季度之星评选标准及流程 版本:E-20240829 2 | 8
Quarterly Star Selection Standard and Process Confidential, for Internal Use Only
Quarterly Star is selected every fiscal quarter. The first quarter is from May to July, the second quarter is
from August to October, the third quarter is from November to January, and the fourth quarter is from
February to April. The results are announced in the first month of the following quarter.
评选标准 Selection Standard
1. 红卡之星评选标准 Red Card Star Selection Standard
Staff with the following selection standard will be given priority to participate in the evaluation, and
candidates will be determined on merit after comprehensive evaluation.
a. 每个季度提报≥3 条 Red Card,或者每个季度提报红卡数量最多。
Participation requirements: ≥ 3 Red Cards per quarter.
b. 或者每个季度解决≥3 条 Red Cards,或者每个季度解决红卡数量最多。
Conditions of Participation: ≥3 Red Cards were implemented per quarter.
2. 质量之星评选标准 Quality Star Selection Standard
Staff with the following selection standard will be given priority to participate in the evaluation, and
candidates will be determined on merit after comprehensive evaluation.
a. 能够正确理解、有效执行与自己相关的规程, 对自己负责的文件/本职工作熟练掌握。
Ability to correctly understand and effectively implement protocols that are relevant to them. Be
proficient in the documentation for which they are responsible.
b. 能够积极主动参加 OQW 活动。
Be able to proactively participate in OQW activities.
c. 提供 Quality concern,并具有实际意义和成效;
Provide Quality concern that is meaningful and effective.
d. 能够理解与自己相关的 FTQ 和 GMP 基本要求。
Be able to understand the basic FTQ and GMP requirements as they relate to him/her.
e. 能够影响并提升周围同事的质量意识。
Be able to influence and raise the quality awareness of colleagues around them.
3. EHS 之星评选标准 EHS Star Selection Standard
Staff with the following selection standard will be given priority to participate in the evaluation, and
candidates will be determined on merit after comprehensive evaluation.
a. 安全操作规程培训完成并取得相关资质。
Training on safety procedures is completed and relevant qualifications are obtained.
b. 工位安全标识完整无损坏无脱落。
Workplace safety signs are intact and not damaged or dislodged.
c. 相关 PPE 佩戴得当并妥善保管。
Relevant PPE is properly worn and properly stored.
d. 提出 EHS concern,并具有实际意义和成效。
EHS concerns are raised and have practical significance and effectiveness.
e. 积极参与各次 EHS Gemba,并发现潜在安全风险。
Actively involve in every EHS Gemba and find potential EHS risk.