议用时:6minsPassage 8







英语悦读广角(九年级)If I ask you to close your eyes and eat a piece of an apple, can you tell me what it is? Of

course, you can. Your tongue (舌头) helps you. Do you know that foods will taste different if youdon’t have a nose?

The following experiments show how important your nose is. What you need

* a friend to help (here a boy) * small pieces of any food like a carrot, an orange or a banana * small pieces of an apple, a raw (生的) potato, and (if you are brave) a rawonionExperiment 1

Let your friend close his eyes and open his mouth. Give hima pieceof thefoodyou have and ask him to taste it. Then, ask him what he thinks it is. He will probablyguess correctly. Experiment 2

Let your friend close his eyes, and give him a piece of a rawpotato. At thesametime, hold a piece of an apple under his nose. Ask himto eat the potato(but don’tcall it by name) and tell you what he thinks it is. He will say it is a pieceof anapple.Or, perhaps he won’t be able to name what he is eating. Experiment 3

(for the brave)

Take a piece of a raw onion. You don’t have to close your eyes thistime.Squeeze(捏) your nose with your hand so that no smells can get into your nose. Nowtake a little onion. Surprise! Because you squeeze your nose, you will not tastetheonion. The science


Your nose and your tongue work together to make food taste the wayit does.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1. In Experiment 1, what should you do before giving your friend a piece of food?

A. Let him close his eyes. B. Let him drink a cup of water. C. Ask him to name the food. 2. Which of the following is needed for Experiment 2?

A. An onion. B. An orange. C. A potato. 3. What is the most possible reason why Experiment 3 is for the brave?

A. You keep your eyes open. B. You have to eat a raw onion. C. You do the experiment alone. 4. After doing the experiments, we know . A. how to taste different foods better B. why some foods smell better than othersC. how important the nose is in tasting food

5. Where may you see this passage?

A. In a science book. B. In a diary. C. In a storybook.

B 篇

Passage 1







英语悦读广角(九年级)How to prepare a perfect cup of green tea? You can follow these six steps. 1. Boil fresh water in a

kettle(壶). 2. Add some teatoateapot. 3. Let the water cool

down to the correct

temperature. Pouring it

into a ceramic(陶瓷的)

container is a good

way to do this.

4. Pour the water intothe teapot. Keepthetea in the teapot forcertain time. 5. Pour the tea into

cups, a little at a time

in a circular(循环的)

way. 6. Don’t forget toshake out the last fewdrops. They havethemost taste.根 据 语 篇 内 容 , 选 择 最 佳 选 项 。

1. What’s the second step of making tea?

A. Boil fresh water in a kettle. B. Add some tea to the teapot. C. Pour the tea intocups. 2. What does the underlined word “container” mean in Chinese?

A. 盘子. B. 箱子. C. 容器. 3. Which drops have the most taste according to step 6?

A. The last few drops from the teapot. B. The hottest drops from the teapot. C. The first drops from the teapot. 4. What can’t we know from the passage?

A. How to pour the tea into the cups. B. What kind of water we should boil. C. How long to keep the tea in the teapot. 5. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. How to be a kind host. B. How to make green tea. C. How to be a polite guest.

Passage 2







英语悦读广角(九年级)With healthy viewing habits, children can benefit (收益) from watching TV. ★TV can help kids learn about a variety of subjects. Through TV, kids can explore places, animals, or things that they couldn’t see in other ways. Most kids are not able to visit the rain forest or see a tiger in the wild, but many haveseenthese on TV. There are many shows and movies that allow viewers to see the amazingnature, animals, and other things. ①

★Movies on TV can help kids read books. Many new movies are on each year, but several of them are based on books. Parentscanencourage their kids to read a book with the promise of going to the theatre when theyfinishit. Or, kids may see a movie and like it so much that they decide to read the book. ②★Kids can build analytical (分析的) skills by discussing movies on TV. What do you think will happen next? Who did it? What will the result be? Askingthesequestions when you watch TV with your children will help them learn to think, andsolveproblems. It will make TV viewing a more active experience. ③★Parents can teach their kids to treat the TV advertising in a right way. Young children may not even know the difference between programmes and commercials. Parents can explain the purpose of advertising to their kids and help themto analyze thewaysused by advertisers to sell a product.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1. What healthy TV viewing habits can help kids according to the passage?

A. Learn a lot from the programmes. B. Pay more attention to their studies. C. Get along better with their parents. 2.The following sentence should be put back to “______” in the passage. Discuss the dif erences between the book and the movie to help kids develop thinking skills. A. ① B. ② C. ③

3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Watching TV is a waste of time for kids. B. Kids can’t like reading if they like a movie. C. Watching TV is useful for kids in daily life. 4. How many benefits are mentioned in the passage?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 5. What’s the best title for this passage?

A. TV can be good for children

B. Watching TV and reading books

C. Encourage children to read more books

Passage 3







英语悦读广角(九年级)If you want to enjoy delicious grapes, please don’t miss the advertisement below!

Sunshine Daily August 5, 2023 Saturday

Welcome to Manor Farm U-pick Activities

We are known for our delicious grapes. We invite you to visit the farmand enjoy our fresh products and great farming experiences. Please read the

instructions below.  To pick the grapes, you need to make a reservation (预定). Reservations are openfrom13:00 to 20:00 the day before the picking day.  Price: 1kg grapes costs 25 yuan.  Please don’t come to the farm if you are sick.  If children come, they MUST stay close to their parents. Running up and downthegraperows will NOT be allowed. We hope children will follow our safety rules.  No pets on the farm.  Any questions and reservations please call us at 906 - 256 - 523.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1. If you go to the farm on August 8th, what time can make a reservation?

A. 10:00 on August 7th. B. 14:00 on August 7th. C. 12:00 on August 6th. 2. How much should you pay for 2kg of grapes?

A. 50 yuan. B. 40 yuan. C. 30 yuan. 3. What can children do on the farm?

A. Look after their pets. B. Run along the rows. C. Stay close to their parents. 4. If you want to get more information, what can you do?

A. Write an e-mail. B. Make a phone call. C. Visit a website. 5. Where is the text probably from?

A. A newspaper. B. A sport book. C. A novel.

Passage 4







英语悦读广角(九年级)Weekend is coming, do you think it will be boring? Don’t worry, there are many interestingplaces you can enjoy!

Lisa’s Gym

Keep fit! Lose weight!

Play basketball, do yoga(瑜伽), dance and meet new friends!


Open time: Saturdays and Sundays

Tel: 2133730

A Concert

Do you like classical music?

Come to the concert on Friday evening. The concert will begin at 6:30 in the Children’s Palace. Ticket price: Adults:¥120

Children(under 15):¥60

Star Wars

USA wonderful movie at Huachen Cinema. Ticket price:¥80

Time: 6:00 pm—8:00 pm

Dates: July 24 to July 27

Part-time Job

Do you like to talk with people?

Do you like to work late?

Do you like to work for the Xinyue Restaurant?

Then come and work for us as a waiter. Please call Jenny at 8124697 for more information.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1. Where should you go if you want to keep fit or lose weight?

A. Lisa’s Gym. B. The Children’s Palace. C. Huachen Cinema. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their 14-year-old son want to go to the concert, Howmuch shouldtheypay for the tickets?

A. ¥120 B. ¥300 C. ¥240

3. If you want to see a film at Huachen Cinema, what time can you go?

A. At 5:00 pm, July 24th B. At 7:00 pm, July 26th C. At 8:00 am, July28th4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Lisa’s Gym is open every day. B. You can call Jenny at 8225697 for more information about job. C.You can go to the Xinyue Restaurant if you want to find a job. 5. Where is the text probably from?

A. A newspaper. B. A science book. C. A novel.

Passage 5







英语悦读广角(九年级)The Jing-Hang Grand Canal (京杭大运河) , the world’s longest man-made river, is a culturalriver that is filled with history. Peking Opera, created in Beijing in the Qing Dynasty, includes singing, acting, and Kong fu. It uses facial expressions to build different kindsofcharacters. It is also one of the best traditional arts along the river. The New Year Painting is a popular folk art in Tianjin, ShandongandJiangsu along the river. It often uses the red colour and has Patterns (图案) thatare closely related to our life. The works which draw attention aroundtheworldcan truly show the life in the Han Dynasty. Fruit pit carving (果核雕刻) is a traditional Chinese folk art. It hasbeenaround in China for thousands of years, and can be back to the Xia, ShangandZhou Dynasties. It looks similar to the real life. It usually takes a longtimetofinish one piece of work. The history of classical gardens can be as far back as the SpringandAutumn Period. The classical garden of Suzhou is the most famous one, including Lion Grove (狮子林) and the Great Wave Pavilion (沧浪亭). Thosegardens show the achievements of the cultural and social developments of thatperiod.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1. As one of the Chinese traditional arts, which one is the correct description of Peking Opera?A. It appeared in Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. B. It was created in Tianjin along the river. C. It builds different characters by facial expressions. 2. What is the same point between the New Year paintings and Fruit Pit Carving?

A. They were born at the same time. B. They are closely connected with the life. C. They are in red colour and different patterns. 3. Which one has the longest history among those arts along the river?

A. Fruit Pit Carving. B. Suzhou garden. C. Peking Opera. 4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Few people know the New Year Painting. B. Lion Grove is a garden with cultural treasures. C. It is easy to finish one piece of Fruit Pit Carving work. 5. From the passage, what can we learn?

A. Jing-Hang Grand Canal is the world’s longest river. B. Jing-Hang Grand Canal is home to all the Chinese cultures. C. The culture along Jing-Hang Grand Canal shows China’s ancient civilization (文明).

Passage 6







英语悦读广角(九年级)In order to provide nicer service for the residents(居民), Xingfu Community made surveysamong 800 residents who lived here. The surveys were mainly about the residents’ favoritecommunity activities. It took the staff(工作人员)lots of time and effort to make the surveys. Theresidents were surveyed in four ways: talking on the phone, answering questions online, communicating face to face and sending letters to the community. Most of the residents weresurveyed by answering questions online. Here are the diagrams(图表)showing the results.

After the two surveys above and other surveys, the staff of Xingfu Community improvedtheservice that the residents were not satisfied with. They also provided more kinds of activitiesforthe residents.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1.How were most of the residents surveyed?

A. By talking on the phone. B. By answering questions online. C. By communicating face to face. 2.How many residents like community activities?

A. 144 B. 168 C. 488

3.Which community activity do the residents like most?

A. Reading. B. Dancing. C. Kids’ show time. 4.What can the residents in Xingfu Community do from the passage?

A. They can choose different activities. B. They can make some other surveys. C. They can provide nicer service themselves. 5.According to the passage, what can we know about the staff in Xingfu Community?

A. They are impolite. B. They are careless. C. They are hard-working.

Passage 7







英语悦读广角(九年级)NATIONAL VIDEO-MAKING COMPETITIONThis competition can encourage students to learn more about endangered( 濒危的)languages. It will be held on May 20th in Beijing, China. We welcome all the studentsintheworld to enter the competition. Through this competition, you will have chances to get bonuses(奖金) and certificates (证书), We will choose the lst-3rd place and their videos will beplayedon the website--www. languageprotection. com. Competition rules: ◆The competition is open to all the students under 18 all over the world. ◆You can make videos about any endangered languages. ◆The video must be made by yourself. No copying others’. ◆The video should last 15 minutes to 30 minutes. ◆Only one video is accepted per person. When you hand in your video, it should include the following information:

a. Your topic

b. Your full name

c. Your telephone number or email address

Please hand in your video before May 11th and email it to info@aws.org.au. For more information about the competition, please call at 029-85876.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1. Who is this passage written for?

A. Teachers. B. Parents. C. Students. 2. Where can we enjoy the winners’ videos?

A. On an App. B. On a website. C. On a TVshow. 3. Which of the following is TRUE about the competition rules?

A. The competition is only open to the students who are 18 years old. B. The competitors should make a video lasting 15 to 30 minutes. C. The competitors must make two videos to join the competition. 4. If today is May 1st, how many days do you have to make the video?

A. 20 days. B.15 days. C.10 days. 5. In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?

A. Culture. B. Sports. C. Nature.

Passage 8







英语悦读广角(九年级)With sunshine and beaches, Hainan Island is a top choice for travelling. But Hainanisalsothe heaven for animals and plants. Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is inthesouth-central part of the island. It has one of the best-kept forest in China. The parkcoversone-seventh of the island. More than 95% of the park is forest. If you go there, what canyouenjoy?

The park is home to 540 kinds of animals. Among them are Hainan gibbons (长臂猿), theworld’s most endangered animal, which look like monkeys, but they have no tails. Theylivealltheir lives in trees. They eat fruits and leaves from more than 130 kinds of plants, mostlyintreetops 15 metres above the ground. If the forest is destroyed (破坏) just a little bit, theymaygohungry. In the 1980s, there were fewer than 10 gibbons in the park. Now there are 36. It’sallthanks to the hard work of some people. They protected the gibbons’ homes and plantedaround300,000 trees to give them more food, China Daily reported. The park is a “live museum” of plants. More than 3,600 kinds of wild plants growthere. Itis also home to 133 kinds of national key protected plants. Thanks to the warmand wet weather, most plants can grow taller and stronger in this area. The Li and Miao ethnic (民族的) groups have lived in the park for a long time, mainlyinthe central Wuzhishan area. From their houses to their clothes, you can taste their cultures. Miaoand Li people live in houses that look like upside-down boats in order to keep away animalslikesnakes and ants. Since the forest is rich in trees, Li people make clothes fromthem. Their historyof clothing dates back to about 10,000 years ago, according to the park’s website.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1.What is the reason of Hainan becoming a popular choice for travellers?

A.Because it is the heaven for animals and plants. B.Because it is one of the best forest in China. C.Because of the sunshine and beaches. 2.Why is the number of gibbons increasing in the park?

A.Thanks to warm and wet weather. B.Thanks to the hard work of some people. C.Thanks to the forest bringing the gibbons plenty of food. 3.What is the shape of the houses of Li and Miao groups?

A.It looks like upside-down boats. B.It is made from trees. C.It is tall and strong. 4.How long do Li people make clothes from trees?

A.Since 1980s. B.For a long time. C.About 10,000 years ago. 5.What is the most suitable title for the passage?

A.Enjoy sunshine and beaches in Hainan Island. B.Hainan Island is a top choice for travelling. C.Welcome to Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park.

C 篇

Passage 1







英语悦读广角(九年级)A huge seagrass meadow (草甸) has just been thought as the “world’s largest singlelivingorganism (生物)”. The seagrass meadow lies in Shark Bay, in Western Australia. It covers 77squaremiles—an area of about 28,000 soccer fields! Before this discovery, the record was heldbya3.7-square-mile mushroom (蘑菇) in the Malheur National Forest in Oregon, USA.Based on its size and growth speed, the meadow is about 4,500 years old. Old as it is, it isnot record-breaking. The record holder is a seagrass plant in the western Mediterranean, whichcovers about 9.3 square miles. It’s believed to be over 100,000 years old!

Researchers from the University of Western Australia and Flinders University discoveredthe huge plant unexpectedly while they were studying the genes of Shark Bay’s seagrass. Theteam studied seagrass samples (样本) from ten meadows across Shark Bay. To their surprise, theyfound the samples were all the same in gene, meaning they all belonged to one plant. Later studiesshowed that the seagrass does come from a single plant. The huge plant also has another quality. Most seagrasses receive half of eachparent’sDNA.However, the Shark Bay seagrass carries all the genes of each parent. The scientists reported their findings in the magazine Proceedings of the Royal SocietyonMay 31, 2022. Now they plan to do experiments to see how the seagrass continue s togrowinShark Bay’s terrible conditions.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1.How large is the “world’s largest single living organism”?

A.9.3 square miles. B.3.7 square miles. C.77 square miles. 2.Which is the oldest plant?

A.The seagrass plant in the western Mediterranean. B.The seagrass plant in the Western Australia. C.The mushroom in Oregon, USA.

3.What does the underlined word “gene” in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?

A.外形 B.基因 C.结构4.What is the difference between the Shark seagrass and most other seagrasses?

A.It will never die. B.It carries all the genes of each parent. C.It receives half of each parent’s DNA.

5.What can we infer from this passage?

A.More seagrasses will be discovered. B.The scientists will plant more seagrasses. C.More studies on the seagrass will be done.

Passage 2







英语悦读广角(九年级)It is more than sixty years since the death of Lei Feng, and yet his spirit still influencesChinese young people. In fact, the wish to help others can always be found amongcommonpeople.On September 5, 2022, when an earthquake hit Luding, Sichuan, a 28-year-old hydropowerstation (水电站) worker Gan Yu chose not to leave but stay at his workplace, saving villages frombeing damaged. People think he is a hero like Lei Feng, but he doesn’t feel that he shouldbecompared to the young hero.“Lei Feng is a role model to all Chinese young people. The thingshedid may seem small, but behind them was a great quality that we can all achieve.” he said. Zeng Qiangfei, 24, is also from Sichuan. In 2013, when an earthquake happenedinhishometown, he was studying in a middle school. Zeng remembered seeing rescuers (救援者) andvolunteers gather there to help. When he grew up, he became a volunteer himself. After aterriblequake hit Turkey and Syria this year, he flew there to help. During the course, he always sawlocalpeople bowing quietly to volunteers like them.“I grew up listening to Lei Feng’s stories. Heisanexcellent young man who tried his best to help others.” said Zeng. This view is shared by a 56-year-old British man named James Elroy Edginton, who lives inHunan, the hometown of Lei Feng. Working at a local college, Edginton volunteers to helpstudents from poor families, and is warmly regarded as a “foreign Lei Feng”.“I amglad tobeconnected with the spirit of Lei Feng. His qualities are borderless (无国界的).” he said.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1.Which of the following words can best describe Gan Yu?

A.Warmhearted. B.Smart. C.Honest. 2.Why did Zeng Qiangfei become a volunteer when he grew up?

A.Because he wanted local people to thank him. B.Because he was quite moved by Gan Yu’s story. C.Because he was influenced greatly by volunteers. 3.What did Edginton do as a volunteer?

A.He saved villages from being damaged. B.He helped the people in Turkey and Syria. C.He helped the students from poor families. 4.How many examples does the writer give?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. 5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.The ways of helping others

B.The spirit of Lei Feng never dies

C.The stories of young heroes

Passage 3







英语悦读广角(九年级)World Sleep Day fell on March 21st this year. About one—third of a person’s life shouldbespent on sleep. The 2023 Chinese Sleep Research shows that most people sleep 7.4 hours aday. The people who go without sleep for along time risk memory loss, anger, hair loss, weight gainand high blood pressure (血压). According to the report, overtime work and smartphonetakeaway the sleep time. How can we have healthy sleep? Take a look at some tips. Waking up naturally. Waking up to a ringing clock is never fun. Studies showedthat whenyou get “shocked (使震惊)” by the clock, your breathing will go up from 16 to 24 breaths inoneminute. Your heart will have 10 more beats every minute. Your blood pressure will rise. If youfallback to get a few more minutes of sleep. This will break your body’s natural sleep—wakecircle. So what should we do? Try to use a clock with softer and lower sounds. Or leave a crackinthewindow—the rising sun will wake you up. Sleep early, get up early. Some young people may go to bed late and get up late, suchassleeping from 1 am to 9 am. They think as long as they have 8 hours of sleep, everythingwill befine. But in fact, our bodies can tell time by light and temperature. That’s why sometimes wefeeleven more sleepy after oversleeping. The secret of healthy sleep is a time balance between work, phone and bed. Sleepisimportant for our health, and everyone should take sleep seriously.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1.How long should people sleep each day?

A.7.4 hours. B.8 hours. C.13 hours. 2.Which are the possible risks if the people go without sleep for along time?

① memory loss ② hair loss ③ weight loss ④ high blood pressure

A.①②④ B.②③④ C.①②③④3.According studies, what will happen to your body if a clock wakes up suddenly?

A.You will lose your breath for a second. B.You will have lower blood pressure. C.Your heart will beat faster. 4.What is the meaning of the underlined word “crack” ?

A.窗帘 B.缝隙 C.防盗网5.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Why people have health problems. B.How to have healthy sleep. C.How to make people young in a natural way.

Passage 4







英语悦读广角(九年级)When it’s hot outside and we have to go out, surely we want tokeepcool. We can put on hats, wear light clothing, or stay at a cool place. However, nothing can beat a good fan. Now I’ll showyou howtomakeagood DIY (Do It Yourself) paper fan. What to prepare

Please prepare two pieces of paper. All paper will work, but yourDIY fan can be used for a long time with quality (优质的) paper. Then get glue (胶水), two sticks, etc. How to make a DIY fan

The first step is to draw pictures on the paper. Just draw anything you like. The next stepisto fold up (折叠) the paper. Then glue the two pieces of folded paper together. After that, paint thesticks. The final step is to glue the sticks onto the folded paper. And everything is done. If you look at your watch, you will be surprised: it takes less than 15 minutes tomakeagood paper fan. Then you can fold it up and drop it in your bag. When you are out in the heat nexttime, just take it out and enjoy the gentle wind.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。

1.Which is the best way to keep cool according to paragraph 1?

A.Putting on hats. B.Using a good fan. C.Wearing light clothing. 2.Why is quality paper a good choice to make a fan?

A.It is light. B.It is colorful. C.It lasts long. 3.What is the second step of making a paper fan?

A.Painting the sticks. B.Drawing pictures on the paper. C.Folding up the paper. 4.From the last paragraph, we can tell that making a paper fan is _________. A.quick B.difficult C.boring

5.What is the purpose of this passage?

A.To teach how to make paper fans. B.To show how to save time. C.To share a fun story.

Passage 5







英语悦读广角(九年级)A young man with excellent grades wanted to get a job in a big company. He met themanager for the interview. The manager asked, “Who paid for your education?”

“My parents.” The young man replied. “Where do they work?”

“They work as clothes cleaners.” Then, the manager asked the young man to show his hands. He found the youngman’shands were so smooth, and asked, “Have you ever helped your parents wash the clothes?”


“Now go home and clean your parents’ hands, then see me tomorrow morning.” The young man felt upset. When he got home, he asked his parents to let himcleantheirhands. They felt strange but happy. While the young man was cleaning their hands, he foundhisparents’ hands were so wrinkled (起皱的), and there were so many bruises (瘀伤) in their hands. His tears fell. After cleaning his parents’ hands, he quietly washed all the rest of clothes. The next morning, he went to the manager’s office. The manager asked him, “Canyoutellme what you did and learned yesterday in your house?” He told the manager all he didwithtearsin his eyes and added, “Now I know what appreciation (感激) is. Without my parents, I wouldnotbe who I am today... By helping my parents, I realize how much they’ve done for me. AndI alsorealize the importance and value of helping one’s family.” The manager smiled and said, “This is what I’m looking for.”根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。

1.Why did the young man meet the manager?

A.Because the manager was his friend. B.Because the manager needed his help. C.Because he wanted to find a job. 2.What did the young man’s parents do?

A.Street cleaners. B.Clothes cleaners. C.Factory workers. 3.What did the manager ask the young man to do after going home?

A.To wash the clothes. B.To talk with his parents. C.To clean his parents’ hands. 4.What can we infer (推断) from the last paragraph?

A.The young man got the job. B.The young man failed the interview. C.The manager laughed at the young man. 5.What does the text mainly tell us?

A.We should face difficulties bravely. B.We should learn to be thankful. C.It’s hard to get a job in a big company.

Passage 6







英语悦读广角(九年级)Lily was a cheerful (开朗的) girl. She always had a big smile on her face. One day, shenoticed an old man named Grumble sitting beside a river. The old man looked sad. Lilywantedtomake him smile, so she walked up to him with a friendly greeting. “Good morning, Mr. Grumble!Why the long face?” she asked. Grumble said, “What’s there to be happy about? Life is full of troubles.” Lily laughedandreplied, “Troubles are like big and scary thunderclouds (雷雨云), Mr. Grumble. But just likeclouds, they pass, making way for the sun to shine again. You should try looking on thebrightside!” Lily made a bet (打赌) with Grumble, saying, “I bet I can make you smile by the endof theday.” Grumble challenged her, “You’re welcome to try, but it won’t be easy.” For the rest of the day, Lily did all kinds of funny and silly things to make Grumblelaugh. She told jokes, sang like nobody was watching, and even made faces. However, Grumble wasstillunhappy. As the sun began to set, Lily decided to give it one last try. She took a deep breathandbroke into a joyful dance. Surprisingly, Grumble couldn’t help laughing. He let out a chuckle (咯咯笑声), andthenanother. Before he knew it, he was laughing heartily, his sadness giving way to happiness. Lilyhad won the contest (比赛), but more importantly, she showed Grumble that becomingcheerfulwas not difficult. Happiness is a choice, and we can find it when we choose to see the brighter side of life.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1.How did Mr. Grumble feel when Lily noticed him?

A.He was cheerful. B.He was angry. C.He was sad. 2.Why did Lily compare troubles to thunderclouds?

A.To say that life is full of troubles. B.To show that troubles will go away. C.To show that troubles are terrible. 3.How did Lily make Grumble become happy successfully?

A.By telling jokes. B.By making faces. C.By dancing joyfully. 4.What does the underlined phrase “giving way to” probably mean in Paragraph 5?

A.取代 B.挡道 C.让步5.What does the story mainly tell us?

A.Being cheerful was difficult. B.Happy or not, it’s up to you. C.The happiest thing is to be free.

Passage 7







英语悦读广角(九年级)The Beijing Library in Beijing’s Tongzhou District (地区) was opened to the publiconDecember 27th, 2023. It covers an area of 75, 000 square meters. It is the world’s largest andmostintelligent (智能的) library, with a first-of-its-kind 21, 809-square-metre open readingspace. Itwon the Guinness World Record for the largest library hall and the largest outdoor readingspacefor children. The library is called “the forest of knowledge” because of the shape of its roof. There are about eight million books in the library. It provides people with a relaxingspacefor reading and learning about the culture of Beijing. Over seven million books are storedintheunderground intelligent stacks (书库) . Robots can take the books to the reading area within15minutes. With the assistance of robots, people can easily get the book they want without havingtosearch for it themselves. “I can’t wait to take my child to the library and I am happy that there is a goodoutdoorspace for children in the library. For children, reading in such a beautiful libraryis reallyinteresting. It’s a perfect place for life-long learning.” said Ms. Cheng fromTongzhou. To welcome the readers, the library held many activities on the opening day, includingaconcert, a traditional dress-up experience, and the creation of artistic works. The librarywill holdmore than 1, 000 activities in the future. Also, it’ll give new born babies some gifts to encouragelife-long learning, including a reader’s card, a book, and a reading list.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1.When did the Beijing Library open?

A.On December 15th, 2022. B.On December 27th, 2023. C.On January 1st, 2024. 2.Which is TRUE about the Beijing Library according to Paragraph 2?

A.It offers visitors a large space to enjoy reading. B.It stores the largest number of books in the world. C.It won the Guinness World Record for its intelligent system. 3.What does the word “assistance” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Test. B.Help. C.Knowledge. 4.What can we infer (推断) about Ms. Cheng?

A.She works at the library. B.She likes reading but her kids don’t. C.She speaks highly of the library. 5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Information about Beijing Library. B.Ways to interest visitor to Beiling Library. C.Reasons why people should keep reading.

Passage 8







英语悦读广角(九年级)The internet is a place where we can talk freely, but it is also a place where we paylittleattention to whether or not our language ability is becoming poorer. According to a recent survey by China Youth Daily, more than 76 percent of youngpeoplein China said they felt their Chinese language skills have declined. They don’t use rhetoricaltechnique (修辞手法) as often any more. It is believed that technology and internet emojis (表情包) have changed their communication habits. For example, direct expression is a preferred way to communicate online. Whenoneseessomething funny, one will simply type “hahaha” or use the “cry-laugh” emoji, BeijingYouthDailynoticed. What’s more, Cai Xiaoxia, a teacher from Fuzhou, told China YouthDaily that wordsingeneral are being used less. For example, people can share photos and emojis online withlittleneed for words to describe them. Also, “copy and paste” culture is getting popular. People simply pick up expressions fromthe internet without much thought. Many begin to use a fixed set of sentence patterns, suchas“...yyds”. If this continues, it could influence our way of thinking, People’s Daily believed. Whenweuse expressions without thinking, it means we have become too lazy to express our real feelings. If teenagers are used to using emojis, they could lose the ability to use words properly. To improve our language skills, experts suggest that we should try to think independentlyand develop our own language. They also suggest that we should read more works of literature(文学). Keep using different words to show your special feelings, said Shen Xiaolong, a professorin the Chinese department at Fudan University.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

1.Which information is true according to China Youth Daily’s survey?

A.Rhetorical technique is becoming more important in technology. B.Over 76% of young Chinese people think their language skills are improved. C.Young Chinese people don’t use rhetorical technique as often any more. 2.What does the underlined word “declined” in the passage probably mean?

A.变弱 B.变强 C.拒绝3.What do Paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly tell us?

A.Why young people like using emojis. B.Which words are the most popular on the internet. C.What people’s new communication habits are. 4.If people are used to direct expressions and emojis, what could happen?

A.People could become good at thinking creatively. B.People could become unable to use words properly. C.People could become less interested in talking with others. 5.Which is the right structure (结构) of the passage? (①=Paragraph 1 ②=Paragraph 2, ...)

A. B. C.Passage 1



难度:★★★★建议用时:8minsD 篇





英语悦读广角(九年级)Imagine you walk into your office, with the temperature just right. You sit down and a very valuable and meaningful day begins. This is the

kind of smart office that engineers are trying to make. It uses technology to

help workers perform their best at work. It can be bad for your health if you sit in front of a desk for too long. For example, it can cause pain in the back and the neck. Sanon, a company

in Zhejiang, built UP7 to deal with this. As a smart lifting desk, UP7 can tell howlonga user hasbeen sitting in the chair. When it reaches the setting time, it will “tell” the user to standupandwalk around. It does this by either shaking the table or sending messages to the user's phone. The company also invented a kind of smart chair to match with the table. “The chair issocomfortable. It can adjust its arms and height according to your body shape,” a user inZhejiangsaid on Xiaohongshu. In smart offices, you probably won’t use paper notebooks. Instead, you can tryelectronicpaper books to put your work online. N10 from Hanvo n Technology in Beijing, is anew“notebook” like this. It uses a screen that doesn't produce much light. Users write or drawwithanelectronic pen on the screen. “It is just like reading and writing on real paper,” a user said. “You can organize, searchandsave notes easily. You usually need several big paper notebooks to do what the electronicnotebook does.”根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1.What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?

A.A smart office will make the work day longer. B.A smart office will offer more jobs to engineers. C.A smart office can help workers work at their best. 2.How does UP7 protect users’ bodies?

A.By making calls to users. B.By stopping users from sitting for too long. C.By moving the chair to relax users' bodies. 3.What does the underlined word “adjust” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Miss. B.Change. C.Depend. 4.Why is N10 better than a paper notebook?

A.Because N10 has a big screen. B.Because N10 can provide light for people to read. C.Because N10 can easily organize, search and save notes. 5.In which part of a newspaper may the passage come from?

A.Popular Science. B.Social Behavior (行为). C.Weather Conditions.

Passage 2







英语悦读广角(九年级)①Plants are more than just pretty to look at. They give us fruits, vegetables and foodweeat. Some plants even provide materials for medicine or building things. But do you knowthat plantscan do something even more amazing? They can make our homes, schools and workplaces muchhealthier. We spend a large part of our day indoors. Unluckily, the air inside buildings canoftenbefull of a chemicals (化学物质) from many things around us. This poor air quality (质量) canmake us feel sick, cause eye problems, and even make it hard for us to breathe (呼吸). Whentheair inside buildings gets really bad, people even call them “sick buildings”. ②The good news is that plants are like nature’s super heroes. They have a magicpowerfighting against bad air. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide (CO₂) and breathe out oxygen(O₂)which we humans need to live. They can also add moisture (水分) to the air if it’s too dry, makingit more comfortable for us to breathe. ③ ▲ Scientists have discovered that plants have the ability to take in harmful chemicals, making the air around us safer to breathe. They set up a completely closed buildingcalled“bio-home” for experiments. Before they added plants, the air inside was full of chemicalsandpeople found it hard to breathe. Then scientists added different kinds of plants in it. After awhile, they used a special machine to test the air quality. The air got much cleaner and it becameeasierto breathe. People could go inside without feeling unwell. Scientists found out the buildingwasn’t a “sick building” any more. ④So you see, plants are incredible! They are not only beautiful to look at, but theyalsoprovide us with food, help create materials and play an important role in our health. Theymakeour indoor environments cleaner and healthier, making us feel better. Next time you see aplant, remember all the amazing things it can do for us!


1.How do plants improve the air inside buildings?

A.They produce oxygen. B.They breathe out carbon dioxide. C.They give out harmful chemicals. 2.Which can be the best to fill in the blank ________ in the passage?

A.But plants can provide what humans need to eat. B.But one interesting thing plants can do is to build things. C.But the most amazing thing plants can do is to clean the air. 3.What are the correct steps of the scientific experiment in Paragraph 3?

①Scientists found out the building wasn’t a “sick building”. ②Scientists added different kinds of plants in “bio-home”. ③Scientists set up a completely closed building with chemical air. ④Scientists used a special machine to test the air quality. A.③④②① B.③②④① C.③②①④4.What does the underlined word “incredible” mean?

A.Fantastic. B.Dangerous. C.Different. 5.What does the writer mainly want to tell us?

A.Plants are important for providing food. B.Plants make people look much better. C.Plants are good for indoor environment.

Passage 3







英语悦读广角(九年级)When ChatGPT came out, Olivia Lipkin, a copywriter in San Francisco, found herself withless and less work to do. Last April, she was fired with no explanation. She realized thereasonwhen hearing managers talking about how using ChatGPT was at a lower cost thanhavingahuman writer. Eric Fein had worked in a writing company for ten years. He became joblesslastMarch because of ChatGPT. He said to his boss that ChatGPT couldn’t write with his level ofcreativity. His boss said he understood, but he would have to pay more to Fein thanusingChatGPT. AI systems like ChatGPT could replace (替代) hundreds of millions of jobs in thefuture. And for those who write social media posts and ads, the effect is already here. However, expertssay that even the best AI systems can’t match the writing skills of a human. It doesn’t haveapersonal voice or style. Besides, it often gives the wrong answers. Indeed, companies that have replaced human workers with ChatGPT have run intotrouble. CNET, a technology news site, once used AI systems to write articles. The results, however, werefull of mistakes. And the U.S. National Eating Disorders Company once replaced its helplineworkers with robots. But it had to stop using the technology after the robots gave people harmfuladvice.After being replaced by ChatGPT, Fein and Lipkin didn’t give up. Fein has decidedtobean air-conditioning technician(技师), a job that AI can’t do. And Lipkin nowworks as adogwalker. She says, “People are looking for the cheapest solution, and that’s not a person-it’sarobot.”根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1.Why did Lipkin and Fein lose their jobs?

A.There was less and less work for them to do. B.ChatGPT was much more creative than them. C.The cost savings were in the first place for the companies. 2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A.AI systems will replace all kinds of jobs. B.AI systems can write as well as human writers. C.AI systems still have a long way to go. 3.What can we know about ChatGPT?

A.It requires no corrections in writing. B.It may give wrong suggestions to users. C.It can only be used to write articles. 4.Which of the following best describes Lipkin and Fein?

A.Humorous and honest. B.Strong-minded and hard-working. C.Patient andeasy-going. 5.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Will ChatGPT Replace Humans?

B.Should Humans Trust ChatGPT?

C.Will ChatGPT Become Creative?

Passage 4







英语悦读广角(九年级)“Have you ever heard that it’s impossible to fold a piece of paper more than seventimes?Actually, it is just a popular myth. The myth refers to folding a piece of paper in half many times in any direction. Thepaperis folded in half. Try it for yourself with a piece of notebook paper. ________ But whenyoumakethe fifth and sixth folds, you’ll notice that it’s increasingly hard to fold the paper. Whydoesithappen? Because the number of the layers (层) of paper doubles with each fold. For example, after the sixth fold, you’re left with 64 layers of paper. If you have strong hands, you maybeableto make that seventh fold. If you start with a piece of paper that is 0.01 centimeters thick, it’ll beas thick as a notebook after seven folds. And it would seem impossible to make more folds. Atthis point, you may be thinking that the paper-folding myth doesn’t sound much like a myth. However, in 2002, a high school student named Britney Gallivan proved the ideawrong. Britney successfully folded a 1.20-meter-long roll of toilet paper 12 times (note that sheusedsingle-direction folding). She also developed a math rule. This is convenient. It allows youtofindout the maximum (最大的) number of possible folds based on paper thickness, paper length, anddirection of folding. Since Britney’s success, many people have managed to fold a single piece of paper morethan 7 times. Students even folded a piece of toilet paper a total of thirteen times. The toilet paperthey used was about 4,000 meters long!


1.How thick is the notebook mentioned in the second paragraph?

A.0.07 centimeters. B.0.64 centimeters. C.1.28 centimeters. 2.Choose the best sentence to fill in the blank “________” in Paragraph 2. A.The first few folds are easy. B.It’s folded in the same direction. C.It’s too thick to fold it. 3.What would be the best structure of the passage?

A. B. C.4.What can we learn from Britney Gallivan?

A.Man doesn’t have a greater enemy than himself. B.Things that seem impossible may be achievable. C.Knowledge is the most valuable of all things. 5.Which of the following can be the best title?

A.A Rule of Paper-Folding. B.A Paper-Folding Record. C.The Paper-Folding Myth.

Passage 5







英语悦读广角(九年级)① Fifteen-year-old Cathy posted a birthday party invitation and her address online. Whenher parents got back home that evening, they couldn’t believe their eyes! There were 500peopleat the party, and some of them were breaking windows and plants, making a total mess of thehouse.②Most teens think that things like this could never happen to them. A study shows that lastyear alone, more than three million young people worldwide got into trouble because of theironline activities. ★ ?

③RULE 1: Share with care

Not everyone will like what you write online. Think before you post something. Youcannever completely control who sees your texts, pictures, or videos. Before posting, you shouldaskyourself two questions, “How will I feel if my family or teachers see this?” and “Howmight thispost be bad for me in three, five or ten years from now?” ④RULE 2: Be polite when you write

Imagine someone is unfriendly in real life. You don’t like it, right? Well, the same is trueofonline communication. No one likes it when you “shout” in your messages. DON’T USE ALL CAPITALS! ! !Ifyou feel angry while writing a message, wait a bit. Read it again later and then send it. ⑤RULE 3: Protect and respect

Don’t share your personal information with anyone. Don’t post your home or email addressonline. Be careful about “cyberbullying”—don’t forward rumours (谣言) or say anythingbadabout other people. If you get messages like that or see them online, talk to an adult youknow.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1.Which of the following can be put in ★ ?

A.Why could this happen B.Where should we start C.Howcan we besaferonline

2.According to the writer, which of the following online posts is suggested?

A.“I HATE RULES!” B.“Math class is soooo boring!” C.“100 Bad Days is a great song by AJR.” 3.The “cyberbullying” in the last paragraph probably means ________. A.spreading hurtful things online

B.making new friends online

C.asking for help on the Internet

4.What’s the right structure of the passage?

A. B. C.

5.The best title for the passage would be ________. A.Think Before You Act Online

B.Online VS Offline World

C.Internet Connects You and Me

Passage 6







英语悦读广角(九年级)Anyone can perform the movements and forms of the ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi. Eachof the forms, also called “steps”, looks like the movements of different animals. PracticingtheseTai Chi steps may help improve a person’s posture (姿态) and health. Tai Chi comes from martial arts and Taoism (道教) in China. Tai Chi steps focus onthebalance of yin and yang. A perfect balance of yin and yang helps qi to flow throughout thewholebody. People can perform the movements of Tai Chi steps for different reasons. People indeepthought may also find inner peace through Tai Chi. There are many possible benefits of Tai Chi, including reducing worries, lowering blood pressure, improving posture and balance, andhelpingreduce pain. There are different forms or steps in Tai Chi, and many of their names describethemovements of animals, such as “Grasp the Bird's Tails” and “Snake Creeps Through the Grass”. Each movement should flow into the next one, and people should try to performthe set of Tai Chisteps again and again. People who wish to perform Tai Chi well should prefer basic movementsfirst, like hand movements and skills, standing postures, leg skills and body forms. ATai Chicoach should teach these basic TaiChi steps before leading the group into more difficult forms. A person performing these Tai Chi steps should follow a few basic rules of the ancient art. The difficult set of movements requires strong attention. In order to achieve perfect balance, theperson should try to keep the perfect skill without shaking.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1.The key to Tai Chi is ________. A.balance B.movement C.practice

2.Who can most probably get great benefits from practicing Tai Chi?

A.Those who want to calm down. B.Those who have enough patience. C.Those who like copying animals. 3.Which of the following is “Snake Creeps Through the Grass”?

A. B. C.4.What should you do first if you want to perform Tai Chi well?

A.Try to find inner peace. B.Learn about yin and yang. C.Work hard on basic movements. 5.What's the main idea of the passage?

A.The history of Tai Chi. B.The influence of Tai Chi. C.The basic knowledge of Tai Chi.

Passage 7







英语悦读广角(九年级)Water is important for all living things on Earth. The water cycle (循环) is a natural process(过程) that takes water from the ground and the sky and brings it back to the earth again. It isacycle that happens the whole year and is most active from March to June in China. The water cycle always begins with water vapour (蒸汽). When it’s hot outside, youcansee clouds forming in the sky. These clouds are made of water vapour that comes fromtheground, plants and rivers. As water vapour rises into the sky, it cools down and becomes clouds. After that, clouds travel through the sky and fall back to Earth as rain or snow. Then, water runs throughrivers and the sea and finally comes back to the earth again in different forms like rainwater orsnow. The water cycle plays an important role in protecting our Earth’s climate ( 气候). Itprovides us with water to drink and keeps our climate healthy. On top of that, it takes water fromrivers and the sea and brings it to the areas that don’t have enough water. Without the cycle, wewould face many problems. When there is too much water in one place, it becomes a flood(洪水). When water is badly in need, it becomes a drought (旱灾). Besides, water vapour cantakeheatfrom the sun and keep our planet cool. The water cycle is a natural process that keeps our planet alive. It’s important for plantsandanimals to drink water and for our rivers to stay moving with water. Understandingthewatercycle can help us enjoy the beauty of nature, know how our planet works and developbettermethods to protect our Earth. And that is our duty.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

1.Which season might have the most active water cycle in China?

A.Spring. B.Winter. C.Autumn. 2.Which is the right order of the water cycle according to Paragraph 2?

① Water comes back to the ground. ② Rain or snow falls down. ③ Water vapour rises up. ④ Clouds are formed in the sky. A.③④②① B.②③①④ C.④③②①3.Why is the water cycle important?

A.Because it cleans the air and the ground. B.Because it shows the beauty of nature. C.Because it makes the climate pleasant. 4.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to (指代)?

A.Earth’s climate. B.The water cycle. C.Water vapour. 5.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the last paragraph?

A.To call on people to understand water cycle. B.To ask people to water all kinds of plants. C.To give people ways to get close to nature.

Passage 8







英语悦读广角(九年级)Have you heard about Bian Que? He is said to have performed the first heart transplant (心脏移植). Bian Que was born around the year 401 BC, but little is known about his early life. Beforehe became a 1 , he was said to work at a hotel. He met an old man withamazingmedical skills 2 that period. The old man was moved by the service of Bian Que, so he decided to 3 BianQue his medical knowledge. Bian Que studied hard and 4 the ability tostudythehuman body. Bian Que later travelled from town to town to treat people. He treated the poor as well asthe 5 . And it was said that he usually cured (治愈) people with 6 illnesses. For this reason, people at that time praised him. To improve his traditional medical skills, Bian Que learned from the 7 of otherdoctors. Then he invented his own methods. Bian Que is also thought to be the 8ofseveral famous works on Traditional Chinese Medicine. 9 , only small parts of themwere passed on. The 10 about Bian Que’s life are still popular today. And there aremanyChinese idioms (习语) about him. You can also visit Jinan, Shandong Province, if youwant toknow more about it. 1.A.teacher B.doctor C.musician

2.A.during B.for C.on

3.A.learn B.show C.teach

4.A.allowed B.developed C.expected

5.A.rich B.old C.young

6.A.serious B.common C.natural

7.A.expression B.pressure C.experience

8.A.reader B.writer C.reporter

9.A.Normally B.Sadly C.Suddenly

10.A.hobbies B.decisions C.stories


Passage 1







英语悦读广角(九年级)This story will warm you better than a coffee on a cold winter day. One day, my friend and I entered a cafe and ordered two cups of coffee. 1wewere waiting, two young men came in and 2 to order. “Five cups of coffee, please. Two of them for us and three suspended.” They paid for 3 order, took the twoandleft. I asked my friend, “What are those suspended coffees?” 4 giving me the answer, hetold me to wait and see. Some more people came. Two girls asked for one coffee, paid and went away. Thencamethree lawyers who paid for 5 coffees—three for themselves and four suspended. WhileI still wondered 6 the suspended coffees meant, I enjoyed the sunny 7andthe beautiful view in front of the cafe. 8 , a poor man like a beggar came intothecafe. He kindly ordered a suspended coffee and sat there to drink it. At that moment, I knew the meaning of the suspended coffees. It’s simple—peoplepaythecoffee in advance (提前) for someone who can’t 9 it. The tradition with the suspendedcoffee started in Italy, but it has spread all over the world. Meanwhile. I understood suspendedcoffee is not only a cup of coffee, but also the warmth and 10 to someone in need. 1.A.Before B.While C.After

2.A.went B.left C.began

3.A.our B.your C.their

4.A.Instead of B.Because of C.But

5.A.six B.seven C.eight

6.A.what B.who C.why

7.A.ground B.weather C.park

8.A.Suddenly B.Lovely C.Friendly

9.A.want B.sell C.afford

10.A.sadness B.love C.relation

Passage 2







英语悦读广角(九年级)In China, very few children make pocket money. However, in western 1 , suchasthe UK, the US, Italy and France, most kids make pocket money by themselves. Theymakemoney in many different 2 . When kids are very young, their parents help them3the fruits of their own trees to neighbors. Kids may also help 4 do houseworktomakemoney at home. When they 5 sixteen, they can make money by sending newspapersorby working in fast food restaurants, 6 during the summer holidays. There are many advantages of making pocket money by kids themselves. First of all, theylearn the 7 of money by working hard so that they will not waste any. Secondly, theylearn to 8 money to buy things they need or want, such as books, pencils andevenclothes they like. Thirdly, they learn to 9 the daily life problems by helpingtheirparents or others. Making pocket money is 10 for children when they growup. That iswhy parents encourage their kids to make pocket money. 1.A.cities B.countries C.villages

2.A.ways B.signs C.habits

3.A.show B.lend C.sell

4.A.teachers B.friends C.parents

5.A.catch B.reach C.accept

6.A.recently B.seriously C.especially

7.A.value B.purpose C.secret

8.A.borrow B.achieve C.manage

9.A.hear from B.deal with C.worry about

10.A.helpful B.beautiful C.successful

Passage 3







英语悦读广角(九年级)Sarah is an active student. She likes taking part in club activities at 1 . Last year, shejoined the gardening club, and 2 brought her a lot of happiness. In the gardeningclub, Sarah learned about different 3 and how to take care of them. She enjoyed gettingherhands 4 while planting seeds and watering the plants. When she sawthe tinyseedlings(幼苗) 5 into beautiful flowers, she had a great sense of achievement (成就). Sarahlovedthe smell of fresh soil, 6 she spent many afternoons in the garden looking after theplants. The club also gave Sarah a chance to make 7 friends. The club members workedtogether as a team. They often 8 their knowledge and helped each other while workinginthe garden. They 9 used their flowers to make beautiful bouquets (花束) and give themtoteachers and students. The hands-on activities, teamwork and the beauty of nature filledSarah’sschool days with 10 . How colorful the school life is!

1.A.home B.hospital C.school

2.A.it B.she C.he

3.A.kids B.leaves C.plants

4.A.cool B.dirty C.dry

5.A.get B.grow C.fall

6.A.so B.but C.because

7.A.new B.old C.few

8.A.found B.made C.shared

9.A.sometimes B.seldom C.hardly

10.A.sadness B.joy C.fear

Passage 4







英语悦读广角(九年级)In the afternoon, Leo played basketball in the living room. Suddenly, his basketball hit avase (花瓶). The vase 1 on the floor and was broken. Leo was so worried about that. To cover the 2 , he glued the pieces together and put the vase back. The mother noticed the change on the vase that evening. At dinner, she askedLeoif hebroke the vase. Leo was afraid and 3 that a wild cat jumped in fromthe windowandknocked the vase down. His mother was quite 4 that her son was lying, becauseall thewindows were closed by her each day. However, she said nothing. Before bedtime, the mother asked Leo to come to the study. When Leo entered, she5a chocolate box and gave one piece to him. “Leo, this chocolate is for your special imagination. You created a smart cat that could 6 the window.” Then, she put another chocolateinhis hand. “This one is for your great 7 to repair. The vase looks almost the sameasbefore.” After that, the mother gave the third chocolate, “The last one stands for my deep‘sorry’. As your mother, I shouldn’t have put a vase there, because it could 8 fall down, especially when my boy likes doing sports at home.”

“Mom, I…” Leo tried to say something 9 his mother stopped him. “Mychocolate box is empty, so our talk is 10 , too. Now, go to bed! Good night, boy!”“Ilove you, mom.” Leo gave a soft kiss on his mother’s face and went to bed relaxedly. The following days were as usual. The only change was that Leo never told a lie again. 1.A.dropped B.appeared C.changed

2.A.bed B.report C.trouble

3.A.remembered B.lied C.asked

4.A.clear B.lucky C.happy

5.A.took out B.talked about C.put away

6.A.close B.repair C.open

7.A.story B.ability C.chance

8.A.carefully B.slowly C.easily

9.A.but B.so C.or

10.A.hard B.over C.smart

Passage 5







英语悦读广角(九年级)I believe that we can have an important influence on anyone we meet. The 1 wordsat just the right time could change someone’s life. When I was 3 years old, my parents 2 that I was deaf. After asking manydoctorsand parents of other deaf children, they decided to put me in a normal (普通的) school. Onmyfirst day, the other kids made fun of me 3 my hearing aid and the way I talked. I felt sadand saw 4 as an ugly kid. Mrs. Jordan, my teacher, changed all of that. One morning, she asked the class a question. Iread her lips (嘴唇) and 5 my hand right away. She called me. I took a deep breathand6 answered her question. I will never forget what happened next. Mrs. Jordan pointeddirectlyat me. With sparkling (闪亮的) 7 and a big smile she cried, “That’s right, Stephen!”For the 8 time in my young life, my confidence grew rapidly like never before. At that moment, I 9 that no matter how many difficulties I may face, I canovercomethem. Just from those three simple 10 , my whole life changed fromthat moment. 1.A.right B.necessary C.ordinary

2.A.believed B.guessed C.found

3.A.because of B.together with C.as well as

4.A.themselves B.myself C.yourself

5.A.washed B.raised C.painted

6.A.confidently B.peacefully C.nervously

7.A.eyes B.stars C.faces

8.A.last B.first C.next

9.A.chose B.decided C.realized

10.A.words B.ways C.Places

Passage 6







英语悦读广角(九年级)Some people may think that young people are too young to know what they want. But peoplelike Lu Kaigang want to tell them they are all 1 . Lu grew up in a small village in Nanning, Guangxi. Now he walks on some of thelargestcatwalks (T 台) in the world. Lu found his 2 when he was a child. “When I was ten, I saw a fashion showonTVand I thought it was cool to 3 on the catwalk,” Lu said. “I’ve wanted to be a supermodelever since.” Lu didn’t have much money and never received professional training. However, these4didn’t stop him from running after what he wanted. Lu collected pieces of cloth fromthefactorywhere he worked, and then made them 5 clothes. In 2018, he started makingvideosofhimself wearing his handmade clothes and posted them online. Lu has what money can’t buy: strong will (意志) and confidence. “The early videos I posteddidn’t get many likes,” Lu said. “But I 6 what I was doing would be recognized(认可)by the world someday.” Lu 7 his job at the factory and returned to his hometown to learn howtobeasupermodel. He also 8 posting videos online during the period. Lu’s hard work 9 paid off and he became an online star. We can be sure that Luwouldn’t have been where he’s today 10 he hadn’t followed his heart at a youngage. 1.A.crazy B.wrong C.serious

2.A.interest B.courage C.ability

3.A.run B.jump C.walk

4.A.differences B.difficulties C.results

5.A.with B.into C.from6.A.decided B.agreed C.believed

7.A.gave up B.looked for C.worried about

8.A.avoided B.practised C.kept

9.A.finally B.suddenly C.usually

10.A.until B.if C.because

Passage 7







英语悦读广角(九年级)Before leaving college, my son began to look for a job. He wanted to work for a famouscompany. However, the competition was very 1 . It planned to employ (雇佣) onlyoneperson, 2 more than fifty people competed for the job. Finally, he was amongthe3people who entered the final interview (面试). To their surprise, the interviewwas very 4, during which the boss only talked with them for a while. Then he said, “All of you are excellent. Please go home and wait for the 5 of the interview.” Three days later, my son receivedamessage saying that he was not 6 the job. Tears welled up in his eyes when he knewit. But later in the evening, he told me 7 that he had received another message sayingthat hehad been employed. Later, we knew that the first message was also part of the 8 in the interview. All thethree men received the 9 message, but only my son’s reply 10 the company. Ofthe three, one did not reply. The other said “goodbye” and my son said “thank you”, sohewasoffered the job. 1.A.relaxing B.serious C.interesting

2.A.so B.or C.while

3.A.two B.three C.five

4.A.simple B.strict C.difficult

5.A.prize B.advice C.result

6.A.offered B.passed C.shown

7.A.quickly B.happily C.carefully

8.A.game B.story C.test

9.A.same B.honest C.useful

10.A.surprised B.satisfied C.worried

Passage 8







英语悦读广角(九年级)There are all 1._________ of music in the world. Music 2._________ people happy. Goodmusic brings people comfort and peace of mind. Everyone loves music 3._________differentpeople have different tastes.Kangkang likes piano music very much. When he was eight, hisfather asked a music teacher to teach him to play 4._________ piano. It is great fun 5._________him. Li Xiang likes listening to jazz. He thinks the American jazz music sounds wonderful. ButTom hates jazz. He thinks 6._________ is too noisy. Violin music is his favorite. Hesays7._________ music played on the violin makes him happy. Wang Junfeng plays the drumsverywell. He thinks drum playing is very exciting. Wang Junfeng says that every culture has itsown8._________ kind of drumming. He likes to listen to South American drumming 9._________. All of these children are music 10._________. Different kinds of music make themhappy.

Red walls, golden roofs(屋顶), and great hall—the Forbidden City(故宫) is already600years old. So far it has 1._________ more than millions of Western visitors around the world. It isseen 2._________ a symbol of Chinese civilization(文明) in ancient times.It holds manystoriesabout Chinese culture and mysteries that remain with us today.Built in 1420, the palace is the 3._________ wooden palace on earth. It’s strong andcanbearlots of weight. 4._________ in fact it is also flexible(柔韧的) enough to stay in one pieceduringan earthquake. The Forbidden City is famous for 5._________ special buildings. Major halls stand 6._________ the north-south center is the old Beijing's axis(轴线). Eventhe smallest feature can be an 7._________ of ancient Chinese culture. For example,therearemythical( 神 话 的 ) 8._________ standing on the palace's roofs. The number of animals9._________ shows the position of a building—the more animals there are, the more importantthe building is. Historians believe that the 10._________ treasures in the building have a lot of historicalmeanings. The Forbidden City has passed down the spirits of Chinese culture like harmony(和谐),balance and order.

fan special kind make for best it classical but the

example as animal exactly on large valuable receive its but

Passage 1



难度:★★建议用时:5minsPassage 2








英语悦读广角(九年级)Do you know why different animals or insects have their own colors? Because theycanusedifferent colors to keep 1._________ safe. Some birds feed on insects, but it's not 2._________ for them to catch locusts(蝗虫). Why?It is 3._________ locusts change the colors together with the change of the colors of thecrops. When crops are green, locusts look green. When crops are brown, locusts changetothe4._________ color. Some other insects have to 5._________ only at night. It is because theyhavecolors different 6._________

plants and birds can find them and eat them. If you study the animal life, you'll find the main use of coloring is to 7._________themselves. Tigers, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. The small animals cannot findthembecause they have the colors much like those of the 8._________ and grass. In the sea, there's a kind of fish with a soft body. It is not strong at all, but it cansendoutblack liquid (液体) when it 9._________ danger. While the liquid spreads (展开) over,itsenemies can't find it. And it 10._________ swims away. That's why we can still see it inthesea. Many families find it useful to write down some rules about what family membersareexpected to do. Every family member should know what is or isn't 1._________.The rules canbestuck(粘贴) on the fridge. In this way, younger children can have a 2._________ to readthem. You can 3._________ to make simple rules as soon as your children need parents' support tofollow rules. They need help to 4._________ and remember the rules. You can give your childa5._________ if he does well. Rules are also 6._________ to teenagers. Instead of sticking the rules on the fridge, it'sagood idea to keep them somewhere a little more private. For example, teenagers cansticktherules on the walls of 7._________bedrooms. Rules about 8._________ are important for teenagers. Many people think teenagers shouldn'tbe allowed to stay out late. Besides, without a driver's license(驾驶证),teenagers shouldn't driveacar. Rules about health are also very necessary. Teenagers shouldn't smoke 9._________drinkwine. It's bad for their health. In public places, teenagers shouldn't talk 10._________. It's goodfor them to develop good habits.

because protect they easy tree quick from same appear face

chance they safe or allow help manage hug loud understandPassage 3



难度:★★★★建议用时:7minsPassage 4







英语悦读广角(九年级)Being a young man is one thing and being a good one is another. A good young manshouldhave these qualities. First of all, one must have a healthy 1._________, because a healthybodyisthe most important. If you don’t have good health, you’ll have to take 2._________ dayafter day. What’s worse, you can’t work, do sports and so on with a weak body. 3._________, alwaysdosomething good for others. Help and 4._________ about the people around you. If everyonedoessomething good every day, our world will become 5._________. Third, one must have theabilityto work with. Everyone needs friends 6._________ no one can live and do everythingby7._________. Patriotism(爱国精神) is also very important. Patriotism 8._________ love for one's country. It'sone of the 9._________ qualities of humans. Everyone should love our country. I think a young man today should also know something about 10._________. If everyoneisable to make more of art for others and enjoy art, then people will live better and enjoy more.

Burano is a small island in Italy. It is one of the most colorful places in the world. It is1._________among visitors from all over the world. When you visit Burano, you can see lots of 2. _________ in bright colors. When you are walkinghere, you may think you are walking in a fairy world(仙境). Every house is beautiful andit lookslike a Castle(城堡). The local people can paint 3. _________ houses in bright colors, but all thehouses must 4. _________ a special color pattern(模式). 5. _________ you paint your house, you must ask the government first. The government will 6. _________ you the certain color that you can use. There are some other 7._________rules. Forexample, if your neighbor's house is red,you are not allowed to paint your house red. Youhavetochoose a(an) 8._________ color. For the local people, painting the houses has become a(an) 9. _________. In the past, most ofthe local people were fishermen. They 10. _________their houses in bright colors sothat thefishermen could see their houses in the fog.

highest body medicine care art him mean wonder Second becausetell paint different they houses tradition follow popular Before interest

Passage 5



难度:★★★建议用时:7minsPassage 6







英语悦读广角(九年级)What are you going to do when you are in a burning house? How do you escape(逃离)?It’snecessary for you to know some ways to 1._________your life. Firstly, leave the burning house 2._________. Forget your money or other 3._________, your life is the most important. Go downstairs by stairways. Don’t use the lift. Secondly, if the door can’t be 4._________, turn off the gas and the electricity(电源). Coveryour 5._________and nose with a wet towel. In a fire, most people die because of the thicksmoke. If possible, stay in the washroom 6._________keep the door closed. Use the water tomakeeverything in the washroom wet. Then try to keep your body down to the floor. 7._________, open a safe window that is not burning. If you are in a lowfloor of thebuilding, try to escape 8._________the window. If you are in a higher floor, keep your headlownext to the window to be sure you get 9._________air. You should use your mobile phonetocallthe police and shout for help. Don’t jump down from the high places. It’s sometimes more10._________than the fire itself. Music is loved by most of us. It's a very good friend to any kind of people. It canstaywithyou in your life and play a role 1. _________ your life. Music can 2. _________ you out of being sad. You can stop yourself fromgettingintoit bylistening to music at times. Music can help make the stress(压力) less. Stress may have a bad 3. _________. It maymake health problem happen. Sometimes the learning and thinking 4. _________ of a personisinfluenced by stress. Music can keep your mind 5. _________ and make stress less. Musichelpsus be active 6. _________ makes us interested in something. It can make us 7._________inourselves and make a person do better at learning. Besides, music brings us 8._________mood. Music can keep your mood happy and 9._________. Instead, unpleasant music may influencethemood of a person. Music is a 10._________for sick minds, weak minds and a good friend for great minds. As Leo Tolstoy says, “Music is the shorthand(速写) of the mood”. We really needmusic.

dangerous mouth fresh quick Thirdly save open and through thingbring result able doctor believe and quiet different health inPassage 7



难度:★★★建议用时:7minsPassage 8







