
发布时间:2023-10-23 | 杂志分类:其他


CATALOGUE1. Introduction.............................................................................................1A. About EndNote.................................................................................1B. Installation and setup........................................................................12. Import References...................................................................................3A Create a personal EndNote Library.................................................. [收起]
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User Manual



1. Introduction.............................................................................................1

A. About EndNote.................................................................................1

B. Installation and setup........................................................................1

2. Import References...................................................................................3

A Create a personal EndNote Library...................................................3

B. Import literature from the database website.....................................4

C. Automatically insert references into your paper..............................4

3. Organize and manage your bibliographic library ...................................5

A. Create and manage a library ............................................................5

B. Use of folders and labels..................................................................7

C. Classification and ordering of documents........................................8

4. Search and cite ........................................................................................9

A. Search options..................................................................................9

B. Generate a list of references...........................................................11

5. Tips and tricks for productivity.............................................................11

A. Shortcut key ...................................................................................12

B. Customize your Settings ................................................................12



1. Introduction

A. About EndNote

EndNote is a widely used literature management software, Clarivate Analytics flagship

literature management system, has been developed for more than 20 years. It supports 3776 kinds of

reference formats of international journals, and can also customize the journal citation format.

(1) Easily access to scientific and technological literature and establish a personal literature


(2) Effective management and analysis of scientific and technological literature to stimulate

scientific research ideas;

(3) When writing papers, use the journal submission template to improve the efficiency of

paper writing;

(4) Cite references while writing, and adjust the reference format with one click;

(5) Cross-platform seamless integration, synchronization of literature, access to scientific and

technological information anytime and anywhere;

(6) ENDNOTE® standalone edition integrates search, analysis, management, writing and

submission to create a simple workflow, making it an important research, management, writing and

publishing tool.

B. Installation and setup

1, download and installation (please use VPN access in the campus network environment or


(1) Installation of EndNote in Windows system environment

Windows version download address: http://lib.seu.edu.cn:8080/download/EN21forwin.rar

Installation steps:

① Before installing EndNote21, please close all Office software (such as Word,Excel,Outlook,

etc.) and check whether this software is suitable for personal computers, see the instructions on the

official website of endnote

② After downloading, please extract EN21Inst.msi and License.dat files to the same folder

(not directly on the desktop).

③ Double-click EN21Inst.msi file to install, do not need to enter the serial number

④ The installation is successful and you can use it

(2) Installation of EndNote in Mac system environment

Mac version: http://lib.seu.edu.cn:8080/download/EN21formac.rar

2、If you have any problems, please contact person in charge: Wang Xian Campus: Jiulong

Lake Tel: 52090336-804 email:wxfly@seu.edu.cn, or contact CrevTech Technical support (Tel: 400

8822 031, Email:) ts.support.china@clarivate.com






2. Import References

A Create a personal EndNote Library

(1) Create and save your EndNote Library

Step1:Select File -New.

Step2:Create and save your personal literature database.

(2) Import the PDF file

Step1:If you have PDF files of the full text of the literature locally, you can Import PDF files

in bulk into EndNote by selecting File

Step2:Import to import a single PDF or a folder in bulk.

(3) PDF bulk import into EndNote

By checking the two options, the imported folder can be imported into EndNote together with

the subfolders. EndNote will help you create a new group for the folder and keep the original

category Settings.



B. Import literature from the database website

Step1:From Web of Science database you can import literature information directly into

EndNote, select Related Literature information

Step2:Save to EndNote desktop, you can import.CIW documents directly into EndNote.

C. Automatically insert references into your paper

Step1:Move your cursor to where you want to Insert references and select Insert Citation.

Step2:EndNote can select specific references from your managed personal Library to insert

into your paper, and the references will be generated along with the paper.



3. Organize and manage your bibliographic library

A. Create and manage a library

Step1: Open the Endnote X21 software, select \"File\" on the menu bar and click \"New\" to create a

new document library.

Step2: Enter a name for the document library and select a location to save it.

Step3: Click the \"Save\" button to save the library.



Step4: Add citations to the library: Click on \"References\", then select \"New Reference\" and fill

in the literature information, such as author, title, journal, date, etc.



B. Use of folders and labels

Step1: Folders in Endnote X21 can be used to group literature and multiple folders can be

created according to individual needs.

Step2: Create folders: Click on the \"Groups\" TAB, then select \"Create Custom Group\" under

\"Create Group\" and enter a folder name.

Step3: Add literature To folder: Select the literature you want to add in the library, then right

click, select \"Add References To\" and select the destination folder.

Step4: Use of labels: Multiple labels can be added to the literature for better classification and

search. Add tags in the \"Keywords\" field of the literature details interface, separated by a




C. Classification and ordering of documents

Step1: Use Endnote X21's search function to sort and sort your literature. Type the keywords

you want to search in the search box in the upper left corner of the main screen, then hit \"Enter\"

or hit Enter.

Step2: Endnote will search for citations in your library based on the keywords and display the

match results in the search window.

Step3: In the search window, it is possible to sort by information such as title, author, journal, etc.

by clicking on the corresponding column title.



4. Search and cite

A. Search options

Searching EndNote References

EndNote provides Search features that enable you to locate specific references or

groups of references.

(1)The Simple Search Panel

Allows you to quickly search your entire library by typing a word or phrase into the

single text box.

(2)The Advanced Search Panel

The Advanced Search panel offers far more control over your EndNote search




(3) Finding Full Text for a Reference.

EndNote uses these resources when searching for full text publications:

• PubMed

• Clarivate Links


• OpenURL

(4)Searching Online Databases

EndNote’s search interface provides a simple way to do basic searches of EndNote

libraries and online databases.



Once you have searched an online database, or marked the database as a favorite with

the Connection Manager, it appears in the Online Search group set in the Groups panel

B. Generate a list of references

Citing Sources as You Write

5. Tips and tricks for productivity



A. Shortcut key

1. Basic operation shortcut keys

Shortcut keys Function

Ctrl+N New Document

Ctrl+S Save the document library

Ctrl+Z Undo the previous step

Ctrl+Y Redo the previous step

Ctrl+F Find literature

Ctrl+P Print literature

Ctrl+X Cut the selected literature

Ctrl+C Copy the selected literature

Ctrl+V Paste the literature

Delete Deletes the selected literature

B. Customize your Settings

EndNote allows users to customize a variety of Settings for their specific needs, from citation

styles to file and folder naming rules. Here are some specific aspects of customizing your Settings:

Change the default Settings

Step1:Citation Styles

By default, EndNote uses specific citation styles. Users can change the

citation style according to the user's publication needs, for example APA, MLA,

Chicago, etc.

Step2:Where to store

By default, the EndNote library is stored under the My Documents folder.

Users can change the default storage location so that the document library is

saved in a specific folder.

Step3:Autosave option Users can adjust how often they automatically save the library to ensure

that the user's changes are not lost.

EndNote also provides a number of advanced Settings options to give users more

fine-grained control over their EndNote experience:

Advanced Settings options

Step1:Sync Settings

If the user is using EndNote online or the EndNote mobile app, the user can

configure sync Settings to ensure that the user's library of documents stays in


Step2:PDF Management


Configure EndNote to manage PDF files, including automatically finding

full text and extracting metadata.



Step3:Find full text


Configure EndNote to find the full text of missing literature so that users

can access and cite the complete literature.

Step4:Add-ons and


Configure and manage a variety of add-ons and add-ons to extend the

capabilities of EndNote. Network connection setup: Configure EndNote to take

advantage of online library databases and external resources.
