
发布时间:2024-8-30 | 杂志分类:其他


季度之星评选标准及流程Quarterly Star Selection Standard and Process季度之星评选标准及流程 版本:E-20240829 1 | 8Quarterly Star Selection Standard and Process Confidential, for Internal Use Only概述 Overview目的 Purpose为使公司的各项活动顺利进行,充分调动广大员工的积极性,整合公司内部的奖励,使各种活动的奖励更加标准统一,营造大胆行动,竞争制胜,迅速而果断地前进,促进归属感,以正确的方式交付成果的氛围,特制定本标准和流程。In order to make the company's activities run smoothly, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, consolidate rewards within the company and make rewards for various activities more standardized and uni... [收起]
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Quarterly Star Selection Standard and Process

季度之星评选标准及流程 版本:E-20240829 1 | 8

Quarterly Star Selection Standard and Process Confidential, for Internal Use Only

概述 Overview

目的 Purpose




In order to make the company's activities run smoothly, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff,

consolidate rewards within the company and make rewards for various activities more standardized and

uniform, and create an atmosphere of Act Boldy, Compete To Win, Moves with Speed & Decisiveness,

Foster Belonging and Deliver Results the right way, this standard and process is developed.

适用范围 Scope

本标准和流程适用于 MDCL 所有员工。

This standard and process applies to all MDCL staff.

评选类别和名额 Type and Quota


Quarterly Star Type






Red Card Star

Barry Wu 1


Quality Star

Victor Huang 1

EHS 之星

EHS Star

Victor Huang 1

5S 之星

5S Star Barry Wu 1

PPF 之星

PPF Star

David Ding

/Carrie Wang/Victor Huang


MPS 之星 David Ding

/Barry Wu


评选时间 Selection Event Time

季度之星每财季评选一次。每年 5 月-7 月为第一季度,8 月-10 月为第二季度,11 月-下一年 1 月为

第三季度,2 月-4 月为第四季度。次季度的第一个月公布评选结果。


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Quarterly Star Selection Standard and Process Confidential, for Internal Use Only

Quarterly Star is selected every fiscal quarter. The first quarter is from May to July, the second quarter is

from August to October, the third quarter is from November to January, and the fourth quarter is from

February to April. The results are announced in the first month of the following quarter.

评选标准 Selection Standard

1. 红卡之星评选标准 Red Card Star Selection Standard


Staff with the following selection standard will be given priority to participate in the evaluation, and

candidates will be determined on merit after comprehensive evaluation.

a. 每个季度提报≥3 条 Red Card,或者每个季度提报红卡数量最多。

Participation requirements: ≥ 3 Red Cards per quarter.

b. 或者每个季度解决≥3 条 Red Cards,或者每个季度解决红卡数量最多。

Conditions of Participation: ≥3 Red Cards were implemented per quarter.

2. 质量之星评选标准 Quality Star Selection Standard


Staff with the following selection standard will be given priority to participate in the evaluation, and

candidates will be determined on merit after comprehensive evaluation.

a. 能够正确理解、有效执行与自己相关的规程, 对自己负责的文件/本职工作熟练掌握。

Ability to correctly understand and effectively implement protocols that are relevant to them. Be

proficient in the documentation for which they are responsible.

b. 能够积极主动参加 OQW 活动。

Be able to proactively participate in OQW activities.

c. 提供 Quality concern,并具有实际意义和成效;

Provide Quality concern that is meaningful and effective.

d. 能够理解与自己相关的 FTQ 和 GMP 基本要求。

Be able to understand the basic FTQ and GMP requirements as they relate to him/her.

e. 能够影响并提升周围同事的质量意识。

Be able to influence and raise the quality awareness of colleagues around them.

3. EHS 之星评选标准 EHS Star Selection Standard


Staff with the following selection standard will be given priority to participate in the evaluation, and

candidates will be determined on merit after comprehensive evaluation.

a. 安全操作规程培训完成并取得相关资质。

Training on safety procedures is completed and relevant qualifications are obtained.

b. 工位安全标识完整无损坏无脱落。

Workplace safety signs are intact and not damaged or dislodged.

c. 相关 PPE 佩戴得当并妥善保管。

Relevant PPE is properly worn and properly stored.

d. 提出 EHS concern,并具有实际意义和成效。

EHS concerns are raised and have practical significance and effectiveness.

e. 积极参与各次 EHS Gemba,并发现潜在安全风险。

Actively involve in every EHS Gemba and find potential EHS risk.


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Quarterly Star Selection Standard and Process Confidential, for Internal Use Only

f. 在工作中不仅做到三不违,四不伤害,最重要的是能在同事受到安全威胁时及时发现并阻止危险


In the work not only to achieve the “three non-violations and four do-not-harms, the most important is

to be able to timely detection and prevent the occurrence of danger when colleagues are threatened by


4. 5S 之星评选标准 5S Star Selection Standard


Staff with the following selection standard will be given priority to participate in the evaluation, and

candidates will be determined on merit after comprehensive evaluation.

物品摆放整齐有序,工作场所清洁无污,遵守整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养规范,积极推动 5S

实施并起到良好示范作用的员工,可评为 5S 之星。

Employees who place items neatly and orderly, keep the workplace clean and free of pollution, abide by

the 5S norms of sorting, straightening, sweeping, cleaning, and cultivating good habits, and actively

promote the implementation of 5S and play a good exemplary role can be rated as 5S stars.


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Quarterly Star Selection Standard and Process Confidential, for Internal Use Only

5. 患者至上之星评选标准 PPF Star Selection Standard


Staff with the following selection standard will be given priority to participate in the evaluation,

and candidates will be determined on merit after comprehensive evaluation.

a. 大胆行动 Act Boldy

i. 观察到质量问题时,停止生产线。

Stop the line when quality issues are observed.

ii. 由于担心质量问题而放慢项目。

Slow down a project due to concern about a quality issue.

iii. 欢迎你的组织或你的团队以外的人提出意见,以确保将病人的利益放在首


Welcoming an opinion from someone outside of your organization or your team

to ensure that the interest of the patient is put first.

b. 竞争制胜 Compete To Win

i. 质量问题(生产车间)-生产线停工,PHO,让员工迅速做出正确的判断,停


Quality Issue(manufacturing floor)-line shutdown, PHO, empowering

employees to make right calls quickly, Stop & Fix.

ii. 不合格品报告(NCMR)的趋势-快速获取信息,做出正确的决定。

Nonconforming Material Report (NCMR) Trends-move with speed to get

information to make the RIGHT decision.

iii. 避免分析瘫痪。

Avoid analysis paralysis.

iv. 通过 OQW 检查准备情况。

Inspection Readiness via Operation Quality walks.

v. 确保对程序的遵守。

Ensure adherence to procedures.

c. 迅速而果断的前进 Moves with Speed & Decisiveness

i. 质量问题(生产车间)-生产线停工,产品搁置,让员工迅速做出正确的判


Quality Issue (manufacturing floor) -line shutdown, product holds, empowering

employees to make right calls quickly. Stop & Fix.

ii. 不合格品报告(NCMR)的趋势-快速获取信息,做出正确的决定。

NCMR Trends-move with speed to get information to make the RIGHT decision.

iii. 避免分析瘫痪。

Avoid analysis paralysis.

d. 促进归属感 Foster Belonging


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Quarterly Star Selection Standard and Process Confidential, for Internal Use Only

i. 通过明确的层级管理流程、实践社区(CoP)、员工资源小组(ERG)和认可


Engagement of our teams through clear Tier Management processes

Communities of Practices (CoP), Employee Resource Group (ERG) and recognition


e. 以正确的方式交付结果 Deliver Results the right way

i. 明确角色和责任。

Clear roles and responsibilities.

ii. 层级管理流程以及质量和运营的关键绩效指标(KPI)在每次董事会/会议上


Tier management process and quality and operations Key Performance Indicators

(KPI’s) On par at each board/meeting.

iii. 突出对患者的影响和可接受的患者风险。

Highlight the patient impact and acceptable patient risk.

6. MPS 之星评选标准 MPS Star Selection Standard


Staff with the following selection standard will be given priority to participate in the evaluation,

and candidates will be determined on merit after comprehensive evaluation.


效提升工作效率、降低成本、优化流程,且具有良好团队合作精神的员工,可评 MPS 之星

Employees who actively practice Medtronic Performance System (MPS), take the initiative to

participate in lean improvement activities, put forward practical improvement plans, effectively

improve work efficiency, reduce costs, and optimize processes, and have a good spirit of

teamwork can be rated as MPS stars.

评选流程 Selection Process

1. 评选工作由行政负责组织,各个季度之星评委小组负责评选出相应的季度之星,切实按照


The admin is responsible for organizing the selection process, and each quarterly star judging

panel is responsible for selecting the corresponding quarterly star, and making fair and just

selection in accordance with the selection conditions and standards to ensure that the quarterly

star gets the honor it deserves.

2. 各个季度之星评委小组评选出来的季度之星通过工厂经理评核、审定。

Quarterly star selected by each quarterly star judging panel will be evaluated and approved by

the plant manager.

3. 详细流程:

Process Detail:


季度之星评选标准及流程 版本:E-20240829 6 | 8

Quarterly Star Selection Standard and Process Confidential, for Internal Use Only

a. 员工自荐/推荐。员工于行政处填写《季度之星自荐表》如附件一,填写完成之后统


Employee self-recommendation. Employees should fill out the \"Quarterly SelfRecommendation Form\" at the admin as shown in Appendix I and submit it to the admin

after completion.

b. 评委评选。基于收集到的《季度之星自荐表》,各评委小组进行评选。

Judges' selection. Based on the collected \"Quarterly Star Self-Recommendation Form\",

the admin organizes the judges to make the selection.

c. 季度之星审定。行政将各评委小组评选出来季度之星名单,提交至工厂经理审定。

Quarterly star determination. The admin will submit the list of quarterly stars selected by

each panel of judges to the plant manager for approval.

d. 颁奖。每季度举行颁奖仪式,进行现场颁奖庆祝。

Awarding. The quarterly award ceremony is combined with the birthday party to

celebrate the award on site.

奖项设置 Awards Setting

1. 精神嘉许:颁发奖杯,并在员工看板予以公布,并附上员工生活照,评语,以示鼓励。

Spiritual rewards: a trophy is awarded and announced on the staff board with a photo of the

employee and a comment to show encouragement.

2. 物质奖励:给予获得“季度之星”的员工以下奖励:

Material rewards: the following material rewards are given to employees who have been awarded

the \"Quarterly Star\":


Quarterly Type

名额 奖励


Red Card Star

1 20 points


Quality Star

1 30 points

EHS 之星

EHS Star

1 30 points

5S 之星

5S Star

1 20 points

PPF 之星

PPF Star

1 40 points

MPS 之星

MPS Star

1 80 points


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Quarterly Star Selection Standard and Process Confidential, for Internal Use Only


☐自荐 ☐推荐

自荐人 部门 选择一项。

推荐人 被推荐人


门 选择一项。 被推荐人部门 选择一项。



☐ 红卡之星 Red Card Star

☐ 质量之星 Quality Star

☐ EHS 之星 EHS Star

☐ 5S 之星 5S Star

☐ PPF 之星 PPF Star

☐ MPS 之星 MPS Star


请围绕红卡、质量、EHS、5S、PPF、MPS 活动,基于评选标准,关注美敦力精神(以正确的




季度之星评选标准及流程 版本:E-20240829 8 | 8

Quarterly Star Selection Standard and Process Confidential, for Internal Use Only

文件变更记录 Document History






Description of Change


Rationale for Change

2023-04-10 A


Initial release this document.



This new standard and process is created to regulate the

rewards of various company activities.

2023-07-25 B EHS 和 5S 评选标准修改 对评选标准进一步完善,使评选标准实施更具有可


2023-11-16 C 修改奖励形式等 受公司政策影响,调整奖励形式

2024-08-20 D

将 5S 之星数量调整为 1 个

将离职人员姓名移除 公司组织结构调整,优化奖项设置

2024-08-29 E

增加 MPS 之星,将 Redcard 之

星名额调整为 1 个,将 PPF 之星

数量调整为 40points 等

