
发布时间:2023-10-18 | 杂志分类:其他


My name is Zou Ping, I am the director of HXJ Cultural Exchange Ltd in the UK.Born in Jiangxi Province, China in 1973, I graduated from the two-year teacher class of Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Centre as an apprentice of Dr. Pang Ming, a Chinese Qigong scholar and the founder of Zhineng Qigong.One day in 1992, I found a book about Zhineng Qigong on the table in my room, and I flipped through it at random. In the book I read that Qigong can cure diseases and provide wisdom, which made it very attractiv... [收起]
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My name is Zou Ping, I am the director of HXJ Cultural Exchange Ltd in the UK.

Born in Jiangxi Province, China in 1973, I graduated from the two-year teacher class of Huaxia

Zhineng Qigong Centre as an apprentice of Dr. Pang Ming, a Chinese Qigong scholar and the

founder of Zhineng Qigong.

One day in 1992, I found a book about Zhineng Qigong on the table in my room, and I flipped

through it at random. In the book I read that Qigong can cure diseases and provide wisdom,

which made it very attractive to me, so I started to learn the road of Zhineng Qigong.

In 1993, I became a Zhineng Qigong master in my hometown. In 1997, I came to Huaxia Zhineng

Qigong Centre for in-depth study. Teaching and working in the rehabilitation department of the

centre. The rehabilitation department is full of patients from all over the country and even

abroad suffering from cancer and various incurable diseases, almost every day here, I can hear

different people talking about the benefits they have seen from practising Qigong such as the

dissipation of their tumour or improvements in a wide range of conditions including: diabetes,

cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, mental illness and hearing impairment. Their joy

and excitement has redoubled my conviction that this is my life’s work, and I want to share and

pass it on to more people.

In 2003, a few friends and I came to Hainan to establish a Qigong Health Centre. Qigong learning

enthusiast of Qi, since 2009, I have been invited to Hawaii, Germany, France, Norway, Spain,

Austria, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Mexico and the United

Kingdom and many other countries to teach Qigong. Every time I see people recovering from

disease, I become full of joy, openness and am deeply moved: One Earth, One Qi connects us to

each other.


Introductory Course

What is Qigong?


What is Qi?

What is Gong?

Zhineng Qigong

do an interesting experiment

experience the power of mind

opening and closing---feel qi.

£20 for one hour

Qi Meditation

feel qi rapidly

gather qi to nourish the body

relax the body and release stress

learn how to send qi to yourself and the others

Morning Meditation (7am-8am) at £60 per month.

Evening Meditation (Mon, Wed and Fri, 8pm-9pm) at £70 per month.

Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down

the first level of Zhineng Qigong, basic method

very effective in gathering qi

use the hands to hold and lift qi up

pour qi into the head and pour qi into the whole body

learn to use the mind and the movements to lead gi to go out and come in

make the entire body flow and strengthen our life fuctions.

£ 300 for two days

Standing Meditation

a foundation method of Zhineng Qigong

use the mind to practice in a static body

quickly mobilise inner qi to strengthen the body

£300 for two days

Body and Mind

the second level of Zhineng Qigong

practice Body and Mind Hunyuan

fill the whole body with qi at the level of the skin, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, bones, etc.

Most of the postures can be practiced in isolation.

ten sections

stretch the tendons and bones, increase vitality and strength, make the body heath and bashit?


relax the body to open the channels and moblise internal qi to open qi gate

transform the body and mind, develop wisdom and exploration of law of life.

£450 for three days

L-Sitting Method

Natural Sitting/L-Sitting

The spine is the center of the human being, connected to the brain, and inside the spine is the

entire central nervous system, which connects our brain, internal organs, and limbs. 80% of

human diseases are related to the spine, and learning to exercise how to control and regulate our

muscles and limbs. It relaxes the spine and the waist and strengthens the connection between

the spine and the limbs. And enhance the next Dantian inner strength, improve their health level.

£80 for 10 online Sessions

Five Organs pronunciation

The vibration of the sound acts on the internal organs, acting like a massage.

Enhance the internal energy flow, thus playing an important role in detoxification and elimination

of diseases.

Combine emotional exercises that engage different internal organs to achieve emotional

awareness and easy control of your emotions.

€ 100 for 6 online Sessions-1.5 Hours.

£60 for 6 online Sessions

One to one Training and Healing at £120 per hour

I will work with you to develop your personal practice. Including theoretical understanding.

In-depth practice of method, Specific steps to self-healing etc.

The course time and price can be adjusted by negotiation.

For cooperation, please contact me.

Email: pingzou2020@gmail.com

Phone number: 07526067215
